This American Ride

Secret Service Failures: Unpacking a Chaotic Event and Political Hypocrisy

George and Burt

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Did the Secret Service drop the ball during a presidential speech? Listen to our deep dive into the security failures that left a former President exposed and our event in chaos. We kick off by sharing our experience at the Tunnel to Towers Foundation event, celebrating the incredible support despite the challenging weather, and then get caught up in the shocking news of an assassination attempt on former President Trump. Relive the confusion and gravity of the moment as we recount our initial reactions and the chaos that ensued.

Not only do we critique the Secret Service's oversight, but we also set the record straight on local law enforcement's role during the incident. We honor the heroism of Fire Chief Cory Capitory, who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect his family amidst a tragic shooting, highlighting broader societal and political tensions. Our discussion also zeros in on political hypocrisy and media manipulation, contrasting Trump and Biden's rhetoric and actions. We scrutinize the media's inconsistent standards and their portrayal of political figures, shedding light on the evolving Republican Party with insights on figures like JD Vance.

As we wrap up, we delve into the political manipulation and power struggles that define our current landscape. From the fluctuating sentiments towards Trump and Biden to the critical need for robust security measures for political figures, we leave no stone unturned. We explore the importance of genuine political unity and the art of negotiation in shaping a compelling, positive campaign. Don't miss our candid discussions on the future direction of the Republican Party, the enduring influence of prominent conservative figures, and the risks faced by those who dare to challenge established interests.

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Welcome back to this American Ride podcast where we talk about issues that affect you, the average American. What's up? And welcome back to this American Ride podcast brought to you by Legendary USA. Why be ordinary when you can be legendary? Make sure you check out wwwlegendaryusacom for all your american made leather goods and use the code legendary pod for 10 off. I'm george, I'm here with burke and, uh man, we've had a historic week this week in politics we sure have what is, oh man, what a busy, busy few days been crazy, crazy, um.


But yeah, we have a lot to get into, uh on that front. But before we do, we, uh, we wrapped up the eight month long push towards our event. We did um, so that is over with and just, you know, a huge shout out to cheers to that huge shout out to everybody that helped us. There was too many names to go down the list, but you know who you are. We had a lot of support and a lot of help on this. One Raised, raised a good little chunk of money this past weekend to go towards our our you know our pity of trying to get to 50 grand for the tunnel to towers foundation. We are just about halfway, just a little under halfway right now, with a little less than half the year to go. So we're going to have to pick up the pace here in the second half of the year, but all in all, it was a great event.


The weatherman did not do us a lot of favors with his poor reports. Could have been worse, could have been a lot worse, but, um, he definitely didn't do us any favors. Um, if you know anything about the, the motorcycle world. Barley riders are a bunch of wusses and if there's even the threat of it's unbelievable threat, if they even talk about the possibility of rain, regardless, if they're looking out their window at sunshine, some reason they believe the weather don't leave the house. So, um, yeah, but um, we still had a lot of people come out and support, so it was pretty awesome it was. It was hot and sunny and not raining, which was good.


Yeah, and thank you, and thank you to the vendors. Obviously that did show and, um, big shout out to I'm pretty sure he's listening to this podcast to alex chernick. Alex man, he saved the day, saved the day for us with entertainment, had a great sound system. He played for a couple hours himself solo. So, um, we thank you for that. Definitely, you know, as we said, the next one is tbd. We have to decompress and kind of get through the summer and just unfold everything and then we'll decide if and what when we're doing whatever it is we do next year, absolutely so but we still got a long ways to go in this year and a lot more money to raise.


Sure, do so. The link for our fundraising page should be down in the bottom of the description of this podcast. Yes, if you can donate, we surely appreciate it. Every, every little bit helps doesn't have to be a lot, could be a couple dollars, could be a dollar, whatever and uh, it is in the description of the youtube.


If you are watching youtube um, make sure you hit that subscribe button if you find us there and um comes out in two ways on youtube. People don't know that. I feel like I need to explain it.


Oh. Youtube actually posts the actually confuses me.


YouTube posts the RSS feed which you can listen to on the YouTube app as a podcast and you don't need video, you don't need to use all that battery and stuff using video. And then we do post a video of this podcast to an actual YouTube channel and sometimes I do some breakouts of shorter topics from there. So, either way, make sure you hit that subscribe button. Help us out over there. We're trying to grow this thing and the only way to grow a conservative message right now on a social media platform is by spreading the word, because the algorithm does not help us.


Facts yeah, so we were at our event Saturday. We were wrapping up, we were packing up all our stuff, we had a lot of stuff to clean up and, uh, and the phones started blowing up. I don't know about you, but my you know, my mom was trying to call me. Really carolyn's like your mom's calling. I'm like I'm busy, I'm trying to try to load the truck, take tents down, pack up the army, all this stuff we're trying to do. And then she texted and she's like did you see someone tried to kill Trump? And I'm like what? Yeah, so that's kind of kicked it off, man. That was Saturday evening, just after 6 o'clock.


It was 6.11 pm 6.11 was when the that's an important time.


I think we're going to get into that. 11 pm, 6-11, was when the that's an important time. I think we're going to get into that, definitely. But I was inside and I don't even know where to start. Moto Noggin was like holy crap, man, they just shot Trump. He said to me they just shot Trump. Yeah, and that was like it. And I was like, oh my God, yeah, you know, I didn't. It wasn't like tried to literally motor knockings, words to me where they just shot Trump. And then we started like technically, he's right, well, I mean he is right, but that, but I mean I don't want to diminish what happened at all. No, god, no.


But you know, when you hear something like they just shot Trump, you think of you know there's, there's, unless you're, unless you were watching, you know, and you saw it live on. You know on tv or whatever, and you saw him get back up and be taken off like you. Really, there was kind of a a delay in information for a little bit there phone system you know crazy like the delay.


It's like all of a sudden.


I couldn't pull anything up so it's easy to like hear he got shot and just not know. Like, just like his, his own kids were saying you know there was like a good hour where they didn't know if he was okay or not. But yeah, so I don't know.


I don't know where exactly you want to start with this well, I kind of I don't know there's, there's a bunch of stuff to unpack and and one of those things I mean. Mean, if you believe in God or you don't believe in God, or if Trump did or didn't before this, I'm pretty sure he does now, and if you know that, you know we don't choose we don't necessarily choose leaders. God chooses people to lead, and that's kind of how the thing is. So a lot of people have been throwing this Bible verse around.


Yeah, I posted that. If it's the one I'm thinking.


There's two in here. There's two in here. One is Ephesians 11. And I'm reading from an old, old Lutheran Bible. So it says put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Was that Ephesians 6.11?


Ephesians 6.11. Yeah, which you know became obviously like whoa to a lot of people because those first bullets were fired at 6.11. 6.11. And I guess you know you can twist those things any way you want, Just go find that. I don't know, I don't believe in coincidence boy man, that's crazy and I know I know by now, by the time you guys hearing this, you know it. You probably heard so much about just how close it was, you know with with him the angle of his head and the way he just turned himself at the last second it was close and he was it could have been, it could have been so catastrophic, man it's.


It's's amazing that just the timing of that it's hard to like. You said, just think it's a coincidence.


I don't. I've never worked in medicine in a long time and I know that obviously we have a lot of science that goes in medicine and I've seen a lot of things that science has done. I've seen a lot of things that have happened that we can't necessarily explain with the science that we have, so that can't be anything shy of a miracle yeah you know what I mean. So that's kind of where I'm at. On it there was definitely.


I mean, in my opinion, there's definitely divine intervention there.


That was there's no way, you know, just think about it. I mean, if it had been, you know, not to make a joke about it, but if it had been someone, if it had been biden, someone who just sits there, kind of still like trump, doesn't really sit that still while he's, he's always, you know, looking around, bouncing around, kind of moving around as he's doing his speeches. And if it had been somebody just standing there, you know reading from a teleprompter, straight like that'd have been it man um, if it had been at 6 10, right, right, I mean, call the coincidences you want.


If it had been at 6 10. So let's say, let's say it was at 6 10. It says finally be strong in the lord, in his mighty power. Doesn't necessarily relate you know what I mean. So I looked at that too right, so I'm like what I mean? You got a span of minutes, but it happened to be on 6 11, and that's that's the verse ephesians 6 11. Um, so yeah, so complete security breakdown, uh yeah, to say the least, on all levels complete security right from the top down, really.


So, and while we're talking, this is another one that came up. I don't know if you saw this one um, when he was and you're talking, you know like what, three minutes later he was on the stage covered with um secret service. Right, he'd just been shot in the ear, he was bleeding. Couldn't have possibly known, like, whether he was okay, or like you know what I mean didn't, couldn't have, could not have had a solid grasp over what was going on, you know there.


There is no way. And um ephesians 6, 15 is with your feet fitted with readiness. That comes from the gospel of peace. This man is on the stage with people draped all over him, bullets just flying, and he is like don't forget my shoes. That's weird to me. It was weird to me that he was saying that it was weird to me that his shoes weren't on. I think, I don't know.


Did they knock them off when they piled on him? I don't know, was he wearing some slides like what? What kind of shoes do you have? Like, every time somebody gets shot or hit with something like the feet, the shoes always come off. I don't know, I don't know weird yeah, no, but it was kind of weird. But I mean, something like that happens, man, it's it.


It takes a minute, but it's crazy those two verses are that close to each other in the bible? Yeah, and it's just. I don't know I was just.


It's that one's been on my mind yeah, but then I mean then to get up and then just to have that iconic picture taken, which everything had to fall in place for that, because I heard that guy talking, he took the picture and he rushed over had to fall in place for that Cause I heard that guy talking, he took the picture and he rushed over to that side Cause he assumed that's the way they were taking him and he just gets that picture at just the right time. Man Plus, you know, getting the picture with the bullet. That was crazy bullet.


