This American Ride

Justice, Politics, and Public Sentiment: Exploring America Today

George and Burt Episode 28

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Why did the unexpected verdict in Donald Trump's New York trial leave everyone in shock, and what do Hunter Biden's legal woes tell us about the fairness of our justice system? This episode promises a deep dive into the inconsistencies and biases that plague high-profile cases in politically charged regions. We also scrutinize the significant disparity between Trump's hefty bail bond and that of Bianca Ellis, raising serious questions about the consistency and fairness of our legal system.

Ever wonder why the public is craving a political leader who fights back with equal force? We explore the contrasting strategies between political parties and the public's expectations of their leaders. From Trump's controversial humor to President Biden's age and capacity, we examine how these factors influence voter sentiment, especially among the Black community. Our discussion highlights how recent political events might shape future elections and the strategic importance of key states and rallies.

Financial struggles of gig workers, minimum wage debates, and the role of automation in the job market are also on the table. Jerome Powell's statements on unemployment rates are put under the microscope, alongside an exploration of government spending inefficiencies. From taxation reform to the impact of tariffs, we cover it all. Plus, we tackle controversial issues like homophobic street signs, men in women's sports, and our preparations for the Tunnel to Towers charity event. Don't miss this episode packed with critical reflections on a variety of pressing issues!

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Speaker 1:

welcome back to this american ride podcast, where we talk about issues that affect you, the average american what's up? Welcome back to the show. What's up? Just two of us today yep, yep, cheers, cheers, cheers.

Speaker 3:

I got some. I got. Like I said I'm drinking dessert, drinking the peanut butter, I grabbed the chocolate peanut butter.

Speaker 1:

I wonder how that chocolate peanut butter would be mixed with like a in, like a shaker, with like some of that Godiva stuff, scream float, mm-hmm. Might be pretty good, yeah, thank you. Thank you, justin, who you heard on our last two episodes. I'm getting the tail end of that willet. So thank you, buddy. Thank you, thank you, heck yeah, yeah, man.

Speaker 3:

So what's up?

Speaker 1:

A lot of stuff going on. A lot of stuff going on. What's going on? I didn't see anything. Well, we haven't had a podcast. I mean, I guess one of the first things I guess we could talk about is we haven't had a podcast since the Verdict. Yeah, that's the big loomer.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that came out. We wanted to jump on that and I was leaving for my trip, so we didn't get to get together and talk about this amazing, this surprise, unexpected finding there in New York.

Speaker 1:

Shocked the world. They're a hot mess man. People want to say, um, and we're going to talk a little bit about hunter too, because I feel like you can't talk about, you can't talk about trump's trial without talking about hunter's trial. I mean, just to be fair, um, but people, you know a lot of the Democrats, you know the people towing the party line. They've got the thing you know well, it's, you know, a jury of his peers and it's you know this and it's that. Well, it's not a jury of your peers. I feel like, when we're polarized as much as we're polarized, you need you need to look at things like how people registered to vote especially especially in trial.

Speaker 3:

He's not a regular citizen.

Speaker 1:

He's not.

Speaker 3:

You know, 92% of the people in that district, or whatever, voted Democrat. I know that's obviously they don't like him.

Speaker 1:

That's why they didn't want to move it Right. That's why they didn't want to move it.

Speaker 3:

I mean him. That's why I didn't want to move it right, that's why they didn't want to move it. I mean, it's such a joke. The whole thing is. I've like lost my anger over it. Like when it first happened, I was like ready to do a podcast