That's insane, that's great, especially when you think I mean, I think, I mean I gotta assume I mean, depending on what camera you're using, if you're shooting, you know you gotta be shooting a lot of frames a second. You gotta be shooting a lot of frames a second. Yeah, and that's is, and I know that's what these guys do. They get up, they get their camera, they hit the button, they take like 30 pictures. Right, they get up, they hit the button, they take like 30 pictures and they keep doing that, just to make sure that they're getting like just the right turn or just the right, I mean, when these guys bluetooth, you know their photos over, they're sending like three or four hundred photos at a pop over.


You know for what? For what we see one picture of right. Um, so I, the bullet was insane.


Uh, the bullet was insane yeah, yeah and it was, but just the. I know everybody's probably heard a million breakdowns from experts and everything on this whole thing and just the failures from all over the place. But we'll definitely cover a little bit of that from a non-expert opinion. Obviously neither of us are former security or special forces guys that can. But I mean I feel like you don't to me you don't have to be an expert, like I know. I've seen comments you're like oh, here we go, here come all this security experts. You know, just like someone said, uh, just like that. The well, this the alzheimer's experts are gone and here are all those the security experts. But I'm like you don't. I think you could have a 10 year old could like pick out all the flaws in this.


Here's what I think. I think if, if somebody said, George the president's coming to speak, go go, secure the area, there wouldn't have been a rooftop left uncovered. You need height.


It makes no sense. You need height. That was literally the only building in the area with a line of sight to where he was speaking, Clear line of sight. I saw some new angles, some new photos today. It was just it literally is anybody would say that right, there is a problem. We got to figure that out.




And if you weren't going to, first of all, I don't understand why it wasn't just beneficial to have a second set of counter snipers on that. I mean, if you have the ones that they had and that one, you've basically covered all the high points. Yeah, you know. So you basically have dominance there, you don't even have to worry about it. But if you're not going to do that, how is there not some sort of officer on every side of that building just to make sure nobody else can then access it?


Not for nothing. I don't even feel like you need it. That guy was so close and this is such a problem. That guy was so close. I don't even think you needed a sniper to take him out. I mean a guy with a scope on an M4.


Yeah, you know what I mean.


It's like any kind of standard assault. Know for a trained shooter that would have been a one-shot deal right, you know he wasn't. He wasn't far enough away for the snipers. And then what is? What? Is what? Is her name, I just don't understand cheetle, is it?


cheetle is a kimberly cheetle. What a disaster she is. So a dei disaster she is. She'd give meI disaster she is.


She can be a DEI disaster, but we have to understand number one. Obviously she's not an architect, All right, Because you know she's talking about these sloped roofs. She's like, well, we didn't have anybody there because of the slope of the roof, Good God. Literally the picture of the snipers. The snipers are on three or four times the pitch of a roof. Then this guy was on, mind you, and this building was low enough that he scaled the building you know that screensaver literally looks like butt cheeks and it's very distracting.


Oh, my bad. Um yeah. So by those standards I guess the secret service can't secure any building that has like a handicap ramp no no I mean? I mean holy cow. How do you have the nerve to say that and use that as your excuse, when you literally had counter snipers on a pitched roof, more pitched than that?


yeah, I don't get, I don't get it.


Do they really think we're that stupid? Well, yes, they do. Well, newsflash, we're not like the dumbest of the dumb. We're pointing that out and saying are you serious like what?


but that's the excuse you have to remember, kimberly cheadle, is the um is the same director ahead of the secret service. That could not. They could not figure out where the cocaine came from the white house.


So somebody, somebody got cocaine into the white house, couldn't figure it out I just, I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that that building wasn't secure and then they come out and say, supposedly, like the inside of that building was where a lot of the police were like staged, inside of that building was where a lot of the police were like staged. Oh yeah, that's where that's what so they're?


just chilling inside when dudes up to their local law enforcement was changed. It was staged.


Yeah, see, it wasn't local law enforcement though.


So yeah, I feel like they're trying to throw. So I they're trying to throw local law enforcement under the bus is what the secret service is trying to do. And there's a guy and I forget his name, he's a commissioner in that town of Butler, butler township, yeah, and he's been making a point. I heard him on the radio, on serious radio, on Patriot radio, on serious, two mornings ago.


Coming home he called in to the morning show on that on that channel and he wanted to make it a point because he said you know, he's hearing all this stuff about how the local law enforcement was responsible for that building and essentially trying to throw local law enforcement on the bus and he said that's absolutely false.


He said I can tell you for a fact that our township police had seven officers at this event, 100% assigned to traffic duty, parking duty for the event. They had no responsibility of that building whatsoever. And he said that's one third of our whole force was there specifically assigned to traffic duty and they had no responsibility of that building. So I don't know if state police were supposed to have that or if the secret service is just 100 throwing them under the bus because they didn't secure it at all. But he, he made it a point. He was on that and then again I saw him this morning on fox and friends. They had him on because he he's trying to get this out, because he's like our guys are like catching all this heat.




And they feel like crap about themselves because everybody's ripping them on social media and he's like that was never assigned to us. And yet they still. When they heard the, when they heard the things on the radio, they made their way over there.


So when they when this, you heard the reports about um a police officer going up on the roof and so, so that it didn't happen the way they said it no, it didn't.


So the guy apparently was getting boosted up onto the roof by another officer, right, and this was, this was like two of the local law enforcement because, the original reports were like oh, the cop went up the ladder, saw him and then he pointed the gun at him and he ran away, kind of. They made it sound like it made him sound like a coward when I first heard it. I are you kidding me? And that's not at all how it happened. They didn't even see the ladder, but they heard people saying there was someone on the roof.


So one cop boosted up the other, you know, like, cup in your hands, put your foot in it, lift you up, yep. And he got up there and he had his hands on the edge of the building pulled up just enough to peek over and see this kid. And and see this kid. And the kid did then like, turn his gun towards him and he had no way, with two hands on the edge of the building, to get his gun. He tried to, but then he fell backwards and fell down. And then this guy's saying that he you know he was injured doing that as well, but they really made it sound like this guy was like a giant coward went up there, saw the guy and then just bailed because he had a gun. You know it's that's why you got to be so careful about, like even the first several days.


The reports that come in are just not always accurate well, you're looking at media, I'm looking at media and this is after, like, our event. We got home and I'm looking at media and they're like, we heard loud popping so like wasn't a gunshot. Like what did you? You're there reporting. You didn't want to report that that was a shooting. Well that was intentional.


You know, cnn's original report is that he fell down and Secret Service had to help him, yeah. And then there was like noises that they weren't sure it could have been firework, like yeah, they were just completely bullshit.


Literally that woman who was there reporting from CNN. It was like another let's Go Brandon moment.


So bad. It's just mbc was bad too, like they were just so disgusting with it, like yeah so, msdnc, yeah, just I don't but now, and now the reports are coming out, and, and so who was it?


marshall blackburn was like irate because they found out on a call, like yesterday, before the uh, the, the convention you know before the wednesday night convention that they knew an hour before trump went on stage that this guy was a threat, that this kid could have been. They did, there's a possible threat and they didn't figure it out. They someone saw him with the range finder, which is odd right?


why would you be there with a range right? Why do you need a range finder from 150 yards? Anyway, you're not adjusting his scope. You know what I mean. So maybe he didn't know where he was going to be, how high he was going to be, but you're not.


This kid was winging it, I think, but so he's a threat. They find this out an hour beforehand. They never are able to confront him or figure out if he really is a threat, and they still bring the donald trump out on stage like, yeah, that doesn't seem like you're very cautious, yeah, without I think there's a threat here, but go ahead, let's just throw them out there and see what happens yeah unbelievable yeah, and this is, uh, you know one one, that officer, that officer who did he fell, he fell.


They said he fell about eight feet. He was injured, yeah, because he fell. He fell down off that roof. Um, two people are still in the hospital right. Um, trump shot in the ear which I still, like I'm wrapping my, wrapping my head around that. Yeah, I mean just so close yeah.


So when you sit and reflect on that and how close we were to the world being really different, and I'm sure I mean a lot of the crazies would be so totally stoked, but the things would be in total chaos right now. Oh yeah, yeah, like I don't even know, like what happens after that, like what you have a we'd be almost as big a mess as the Democrat Party right now. Because, like now, how are you determining primaries are over? How are you determining who the candidate's going to be? You know what I mean. Well, we're going to. We're going to the people wouldn't even have a say.


Like Well, if this guy resigns, the the. If you're a Democrat, you're not going to have a say who your candidate is. You're not going to say there's been no primer, there's no time for that.


Yeah, this is a whole different topic, but I don't see any way that it's not Kamala, I don't see it. But the happened, but people didn't pick that. Well, they partially picked that. I mean, they picked that ballot, yeah, but I mean that's a lot different then. That's why that the whole finance campaign thing plays a part, like if she's on the ticket they still get that money, if she's not, they don't. They lose that reason because and you know, but stuff, but I'm still, I'm still, I'm still.


We didn't even talk about yet the, the actual dudes, the detail that was there to like, well, before we get there, I think we got to mention cory, can't uh?


capitory? I mean, this guy uh, fire chief, you know, civil servant, you know, dedicated his life to his community and um, threw himself on top of his family when he heard the shooting and uh, and was shot in the head. Yeah, you know it's crazy. I mean, that's, uh, one of the most showing things. There was a doctor who was interviewed on cbs and he was sitting like a few feet from camp tori and when he was, and when he went over there and was trying to work on the guy and he was just like there was, you know, really nothing they could do. So two other people still in critical condition.


Every time I listen to somebody else talking about that guy and what he did, man, it just gets me choked up. It's, it's, it's crazy, it's. It's one of those things. I don't know if you ever even think about stuff like that, what you would do in certain situations. But I mean God, I hope that I would be brave enough to do what he did. I mean, and just that reaction that's cause you don't have time.


I don't want to call it bravery, but it's just what it's just. It's just your reaction.


I mean I don't want to discount him for not being brave, but I mean mean it's just what he knew to do, yeah, but I mean it's, and I feel every factor. But it's a natural instinct to protect your family. It's an instinct your wife and your kids, I mean, at least for, not for everybody, oddly enough but, um, I mean, there were plenty of people in that crowd that were sitting there. They were there right next to them and they were just, they weren't even. They're just oblivious to what was going on. Yeah, you know, um, yeah, I just wow, man, like just I don't even I don't know Talking about that. That guy just really, I don't even know what to say, I don't have words. It's just amazing, god bless him.


Yeah, so I don't know, um, I don't know when that funeral will be, but trump will be attending it, they said went to a trump rally with his family and didn't go home, didn't? Come home. Who'd have? Thought who'd have thought that that's where we're at right now yeah, funny.


Um, apparently the wife said she didn't take Biden's call.


Wife to hear about. That is the second time. And then I feel like there was a time in our lives where, regardless of your political stance, when you had something like that happen to a family member, you know people took the call out of respect. And I feel like and I'm not faulting her for this, because you know what, I wouldn't have taken the call either. But I feel like it's a shift in the country has, and we saw this shift recently with the NYPD officer who was killed yeah, and I can't think of his name right now and the governor showed up unannounced at his funeral and they didn't let her in. Nope. Then she called the PBA, told her not to the police benevolent association, told her not to come and she was like well, I'm the governor and they, the family, didn't want her there. They didn't let her in.


Yeah, well, it speaks to how divided we are. It also speaks to just how different politics are today. There are a lot. There are a lot less civilized than they were. You know. There's a lot less respect, yeah, for each other, like it used to be, respect for the office and the position, but now some of these things that they do and just it's just so hard not to take things personal and a lot of the decisions they make, you know, that affect our lives. And, and again, the lady said she didn't have anything against him and she didn't really. She didn't think he was a bad person, but she just thought her husband wouldn't want her to talk to him because he didn't like her, so like him so, yeah, I know, um, and I can't, I can't confirm this.


we had, we had friends who lost a son in Baltimore as a firefighter and to my understanding I didn't hear it directly from the parents, but they didn't take his call either.


From Biden? Yeah, I didn't know. They didn't take his call either. Does he call every family of fallen firefighters that?


was a high profile. Yeah, that was a high profile. Yeah, that was a high profile situation, and I think in those types of situations when it's very high profile, they do call um city of Baltimore. I'm surprised he even knew it happened. City of Baltimore, it's close to Washington.


City of the city of Baltimore is, uh, you know, had a stretch where they had, I think, four firefighters pass away in the course of a year. They were and this is another topic but you know, firefighters were outside of homes that they didn't want to go into and people were, you know, had basically pulled out a gun, not in this situation but in the situation before, and we're like you need to go in my house, get my, get, get whoever. And at gunpoint, outside of a fire in a house in downtown baltimore, a lot of stuff that doesn't make the media, that you don't hear happening. You know what I mean. It's uh and that's. You know it's wild, it's a legit thing and also unfortunate, but yeah, so the detail, what a disaster. First of all, you know, eric trump is saying, you know how he's known these people and yada, yada, yada, they would take a bullet. And you know this girl in question who I? I don't know her name, but first, first of all a little bit of credit.


A little bit of credit in this whole cluster. The first couple of guys got up there fast, quick, okay, there was two dudes from each side that got in there super quick. Trump had just started going down to duck down under what is the barrier that's there, and they got there fast. So credit to those guys. They were on it as soon as they heard gunshots.


They were the counter assault guys. They were the guys dressed in black. They heard gunshots.


They were the counter-assault guys. They were the guys dressed in black. No, no, no, oh no, I'm talking about his detail and suits.


Okay, they got there fast, they got there on top of him fast, but there's a reason. There's more than two, because the goal is to completely cover and shield him from all directions. Yeah, right, and so kudos to those two for getting there fast, but then after that, everything's a mess. It was a mess, everything's a mess. I'm sorry, the women were a disaster, yeah, an absolute disaster. I mean from the one lady who, literally, I mean, I don't know how she survives that photo, I don't know how she's still employed today If she is, I have no idea. Yeah, but she's. You know, you got two or three guys on top of Trump, you know, doing their job, getting big, covering him up, basically being human shields for him, and she's squatted down, cowering behind them, basically protecting herself, yeah, and herself, yeah. Then on the other side, on the bottom of the stage, by the stairs, there's another one where they're gun out, basically squatted down, shielding herself behind the stage, yeah. And then the third one does come in, but she was kind of worthless.


A she's about eight inches too short okay, well, all the way, all the way, not for nothing. And this is, this is whatever I mean. This is an anti-woman thing. They're all were, none of them were six foot tall.


It's a standards thing. It has nothing to do with none of them being women. But I do think it has something to do with them being women as a whole, because I don't think it's human instinct for women to protect a man. Yeah, I don't believe that's an instinct. I mean, I have a wife. She said straight up that's not like. That wouldn't be my instinct. The only thing my instinct would be to protect is my children.


Yep, and then she would expect me to protect her, and that's just instinct flip side of that is, these people are very highly trained and you're trying, are they?


well, I mean they're supposed to be, these people should be but those three women have different standards to get where they are than those men that were there. Yeah, and that's just a fact. Yeah, the standard changes and that's the problem with DEI and women when it comes to law enforcement and military. It is absolutely. They act like the standard's not going to change. It always does.


None of those women were on the 10-minute mile. I'll tell you that a mile. I'll tell you that they weren't in that kind of shit. Good god, I mean that's not a, it's not a knock. I mean it just is what it is for the job. And I feel like if you want to have somebody who was five, six or five, eight, or however tall that girl is I mean she is not that tall if you want to put somebody like that on a senator most of which you don't get secret service, or you want to put somebody like that on even like a Mike Johnson who's like you know what, 5'10", 5'11" himself, you know it's.


Well, there are also other jobs within the Secret Service. There are other jobs. Not every single person on that details. Job is to pounce on top of the principal and cover him up, but the point is.


You can't have somebody who is six inches shorter than a principal shielding him it's.


It was amazing how many opportunities. If there was a second or if that was a team effort to try to kill him, he would have been gone. Yeah, he was open so many times. And listen, while I love the fact that he got up and defiantly pumped the fist and yelled fight three times, he never should have been able to Like. They should have had just been yanking him out of there. He should have been gone. But they let him call the shots and there's a reason that the president, or whoever it is that's being guarded, doesn't no longer is in charge once shots are fired.


Yeah. And they just, they were up there so long yeah if and they just they they were up there so long. Yeah, if that was a, I don't want to say I don't want to say if that was a real situation, because it was a real situation, a man was shot.


But I mean, if that was an organized situation with more than one shooter, like I said, if it happened at six or nine if that wasn't Iranian planned, you know, like there's rumors that you know, like there's rumors that you know, I've been out there about that Like if that was anybody organized with any kind of skill and background in the military, Trump would probably be gone right now. Yeah, and that says a lot about the security efforts. From start to finish, from a week out, from the event to the end. It was a disaster.


Yeah, that Jill Biden had more social security, had more secret service in an indoor rally in Pittsburgh than Trump had an outdoor rally.


Well, that's not the only thing. Jill Biden is the reason that that cheetle chick is where she is? Oh yeah, 100%. Because she at one point was on her detail and she liked her and was good friends with her and basically, you know, told old mush brains there that she needed to be in charge and that happened. So this woman is completely unqualified. Yeah, completely unqualified.


Well, she's either unqualified, or or or.


or she's doing as she's told, and I think it's probably both, and that's why you get someone unqualified because you can control them, yeah, because someone who took it serious and was qualified wouldn't be able to be told you know that kind of stuff, yep. So it's just there's so many problems with it from start to finish that it almost feels too impossible to just all be accidents and oversights and inadequacies. It's just there's too many man, it's too many it's uh, yeah, it's, it's tough.


so I mean we could say that you know a lot of. I feel like this is something that has turned a great deal, and the fact that the Republicans and the MAGA extremists have always been labeled as the violent side or the irrational side of all this stuff. I mean, those of us who, I think, have an open mind know that that's not really the case, but the labeling, that's the rhetoric that they push.


Well, that's part of what led to this. It is 100% what led to this.


How ironic that, as soon as this happens the people that have been calling this man the worst things for eight years and just stoking and stoking and stoking the flame of hate towards this man for years. Yeah, he's Hitler. He's the biggest threat to our democracy. He's the biggest threat to America. He's a threat. He's a threat. He's a threat. He's horrible, he's racist. He's Hitler, he's a threat. He's horrible, he's racist, he's hitler, he's hitler, he's hitler. They're the ones that now turn around and say oh, we all just need, we need to tone down the rhetoric, we need to bring the temperature down suck it.


Two things could happen differently there. Biden came out and he we should have toned down the rhetoric. And what he could have done that would have helped him was he could have assumed some responsibility for the rhetoric at that point, and he did not.


No, because they never say we need to tone down the rhetoric, myself included, the media. We all need to. I'm guilty of it and I'm going to stop now. Nope's, just we, just we. It's a generic we it's just never accepting any of the responsibility and do not think for a minute that that is not intentional 48 hours later, he was given a speech and he was right back to basically calling him a threat to democracy.


Yep a threat to democracy 48 hours.


The man's ears not even healed yet, and he was right back to it after he told all of us that we need to shut up and stop talking like so you know, stop, stop and stop being so insightful.


Um, if you're following us on instagram, this, uh, this post went up a day ago. Uh, trump, january 6, 2020. I just want to read this one. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the capitol. Uh, building peacefully and patriotically to make your voices heard, all right?


but he incited that whole thing, but those were his words biden on july 8th.


So we're done talking about the debate. It's time to put trump in the bullseye, and one of these people has been accused of inciting violence, and it is not biden and his response was just as pathetic as cheetles when he was interviewed about it.


Well, I, I didn't say crosshairs, I meant bullseye, like the focus. Yeah, the term bullseye. What does that mean? Or, you said what you said we all know what a bullseye is yeah, just the hypocrisy, man, it's just, it's out.


I don't know if they just like I know you just answered it, yeah, they, they think we're that stupid, but they haven't realized that. I don't know why they think we're that stupid, because they get called on it all the time from just the public yeah, obviously not the media, because the media is Media got their back but, yeah, I didn't say crosshairs, I said bullseye. Are you retarded? Yeah, they're the same thing. Yeah, literally the same thing.


And even if you didn't mean you, still you're the one, you're the rhetoric it is an improbability to be labeling him as a threat to somebody's way of life and not this is a people doing it. It's not people doing it, it's politicians doing it.


It's politicians and it's media.


It's and it's man, it's media. So let's not forget they're connected, right so, and to then not expect somebody to you know take action at some point, at some point.


But they flat out like so. Either you're not sincere about wishing him well after the fact right which?


they're not Well, we know that right, which which they're not well, we know that. Or you're admitting that you were full of crap the whole time, because who compares someone to hitler, one of the worst human being probably ever on the planet, and then wishes them well after something happens to them? Do you not hear the? If? If you truly felt that he was the same as hitler, then you should be openly saying good, he needs to die, right. Who turns around and says man, I hope hitler's okay. Yeah, there's just. It's just such a joke, man, come on you're 100 right.


Come on, you're 100 right. I mean, I don't know what, I don't know how else to put it, but yeah, I'm 100.


I fully believe that he's responsible, and every other politician, like Pelosi and everybody else that have been saying that for so long. I can't.


I just I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around the Hitler comparison.


I mean it's literally made up words. That's what they know. Can fire people up man. It doesn't have to be true, it's literally made up words. How's what they know? Can fire people up man. It doesn't have to be true, it's literally made up words.


How many things have they said about him aren't true? I mean you could go down the list. Trump likes the Jewish community. He supports Israel. Democrats don't Okay. Check Hitler. All right, Trump supports the Second Amendment. The right supports the Second Amendment. Hitler took guns away from people. Check hitler. I I mean we could go down this list.


You know, hitler was a warmonger they know that so many people don't think for themselves. They just, if they hear from the right place, they're gonna believe it.


Yeah, and they just rely on that I can't wrap my head around that one. I just and it's one. It's not new, it's it's not new there's still there.


I mean you can walk down the streets and ask you know, 100 people and like 70 of them are going to say he's racist and yet there is just situation after situation after situation where he proved it's not. He's the worst racist ever, the things he's done for black people, both individually and collectively. He's a terrible racist if he's racist.


Man. So we have the convention going on now and I kind of I don't want to get into the convention. Well, I guess we can a little bit, but cause I kind of wanted to make that its own little thing. But how is the Republican party? And racism just doesn't get to me. It just doesn't, it, just I can't, I can't put the pieces of the puzzle, I can't put tab in the sloppy with it. You know, and and here this one's for you, bonnie what people don't realize, what people don't know, is, if you don't follow politics and I feel like I had an epiphany over this convention is that the black conservatives are the most conservative. Yeah, I mean, they are the most conservative. They are, you know, I mean you want to call Chrissy Noem scary conservative, which is what a lot of people do, but I mean these guys are, these guys are there.


They're, you know, know, poster child for a conservative movement yeah, holy crap, I, I really, I really think that um and that and that amber rose chick was a perfect example of like just the they're, they're, and I don't know why. I don't know why they're tv, I guess just because of history. I don't know why their, I don't know why their TV, I guess just because of history. I don't know why their TV is on these channels, but they're just beat to death from CNN, msn, nbc, all those those horrible channels that are. Just they've been calling him a racist with nothing to back it up with. Yeah, for eight plus years. These people believe it. And like she said, like her dad was, like she, like her dad was, like she told her dad, why are you, why are you supporting him? He's racist. And she said amber. He said amber, like how yeah, prove it.


So that sent her on the rabbit hole just because she wanted to prove her dad wrong and couldn't find anything other than them just saying it. That's all it is, because there's nothing else. There's nothing else. There's nowhere that you can and the things that you like, the stuff they try to talk about. Well, he said this about um, uh, you know, the people coming across the border, things like that. That's not racist. Call it nationalist if you want, and he cares more about americans than he does them, but it has nothing to do with their color. It just has to do with the fact that they're coming here illegally, which pisses him off and pisses a lot of us off. But it doesn't make you racist because you don't want, you know, just because they're coming from the South and most of them are brown or darker skinned. If they were, if Canadians were flooding across the border illegally, coming here and causing the problems that's happening from the South, he would say the same thing as would the rest of us.


We wouldn't have that.


We wouldn't have that anymore or less than what's happening at the southern border and when you really stop listening to just someone telling you and never providing you any proof, and then you go try to find it, you realize he's not. He's absolutely not the same thing with the gay community. He's so far from homophobic. As a matter of fact, when Carolyn and I and the kids used to watch the Apprentice, I used to get mad because I felt he always favored the gay people on that show and I'm like as soon as there was a gay person on the show, I'm like that person's going to win because Trump loves them Like he always seemed like he loved them. He has no problem with that. So they just again. He doesn't like the gay people. He doesn't like women because he doesn't believe in abortion kelly ann conway.


Yeah, kelly and conway did hit me, though. I mean she's like, here we are in the cabinet for trump and we got three women with 19, four women with 19 children between us. Like what c-suite? Will you ever see that in america? What you know, what I mean, what? What c-suite would ever hold that many women you know in there making decisions and and it was it was, it was his yeah, I mean he's always, I feel like he's always had women in a situation of business power and and that's just.


You can choose to poo-poo that or choose to whatever you know but this just drives me nuts that they just continue to run with lies that have been debunked over and over and over again, but they keep saying them and there's still people out there believing them. Oh yeah, the abortion issue. He's flat out, said it a million times yep, yep, he doesn't support a federal abortion ban. He wants it at the state level where the people can decide on it and vote on it. He went, he got rid of Roe v Wade because he didn't want the federal government involved in that decision, and that was what he wanted. He wanted Roe v Wade gone and the states to decide.


And yet these people, they'll still get on MSNBC, they'll still get on CNN and say he supports a federal abortion ban. How many times does he have to look you in the face and say I absolutely don't. And he even is so less conservative on it than a lot of us. Where he is 100 percent support of the different exceptions, right, yep, they all cry about. Well, what about rape? What about incest? And he, 100 percent, is on board with abortions. For that I'm not. And who is he raped? This is the other thing. Oh, he's raped you. This is there's been no trial for rape.


This has literally been the other thing that I I've seen. You know on the liberal facebook feeds is the fact that you know he's a rapist yeah, I mean, just all they have to do is say it.


It's crazy, just say it and it's true, you know.


And now the other thing that's coming across when was he convicted of rape? He's never convicted of rape. Well, we, I don't even know that he was ever accused of rape Any of these people saying that the Nate did.


They think Clinton's a rapist because he paid someone off.




But they don't think a good old Bubba is a racist.


Do they democrat? That's just a different set of standards and it's just. I'm over it. I think every, I think everything clinton was probably just consensual. He just had, he just had a lot of consent. It may have been consensual, but he still paid somebody off?


still paid somebody off. Why do you pay somebody off for consensual sex? Yep, because you weren't supposed to have sex with them. There you go. Whether it was consensual or not, you're married. Yep, you're a politician.


It don't look good, yep well, when you're married to a lesbian, it's gotta be tough to get god. It is lesbian. Yet another lie. I could say that, though, and you know you could say anything. Yeah, apparently you could say anything, you can't you just say it and then it's true, it's like you don't have to have facts anymore it's like now, the first attacks I've seen.


You know, two days later, you know, jd, jd Vance accepted and, um, he accepted his, uh, his, his VP nomination last night, um, in, uh, in a pretty good speech and, uh, the next day, bank. Today I'm seeing on on the liberal Facebook feeds, um, that you know he wrote a book and yada, yada, yada and said you know that a union, a union grandfather, you know, saved, and there's no mention of his grandfather anywhere. Um, but it's ironic that he is praised in a book what he has spent his entire career squashing.


He's not anti-union right but all of a sudden like I'm not gonna act like I know a ton about him. I'm just learning it now because I mean, first of all, he's fresh in politics oh yeah, he's new hasn't been around a long time.


Yeah, and he was a senator from not my state, so I wasn't really up to speed on him, right so. But I didn't even know about this book in this movie that apparently came out. That was all popular and the irony is, before he, you know was, became the pick, apparently when the movie came out and the book. The book came out and the movie came out. Apparently liberals loved him because of his story and it was like the poor people, it was like pro-poor people, but now all of a sudden he's horrible, now that he's the pick.


But liberals love Trump too, Don't forget. Loved him 1990s, 1980s. They loved his money. They loved him. Some Trump, they loved his money. Hey, liberals love Biden. They love Biden. A couple of weeks ago you know what I mean when they're in the primaries they love them. Some Biden. They didn't want to support anybody running against them. They squashed all of the opposition that was running in the primary against Joe Biden there. And now they don't like him so much right now.


How about that? Joy Reid chick yesterday.


Oh God, you hear what she said. Please tell me, cause I can't. I can't.


So, first of all, she was poo pooing the fact, you know, the fact that Trump was shot and you know he stood up, did that and it just showed a sign of courage and strength and all those things Right. And it really just like so many people I've seen already so many people saying that they had no plans to vote or vote for him and now, because of that whole incident, they're going to whatever. So that's weighed a lot of people. It was powerful, the whole moment, the whole thing was powerful. But she tried to poo poo that and then she said well, you know, Biden has COVID and he's 81. He's three years older than Trump. So if he gets better in a few days and feels good, that's the same thing, that's the same sign of strength as Trump being shot Right, Like that's what she was really pushing. That's crazy. And I'm like are you what are?


you smoking? Listen, we don't even really know that Biden has COVID. I do know, I do know that Trump showed one of the probably greatest you know um greatest uh acts of strength that I've seen from a political leader in my lifetime, and 36 hours later, biden had to take three steps and take a break.


He went up the small steps, the kiddie steps. He had to pause.


He's in bad shape, man, he is in bad shape.


I think he's going to die before he steps down, though I just don't see him stepping and listen. I think he's gonna die before he steps down, though I I just don't see him stepping aside. I just I think he's that into the power and the control. Yeah, it's, it's what he wanted his entire life. He stayed in politics for 50 years to get to this.


I don't see him giving it up without I don't literally just dropping dead I don't see, I don't see him giving it up either, and the people who gave it to him now are kind of they kind of got to eat crow a little bit and kind of take their medicine because you've been telling us for how long that he's perfectly fine.


This is the best version of biden ever. This is. This was just months ago. This is the best version of biden ever. He's strong. He's focused. He's sharp as a tack when we all could see he wasn't. He's's on Adderall.


He can't say words. This is the biggest cover-up outside of Kennedy.


I don't know. There's a lot of cover-ups.


I think this is the biggest cover-up in the history of the country.


That would be saying a lot, because I think there's a lot it is saying a lot because they've put somebody.


There's somebody in charge right now who's not capable of doing it. There's somebody holding the most powerful office in the world. Who is who? Who? Ice cream is on their mind like nine times out of ten naps.


It's like I ice cream smelling little girls and still he's still sticking to his excuse for why he was terrible at the uh debate. I, I traveled a lot and I was wore down. I traveled to 12 countries and, bro, you had 12 days off sitting in the freaking cabin somewhere where you know, like camp david chilling he said I was in 13 time zones and they said, and they said he freaking had to, they had to give him two days off while he was up there preparing and resting.


Two days. He was in Camp David sequestered for a week so they could get the Adderall dosage right.


Right, but he had two days where he wasn't even preparing. He was just completely in chill mode, recovering, resting, while he was at Camp David. Oh shit, listen man, but he's sticking with it. It was a bad night. I was tired, I was exhausted, I was worn down from traveling all over the country. I'm like you were back in the country for 12 days before you even went to camp david crazy stuff thing. But I'll tell you and I don't necessarily want to give him credit, because I think there's a, there's a motive behind it now, like the way the media shifted and they're all attacking. They all started attacking him after that debate.


Oh, this is all driven by the party.


That was clear cut Originally. I'm like, oh, I'm starting to give him credit because they're actually asking, but no, it's intentional now because they don't want him anymore.


It was like after the debate, somebody gave Anderson Cooper the green light. Oh yeah, and then all of a sudden, it's almost like they just hit a button.


Everybody got the memo hit a button.


Everybody got the memo, they turned. They turned it on like this was, and that's why I just I don't take anything they say is genuine.


You know everybody's like oh, they're gonna, and I'm like, no, we want biden where he is, we want, I want, I want biden where he is, yeah, and I, I don't be fine with kamala, but they completely switch, like if he does actually step down, then I'll get nervous, because the problem is we're so close now. Right, let's just say they bring in two completely different people. Yeah, right, which? First of all, if you're a Democrat, you should be furious. As an American, I'm furious, right, I mean, that's the people talking about Trump trying to take away democracy. He's a threat to democracy.


This is the end.


Now, this was their plan to bypass democracy, yes, and not give anybody that's registered democrat an actual vote in the primary, because none of it matters if these two drop out or they're pulled out, whatever, but they bring in two new people right now. Let's say we're in august, august, september, october that's less than four months till till voting day. Yeah, well's going to be a honeymoon phase where everybody's like, oh good, you know the Democrats. Good, biden's gone, we got somebody better to vote for. Yeah, people that wouldn't have voted for Biden, they would either stay at home or pit the bullet and voted for Trump. Right Now there's a honeymoon phase which is going to be completely pumped by the media about how great this is, a great move, this is this person's awesome. So it totally changes everything. It's election interference is what it is.


It is at its finest, it is. It is just disregardance of the constitution.


So I hope to god. Biden stands his ground and says no, I'm well, I think he should. He has the right to. He does have the right to. They all backed him and said he was fine, so you can't just say now he's not yeah because this is the same guy. He's yes, he's diminishing kind of rapidly, but it's still the same dude from six, seven, eight months ago that you supported, you know, in your that, mind you, you pass send.


This is my take on this and whatever you know I've become since 2016 and really since 2020. I've just say what you want. I'm a conspiracy theorist. I mean, I'm not wearing a tinfoil hat yet, but I'm not far from it. You know, and I think that they passed that amendment and they took the temperature on kamala and they realized what amendment, the 25th amendment, 25th amendment. So they passed the 25th amendment where they could remove you from office. That was recently passed. Yeah, yeah, that was passed not that long ago I didn't realize.


I thought they'd been around for a while no, no, that was passed not that long ago. I was, that was the whole deal. So they, um sure they, yeah, we can, we can pull it up to make sure that I'm not nuts. But they, you know, they passed this amendment. They took the, the temperature of kamala, and um realized that one, she, she couldn't speak. You know, oh my gosh, she couldn't speak without a dick in her mouth. So whoa easy kids program.


Sorry, my bad. Um, I just I despise that woman. I think she's a gun grabber, I think she's a socialist, I think she hasn't done a damn thing in her career and she wound up in this office because she was basically used because of her race and her gender. And, um, they just, they, just they put somebody there who was not, uh, not qualified, right? So they realized that, uh, that that wasn't going to work, right? I'm listening.


Did you find out when it was?


Oh no, this amendment is old, it is not new.


No, I thought it was. It is not new 60s, wasn't it July 6th?


1967. 1965.


Well, it was adopted in 67. Adopted in February.


Yeah. So you have this Now they can't do that right. So now that, because now we've got somebody in there who's an idiot and we have somebody in there who we do not think is going to win re-election of a second term, because she's weak, she's just she's weak. I mean she's politically weak, I mean she's not a good, terrible she's, she's, and I mean she's an, she's not electable, I don't think she's politically weak, I mean she's not a good, she's terrible, she's, I mean she's, she's not electable, I don't think she's that.


I don't think she's electable, Right. So and now they, and they know she's not electable.


I mean, listen, these, these people, they're not, they're, they're evil.


But they're not stupid. Well, they could have taken Joe and they could have been like, well, you know, you're a little senile, joe, and they could have, they could have run Kamala. But they realized, I think at some point they realized how unelectable she really is and they're like, well, we'll just get Joe in there, right, and then we'll get him reelected and then we'll bounce him because you cannot look at this guy. Yeah, you don't even. You don't need to be a doctor, you don't need to be an expert. You cannot look at this guy and be like you're gonna make it another four years. He can't run, he may not live for another four years. I don't think he will.


He may not live for another four years, never mind run the country I'm not, I'm not trying to be a jerk or you know, not wishing it, but he's just, he looks like he's close, he's frail, right.


So it's like so what do you? What do you do with that? At that point, there is no way that that this is just at surface value did you see the 98 year old dude last night?


so a 98 year old world war ii vet gave a speech last night, talked for a few minutes last night, it was either before I started watching or if I fell asleep. Probably a little later. 98 year old World War II vet looked and spoke better than Biden. Yeah, and I'm not exaggerating.


I mean he had a couple little word hiccups, but you're speaking in front of 30 million people yeah, yeah, he called it afstan again, which you know.


We kind of all got to chuckle, carolyn, and hannah and I were watching it because it was more cute than anything. This guy's like really old, cute old man, yeah, you know, who also was obviously a badass and fought, you know, in the battle of bulge and stuff, so, um, but yeah he, he looked more fit than biden does at 81 or whatever he is it's only a few years between biden and trump.


He won't realize that trump's with 78. Yeah, so three years difference. There are three years difference.


I mean look, look at the two of these guys I don't know if this is true and I want people listening to um, I want people listening to test this because I haven't had a chance to test this yet. So I was listening to a radio show today and a guy called in and he said that he, he asked, he asked Alexa about Biden's mental health, mental state or mental health, right, and he says that and again, I want you guys to test this because I've had a chance but he said that it said like, like couldn't find anything. And then asked the same thing about trump and it said, oh well, people say, basically, alexis said you know, people and people and doctors say that trump shows signs, signs of like, mental decline and this, that and like a bunch of stuff, and like they're that's like, that's another way that they interfere, like really, I mean it wouldn't take again a four-year-old could spend five minutes with Biden, five minutes with Trump and realize which one is like senile and which one's losing it and which one's close to death.


Yeah, yeah but we're all supposed to believe that. You know, because they all say it. They say it on the view. They say the joy, joy, whatever. Read chick, like all that MSDNC. All those people say like, oh well, well, trump's got mental decline. No, are you kidding me? Trump talks the way he talks. He's always talked that way, always. He's always been all over the place. That's just the way he works. It has nothing to do with mental decline. That's just who he's always been.


He's the same guy that was running in 2016 yeah the way he speaks, the way he gives speeches, the way he debates, all that biden is clearly, clearly not the same, not the same person. I don't. I don't know that trump's the same guy either, but I don't know, I think he is I don't. I'm not saying that he's not the same, not the same person.


I don't, I don't. I don't know that Trump's the same guy either, but I don't know, I think he is. I don't. I'm not saying that he's not the same guy because of his age or because his cognitive ability. I don't think he's the same, necessarily the same. And the fact that I think he's he's more experienced, he's wiser, I think he understands a lot of things going into this.


I don't disagree with that. I just mean in the sense of when he's talking or when he's answering a question, he kind of get like he doesn't necessarily stay. We watched it together. You said stay on the question and he was like, oh yeah, like he does. He's always been that way and if you didn't know any better, you think he was like scatterbrained or you know, but he's not. But he's not, he's just like he's got his points he wants to get across. And just because you answered this question doesn't mean he's going to answer that question. And it doesn't mean because he's mentally declining. It means because he doesn't care about your question. It means he wants to talk about this. Well, you know, and use his time on that. So you know, and they try to use that, as he is like biden doesn't even know what your question was. They trump just doesn't care about your question.


They slammed eric trump on the same stuff. Yesterday, eric trump had an interview and they, you know eric trump, you know, was defaulting to you know the fact that the justice system was weaponized and you know how they couldn't get in touch with his father and all this stuff, and they were basically asking him to, I don't know, promote like peace and unity. And eric trump was like, you know they, we didn't have to do this, like he does not have to run, he would not have been prosecuted if he did not run. Clearly, facts, you know so. And eric trump was literally, and of the two, er Eric is not my favorite. I'm more of a Don guy. Oh, don Jr, don Jr, yeah, don 2028. Don 2028, baby, oh, man, well, it might actually, you know, never know, I'm having a heartbeat Might be JD Vance, 2028, and then Don Jr, 2034. Or 2032. That didn't go well.


Did you see his daughter's speech?


I did not see that. Did you watch any of it?


I did I did Just name, like four different speeches I did.


So here's the thing I actually fell asleep during jd vance because I've just been exhausted. It was before that. What was it before that? What was I doing?


all those were because I fell asleep towards the end of his as well. Yeah, yeah, because it was just tired. But no, his uh. So don came out and uh basically said you know, he got a call this week from his daughter. She wanted to talk on behalf of grandpa and because she wanted the world to know that the donald trump that she knows it was it was.


It was a moving little speed from you know, younger, she's the oldest grandchild, so don jr's oldest and um, she was good man, she's like you know, if you're a human being, she made you realize that freaking, donald trump is a, is a person. He's a grandfather, yeah, you know, who loves his grandkids. Yeah, he's not hitler, the animal that hates people, that like they make it, and so it's just like if you have any kind of heart or soul, like you could feel that and it was short, but it was good, it was really good, you know, it's one of those things and never, never, obviously, since I've, you know, you know, been, you know, voting Republican, I've never, never been ashamed of it.


But I've never necessarily been happy with the party, because we've always been together. It's always been so frustrating and I feel like this convention is different, is a it's, it's one, it's completely. It's completely different than anything I've ever seen and I, I feel like for the first time, we're kind of lockstep. Yeah, I mean, even even nicki haley went out there and towed the line and I, I gotta tell you I don't care for nicki haley, really all that much no, but I think that made a difference I think that it did that's.


That was one of those things like, if she's if a, he invited her, yeah, which he ripped her to shreds. He didn't have to do that, right right, he invited her because he's putting his money where his mouth is. He wants unity and he doesn't hold she doesn't hold any office she doesn't hold any office.


No she doesn't, so it's not like she had to be. There were still people, a lot of people, voting for her, you know, in the primary there would have been um, not enough for her to, not enough, no, but there were people voting for her yeah yeah, because they're republican, but they they're never trumpers or whatever, whatever.


But no, I mean it definitely, it definitely is. And I'm curious to see tonight because he talks tonight and this is going to be his big speech and supposedly, you know, after the whole incident on saturday, he said he was ripping up his speech, he was making his speech about unity and not about biden and his policies, terrible policies. So it'll be interesting to hear him actually speak for the first time since almost being killed, you know. Yeah, because you got to imagine, I mean, it's not, it definitely it's, it's gotta, it's gotta change it a little bit somehow, somewhat, a little bit, you know, like near-death experience.


I mean, listen, if that guy, if, if that guy did not believe in jesus christ before that moment? Yeah, I can't imagine, and I think one of the most powerful pictures to come out of that and obviously, obviously the one that we're gonna see for the remainder of time is them carrying him out with that inverted flag and his fist in the air. But the other one is him laying on his stomach with his hands clasped and the secret service agents on top of him and you, you can't like, you can't look at that and not think he's Brian. Yeah, it is the most it is. It's an insane picture.


Um, yeah, yeah. I just I'm dying to hear him talk. I'm dying to hear Cause he I mean he already looks a little different. You know just the way he's walking, carrying himself, and his faces is everything, everything looks different. I think an easy, clear cut path to just blowing this out in November is, from now until then, for him to not even talk about Biden, don't even don't talk about any of his stuff, any of his issues, any of his policies.


Talk about your stuff, Talk about what you want to do. Don't bash him, Don't bash anybody, Just stay. You know nice. Basically.


And this is the turning point, this is the pivot point. You don't even need even if it was fake and you didn't have to do that. This is it brings a level of genuineness to the whole thing. I mean it really from a from like a sales perspective, because what does he need to do? He needs to sell people on the fact that he can bring them a better life here in America. That's that's. That's what he has to do. He needs to sell the people on the fence that he can bring them to bed alive and how do you do that?


I don't understand how there's anybody for that specific topic. How is anybody on the fence? You've actually unless you're like five years old, you've lived through him being the president yeah and if you take away which you know the liberals have loved to try to like, make this his whole presidency.


But if you take away the last year of covid.


His presidency rocked for everybody. Yeah, yeah, there was. You can't complain. We all had money. We were all doing good. Every their jobs were. Everybody had jobs. Unemployment was at record lows across the board. We had like as close to peace as you're ever going to get in the Middle East. We didn't get into any new wars. He was on a path to do a proper withdrawal from Afghanistan. He certainly was like what? And then you've lived through the last four. How can you possibly compare them? And if that's your deciding factor because there's no way that can be your deciding factor he shouldn't have to prove that. He should just be able to say I was president Biden's been president. Where were you better?


Where were you better? I was better under Trump.


And don't throw COVID out there, because that's not any. You can't control that Like. That was either a something out of everyone in the on the planet's control, or B it was intentional and done to ruin his presidency, either or not his fault. He made the best of that and he did a heck of a lot better with it than than freaking Biden did.


Now, well, I mean, listen, I mean these, these Democrats have been printing money like nobody's business. Heck of a lot better with it than than freaking. Um biden did no. Well, I mean, listen, I mean these, these democrats have been printing money like nobody's business. I mean they've just, they've devalued the us in, in, not just monetarily have they devalued the us. They've devalued the us in so many different ways and um, and they're not negotiators because they're just looking for power. And I feel like, if you're just if're, if you're power hungry and you're, and you're just money hungry, you're, you're, you're never going to negotiate for anything other than that, right, you're not, you're, you're, you're blinded by it. I was, I was looking for a post that somebody put that was relevant to what you were saying. I think they took it down.


Um, but chumps, yeah um, yeah, so I admit I didn't know a lot about him until he started throwing his name in the ring a little bit. But a do you like the jd vance pick and b. If not, who would you have rather seen? I have mixed feelings I like.


I like the guy, I think I like the guy, I think that, um, he is as american as it comes, you know, I mean he, he is. I think jd vance embodies the american dream. He came from humble beginnings. He had a mother who was an addict. Um, he was raised by his grandparents, which is so many americans right now people don't realize he had no means and that and that whole dealing with a, a parent who was an addict.


I mean, how many people can relate to just having some type of addiction, yeah, like just really destroying their family, like now? There's so many people in America right now.


It was relevant when he was young and it's relevant now. It's worse now, it's worse now. He had no means to better himself. So I mean, like we talked about on our podcast with Mark, he joined the Marines, he joined the service and he didn't retire a Marine, he did his four years, he served his country and he got out and he used, you know, the resources that he gained from that and he went to Ohio State, which was his home university, which wasn't like a big financial dip. I mean, that's where he lives, so anybody knows that in-state tuitions are always going to be a little bit less. So it wasn't like he went to some other big college you know to obviously a college everybody knows for football, but not a crazy expensive college. And then he used that and he leapfrogged over to Yale Law.


Did I hear that he graduated Ohio State in two years? I don't know that for sure. I thought I heard that I'm like dang.


And then he went on and had a career, not necessarily as a prosecutor, he was helping small business people. I forget the whole thing.


He said he started businesses as well. Yeah, he was. I don't know he was.


Yeah, I don't know, I'm not sure what kind of law he was in, so I can't necessarily speak to that, but regardless he didn't have the means to get yeah Right. So you do your time, you serve your time, you know you, you, you get, you get these resources and he took advantage of everything. So he's resourceful, he can get things done. Um, he is a junior Senator. He has he passed a lot of legislation. No, um, but is he? Is he a millennial? Yes, does that help? I think yes. Is he a millennial? Yes, does that help? I think yes. Um, he's 39. Um, come time, for you know, this term obviously would be trump's last term, so it would be, you know, his run in, you know 2028 and he'll be at that point I could see it in his 43 44, 44.


I think it'll be 44 at that point. I mean, I think this is the Republican Party playing the long game for once.


I also think it's a transition to a new kind of Republican Party. I you know a MAGA-style Republican Party United States first you know less rhino, more.


Aga style Republican Party United States first you know less rhino, more a true conservative public Republican Party, because I think we're at a point in our political you know pendulum right now where people don't necessarily think about, because we've had Republicans and Democrats for our whole lives. There have been lots of other parties throughout the history of the country and this is not an old country and there have been other parties that have kind of gone by the wayside and other ones have been. Lots of other parties throughout the history of the country and this is not an old country and there have been other parties that have kind of gone by the wayside and other ones have been created. And I don't see, I don't, I don't see that I feel like we're going to have another party in our lifetime.


Well, I mean, I personally feel like this is a different party. This isn't, this isn't Republicans. This isn't the typical republicans. This maga is its own party. In my opinion, I think you still have a boatload of the old school oh yeah, you know. Oh yeah, go along to get along. Rhinos about their mcconnell and those guys like you still have a lot of those people I have a love hate and while they're like sure they're on board because they they would rather republicans be be, yeah they don't like trump but I had a love-hate relationship with mitch mcconnell right of course mitch mcconnell was in some ways he.


He was like I think he's terrible.


I I call him the great compromiser, but if I think he's shady when listen man, when they were trying to impeach trump, I think that was his finest moment as a politician. That was his fun. If you watched m, you watched Mitch McConnell on the Hill and I watched a lot of that stuff then it was because that was like in the middle of you know, it was kind of like in COVID, so we were home a lot. And I think his speeches that he gave to Congress you know, about impeaching Trump.


But what did it accomplish? It still impeached him. Well, the House impeached him, the Senate didn't. That's just a numbers game. It has nothing to do with his speeches, it is.


But still they were good. I agree he towed the constitutional line at that point in his career, Maybe not what he wanted to do, but he did what should have been done. I appreciate it. I feel like that was probably just a career choice. He's at the end of his career, so who cares?


I mean he's another one that won't go away.


He's another guy, he is a TIA mid speech, so he needs another. But I get it. But there there are a lot of, and I think some of the rhinos that are kind of out there are people that you know might shock you, I think. I think crenshaw is on that, on that boat I know this.


Sadly enough, I I'm. I agree, I had high hopes for him.


I I think sometimes he says things and does things that I'm like perfect, that's, that's who I want you to be. And then other times, other times he's not, and that that's the. That's the rhino thing, man, that the way to go, like you're just always compromising, you're, you're never taking a hard stand, like you're in and I know you can't always dig your heels in on everything in politics. I know there's gotta be give and take, but the typical Rhino is is is giving way more than they're taking. Oh yeah, or, unless you want to say they're, they're taking it up the tailpipe.


Like it's I never liked ted cruz, that much. I've always liked ted. I, I, I love ted right now. I've always loved what ted had to say. Um, I, obviously I wasn't choosing him when he, you know, when he was going hard again. You know, him and trump, or yeah, we're duking it out I, I was on team trump, but I, I, um, I've always liked when he just speaks. He, I've never disagreed with things he says, like he's always kind of on point, but then you have like the Matt Gates's, who I have a great appreciation for.


Matt Gates and then Matt Gates, really I didn't like what they did when they overthrew the speaker of the house. I think he had to go, don't get me wrong, but I don't like the fact that there was no plan. It was like we're going to do this and then we'll figure it out. And you know, I like Mike Johnson. I think Mike Johnson, even though he's not he's not a hardcore conservative, I think in that position, I think you need that person who can help figure out what he needs to do to run the country in a way, um but uh, that wasn't. What's his face from california? What was that guy's name?


I forget already oh, mike johnson, no, um yeah yeah, I forget his name john, I thought it was johnson. Yeah, he was there the other day. Oh, you didn't see that little what's that. He was there at the convention.


Oh yeah, who was it Mike?


Yeah, I can't remember.


There's somebody yelling at the radio right now going ah so-and-so and so-and-so yeah.


But Gates was there and he confronted him while he was in an interview. He was interviewing somebody. One of the channels was like talking to him, interviewing him, and Gates came over and was like what are you going on? What time are you? What time are you talking? Are you going on tonight?


Mccarthy, mccarthy, mccarthy, that's what my. Is it Mike McCarthy? Yeah, not Mike McCarthy, I don't know. Mike McCarthy's the football coach. It is Mike McCarthy, though, or McCarthy though, though, um, so he's.


He comes up and he's like in mid interview with this thing and he's like over shoulder and he's like someone's trying to like there's a security trying to pull him back gates, like are you going on tonight? What time are you going on? And he's like not answering. He's like because if you go on tonight, you're getting booed off the stage. He's saying he's like yeah, he's like yelling at him to mike johnson, uh to no to, uh.


To mccarthy, mccarthy, yeah, um. And then someone like pulls in, like security like pushes him back, and then he like turns around and another guy you could tell him like there's another, like some sort of republican. There's like dude, like what do you do? But that's gabe gates, gates and and, uh, marjorie taylor green. That's how they are, man. They're pit bulls and and people like to paint them as the crazy extremists. But it makes me wonder if they're just the only ones actually doing what they told their constituents they were going to do, while everybody else is just going along to get along. Yeah, you know, they said they were going to do this. They're sticking to their guns on this and they don't care what bridges they burn on it, because that's what they said they were going to do. I mean, it makes you wonder.


I think there's an art form to it where you can get things done without going along to get along.


I don't know if there is. I don't know, I don't know that there is. It sounds like everyone that goes to dc they get their hooks in you and there is no more. You're, you're literally going along to get along, you're scratching their back and no one gets anywhere you have to be in a guy.


I mean, well, look, look, look, trump's a negotiator. I mean, how many, how many meetings have you seen clips of with him being a negotiator? And it's not him, but he don't do it.


He always does it from a position of power. He always does it. He does everything from what republicans have really done that in the last 20, 30 years like none yeah, but they were saying like uh, it is kind of funny, you don't notice, but like there's been no bushes at this convention, nada, there's been no. Cheney's, there's been no, uh, there's no been. Uh, what's his face?


uh, romney nowhere to be seen. Well, mitt romney's not a republican. Well, yes, he is.


No, he's not okay, well, I mean, he's a republican I can paint my face black doesn't make me black.


I understand that. That's why they need.


That's why they have the name rhino, but yeah, yeah, but he's not even.


He's not even a rhino.


He doesn't even deserve that, that guy you say what you want, I mean that's fine, but he runs as a republican. If that guy you know, yeah, 100, but none of him, no, uh, none of the mccain family, none of those people, none of that, like that old none of that, none of that, old guard we've all we've been dealing with for the last 20 years. That that sucks is why we've not had any control or any power of anything, because these people just give everything away. Yep, yep, absolutely.


Just get controlled by the left absolutely it's uh, but I think it's a, it's a new rebirth of the republican party. I I really, I kind of, I really feel that way and I've never I haven't felt that way. I've never really felt that way. You know, I feel like it's a different vibe. For sure it really is, and trump right now is a different vibe. So I'm definitely excited for tonight. I am too.


I'm super excited to hear how this goes.


Hopefully it's awesome get some melania in the house. She'll be there tonight.


I don't know who else is talking before him. Is don jr talking before him? Don jr no eric is.


I think both eric and don jr are talking tonight.


I feel like I don't know, I'm excited. I mean, again, like everybody should be excited, this is gonna be the first time he actually speaks, since this is big, being almost killed, this is, you know, and it's crazy like I want him to be different in the sense that maybe a little more compassion when he talks, a little bit more unifying when he talks, a little less confrontational when he talks. But I just don't hope it didn't like I hope he didn't lose that like that line and then that that fight in him. You know, I don't, I still don't want him to take shit from people. You want to take that dog out of him.


You don't want to Exactly, you got to still have. Hopefully still has that dog in him.


And I mean much time to sit around and reflect. I mean, if you went based off what happened immediately afterwards, you would say he definitely does, but but I definitely think he can take this like he can bring this home by focusing on unity, not just in the party, which is huge obviously in the party, but just to everyone, yeah, everyone to just kind of just be a little different, you know, and be a little more compassionate, a little little softer spoken to people. You a little less harsh, a little less abrasive, and when you go back to your mean tweets, I'm cool with that. I got my hat, I'm ready to go Do a shot. Every time he says beautiful tonight, beautiful, I love America.


It's beautiful. Terrible Trump impersonation. Yeah, I can't do that either.


I'm excited to see it. I think it's going to be good. I'm hoping it's good, but all right, yeah, it's going to be a long few months, especially with the just the chaos that's going on the other side. Like this is the most. Like you said, this is the most unified the republican party's ever freaking been. I think, probably at least since the days of reagan, and now this is the most chaotic the left has been in like my day in my time, like I don't since. I've been at least since the days of Reagan, and now this is the most chaotic the left has been in my time since I've been at least paying attention. Like you said, they've always been lockstep the wheels have come off the bus here a little bit.


And they don't know. Now they're all confused because it was like oh, we're 100% on backing Biden.


And then the debate happened and it was like oh the shift. We're all against all of a sudden, but now together. But now some people are going back to backing him and some people are still strongly no, he's got to go. And it's like the media nobody, none of them seem to know what. Nobody got the memo on where we're supposed to be today, like, what are we doing? What are we doing? Do we pro biden today or we biden's got to go today? That they're all over the place?


I said this, I've said this so many times in this podcast, and I'm not going to believe that Biden is going to be the candidate until this convention. What is the convention? August, no, I think it's soon. I think it's on Wednesday we're closing in. I feel like we're towards the end of July. It's like in a week or two, it's got to be soon. I, I feel like we're towards the end of July, like in a week or two, like it's gotta be soon. I thought it was August. Um, I'm I'm Googling it right now. Googling it right now.


Hey Siri.


Oh it is. It's that late. This is all a plan. It's all a plan. I'm telling you. It's all a plan, it's it's all a plan, it's all a plan. I'm telling you, it's all a plan, it's, it's all a plan. It's hard being right. There's just, there's just. There's just no august 19th and 22nd at that it's not even holy crap.


I was thinking 11th yeah, for some reason yeah, this is all.


This is all. This is all the ruse man, this is all, it's all.


A biden coup right now yeah, I mean, but that's like usually. Usually. That's why none of the debates happen until like September, because it's not till after both conventions.


So why do we have a debate this early?


I mean, I think it's pretty obvious why there are people behind the scenes running things that were making that push to make him look stupid and get him out, because they knew he would look stupid. It's impossible. There's nothing they could do. There's no dosages. There's no medicines. If there was, we wouldn't have people with Alzheimer's. They'd have medicines for that. There's nothing that you can't fix what he's got.


I will say this If you are a Democrat and you're listening to this podcast, or hi, hi, welcome the amo bernardo um, if you're a democrat and you're listening to this podcast and maybe you're on the fence about whether you're going to sit this election out or you're going to vote for trump or you're going to vote for biden, think about the fact that if they remove Biden from this ticket, you are not choosing who you vote for, and possibly the first time in your life, you are not. The people are not not you, necessarily, but the people are not choosing who you vote for. Yeah, it's a clear cut and around, and think about what that means as an American.


They, they, they manipulated and bypassed the primaries and just they're just going to decide themselves if that happens.


And they did the same thing to Bernie when Hillary ran. They come boshed Bernie. They took Bernie's funding away. Somebody should have went to talk about democracy.


They talk about threats to democracy. Democracy, but again unrelated. But I just saw today another however many billion dollars of student loan forgiven. Right, the supreme court ruled on that and said it wasn't constitutional. Yep, right, so trump is the threat to democracy and our constitution or a way of life. But the supreme court clearly said biden's plans to forgive all this debt was not constitutional. And he's done it anyway. Yep, I don't understand how he's not locked up. You've defied our Constitution.


We're fighting a proxy war that's not approved by Congress.


I don't understand what you people are looking at. Honestly, I don't know why you don't just listen to what I tell you and just do it.


We're leaving you with a lot of thoughts to ponder there.


It's crazy. It's where these are. These it's been said a lot lately. These are crazy times. Honestly, I don't. I would be. I'll actually be shocked if there's not another attempt between now and november I have there's p wins this election. I can't imagine and I pray I don't know, I mean before that.


That was my thing with the jd vance thing and and I think he's very conservative and I think that's important I feel like if he picks somebody that the establishment could live with, it was almost him signing his death warrant. How, so? What do you mean? I think if it was a nicky haley, who the establishment likes I, I think that they would assassinate him. I think the deep state would just whack him.


That doesn't make sense.


Why doesn't it make sense If you pick a VP, the establishment likes him.


No, if you pick oh to get rid of him so that they had yeah so they could have somebody they like.


Listen facts JFK and I said this the other night JFK was assassinated a month, almost a month to the day, after he announced he was pulling out of vietnam. Trump announced that he will end the war in ukraine, costing people, costing companies, costing, you know, costing the, not costing the us war machine millions of dollars.


People are making a lot of money I understand, but he's also said that a bunch I know he said are you talking about at the debate at the debate? But he, but he said it. He said it a hundred times before that in interviews that he could end it. He'll end it in a day. He's been saying it for a year now At least, that he would end it before he's even sworn in as president-elect he could end it.


Yep, I don't believe there's not some kind of I know there's.


There's not a tie. If you're the tinfoil guy, there's just so much of I know there's. There's not a tie if you're, if you're the tinfoil guy, there's just so much like if you're the tinfoil guy, this kid wasn't behind this, there's so much to the war thing man I mean, and I I'm in the industry, I mean, I just I don't get how it works. There's, there are, there's so much money lost by not being in war, by not you know, it's just, it's, it's a moneymaker man and there's just too many rich people, too many powerful people who can lobby that and write checks that are that are against there being no war, like it's just, it's crazy.


But I really hope and I don't know nobody's said anything about this and I'm sure if he's doing it, it on the dl but I really wish, I really hope that he's um moving forward, not solely relying on secret service. He really needs some sort of private firm. If they're not, if he's not going to have a full presidential package after this and if it's going to just stay status quo the way it was when this happened, uh, he needs to hire a private security firm to to help with this um, and I feel like he has every right to do that. Like who says I just have to rely on what you give me, I'm not the president, I feel like he should be able to use campaign funds for that.


I think that one's 100 and quite honestly, I bet you he can get a team of pretty badass people to do it for next to nothing. I will pull his roster, because I mean we've heard people talk about that volunteer and said they do in a heartbeat and these are.


These are legit dudes, these are scary people. Um, it's just, I just, I worry about it. There's a lot mean. It's a short period of time, but it's a lot of time, and he's going to have more. He's going to have more speeches. He's going to have more rallies, because there's no way he doesn't, because that looks weak.


That's who he is.


That's who he is. He's going to. He was going to want to show that, that strength and determination. So there's going to be more and I would just be really, really worried about these people and their intent behind how they're protecting him. Yeah, I think it's a problem Because I just I mean, you can go ahead and you can chalk it all up to just negligence and accidents and mistakes and just overlooks, but I just think it's too much. I think it's too much.


And I feel like there's not a real concerted effort to keep him safe. I I feel like you know, maybe this kid was was, you know what was a lone wolf, but the fact that the secret service was was was gambling with the security do you take anything out of the fact that he was in that black rock commercial?


did you see that? I didn't see that, but I heard about it when he was in high school, so it was at least two years ago. Yeah, um, black rock came to his school and like filmed. Did you see that? I didn't see that, but I heard about it when he was in high school, so it was at least two years ago.


Yeah, black rock came to his school and like film the commercial, and he was like you know, obviously it was like starring role or nothing. They just flashed through you know kids at desk and he was in it. I don't know the conspiracy. People are like oh, who are like oh, black Rock, he was in a Black Rock commercial People, people, black Rock.


Black Rock and Black Stone are the two, are the two entities that I believe.


Some people call it, you know, conspiracy theorists and other, and then the conspiracy theorists themselves just like to call themselves people good at connecting dots.


Yeah, listen, where there's smoke, there's fire, and follow the money. Nine times out of ten follow the money. Follow the money and if you follow the money, all roads lead to Blackstone and Blackrock. And we can actually talk about that because I learned the other day that I was looking up some Blackrock stuff and Blackstone which were basically the same company that were split into two that back in 2020, in the height of the pandemic, when news was not focused on anything about the pandemic, blackstone bought Ancestrycom. Really, yeah, they did, yikes.


I was already afraid of Ancestrycom before.


I knew that. So I would definitely like to go. I would definitely like to do something and talk about, like the assets and what these guys do and don't control, because I think when you look at the world and how the world operates, I think that that entity and the 30 people or so that run those two is what controls 90% of what happens.


Yeah, and these things are just popping into my head because it's all kind of connected and related to this and I know we were trying to kind of close it up. But what about? I mean, and this was an after effect of this whole assassination attempt how about Elon Musk? About him Wild?


Yeah, 45 million a month between now and November, that's a lot of money to play with as a campaign and taking money out of Gavin Newsom's pocket, yep Peace Moving his entire headquarters to Now, was it his?


Was it the Twitter headquarters, or was it the whole?


No, no, it's Everything. For X. It's SpaceX, everything Okay. I didn't know if it was it that the twitter headquarters or was it the whole. No, no, it's everything. It's spacex, everything okay I didn't know if it was just the it's, it's everything that he took over from twitter everything that he has in california he's pulling all that out of the valley because, um, he feels that his employees should not have to be subject to the laws of gavin newsom yeah, well, they're insane laws.


And I saw somebody did a video where, like they showed, like what you have that, like there's literally like a, a drug infested zombie apocalypse, like literally his employees have to walk through to get into the building. Oh yeah, he's done with it. It's insane, he's done with it. 45 million dollars a month for the next several months is a huge, huge campaign. It was super pack. Oh man, get some. Like that's huge. And then I saw, um, your girl, joy bayhard on on, uh, the view. They were talking about this kid who took the shot and she, oh my god, she was. So this white male went to the store and bought 50 rounds of ammunition and nobody thought to report that.


It just goes to show. You don't know, are you?


kidding me. 50 rounds of ammunition is a little box like this size.


Dude 50 rounds of ammunition is a half hour at the range. It's a half hour, you know's not. It's a half hour at the range. It's a half hour, you know it's not a half hour. Well, if you don't have a speed loader, how's that? It's a half hour if you don't have a speed loader, exactly are you kidding me?


like just to practice, you would need like way more. Like. This just goes to show you a they're freaking gun, grabbing nuts, and b they don't have a clue what they're talking about. She's like, she's acting like. He bought, I don't know, 500 000 rounds of ammo and it should be like questioned. He bought a box. It's literally like it was. You have to. It's 50 rounds.


You can't buy them individually mind you it's, it's a small box but you don't walk in the store and say give me two bullets. They come in boxes of 50.


I would actually be worried if somebody came in and wanted a bullet.


Is that one? Is that one, just one? He bought a box of ammo. She's like nobody thought this was weird. It's a white man, a white 20-year-old. She needs to be shot in the face. I'm advocating for right now on this channel and I will take credit for it, like, honestly, she is the most absurd human being on the planet.


it's disgusting shows you the ignorance she's disgusting, yeah, absolutely disgusting.


I despise that woman. And it's funny because I don't watch this show, but because everybody else likes to um, pull these clips and put them on. Like you know political Instagram pages and stuff I'm forced to see this hag and like what she has to say and every time she speaks I'm just like my brain hurts, oh yeah, and I'm like I make a conscious effort not to watch the View, like I would never turn that on my TV, and you people are making me watch it because of Instagram.


Still thrust upon me.


Oh it's.


Yeah, I'd be more worried about somebody who walked in who wanted one round.


Yeah, I just need five bullets. Yeah, I just want.


Can I just have one five-five-six round?


He literally bought a box. The way they're packaged and sold, that's how they're sold and she's like I can't believe nobody thought that this was important enough to make a phone call.


I'm assuming it was a five, five, six round. I mean, I don't know for sure, I'm assuming it was.


it was uh it was an AR, so there's only so many options.


AR style rifles can be. They can be, they can be 22. They can be nine millimeter, they could be 30, 30. They can be five. You know, I mean those boxes come. What do they come in? They come in like 50, 100, 300 and I think, 500. Yeah, is is typically how, how you buy them and uh, yeah, I don't get it all right. Well, we ripped through a lot hope.


We left you with a lot to think about, something to think about yeah let us know let us know in the comments your thoughts on this whole assassination attempt if you think it was divine intervention or do you think it was just a series of mishaps and mistakes by the secret service? Do you think it was more deep state? Do you think it was the fix was in like let us know, I know we're not going to judge you for your thoughts screw everybody else so you judge me all you want.


I'm with the deep state.


If you think it was, let us know. I'm curious to hear people's thoughts on this. And this was this was huge.


This was like. This is one of the biggest moments in American history Insane. It's one of the biggest moments in American history. And here I was and we're, and I will always now have to remember where I was. I was at our Tunnel to the Towers event. Raising money for our vets Raising money for vets when Trump got shot. Craziness, craziness, insane.




All right, listen, man. Thanks for listening. We appreciate it. Go over on Apple and leave us a review, if you can. Five stars is the best review. Drop us a little comment and if you're listening to us on youtube, hit that subscribe button, hit the like button, leave us a comment and um, or, if you want to reply, just head over to youtube and leave the comment there, we will uh, that's where you'll get us to reply. Or follow us instagram. Send us a dm comment on one of our posts. Hey, feel free to shoot us an email yeah, this is american ride.


1776 at gmail we do have, um, some topics that we have to cover yet that are going to be coming up at some point. We're gonna get the girls in here, um, so we can talk about men and women's sports and do a little riley gaines talk.


I definitely want to have the girls here for that, and uh we also have well, you know, george's come up with some, some merch merch options. We got to get them. Uh, we got to get them up on Instagram, so you guys can see what we got. But yeah, the link's below on that.


Yep and I'll be coming up with some more merch. We're both getting ready to take vacations.


Yeah, vacation time baby.


We're going to be winding down here a little bit, so I'll have time to work on that stuff that I have not been able to work on between the two of us getting ready for this event and keeping all the media going from week to week.


If you happen to be in Sturgis this year for the rally and you see me, come, say hi.


Look bird up, don't make it weird.


Yeah, don't make it weird, Just walk up and say hi. Be normal. Alright, guys, it's a good one, thank you. Thanks for listening.

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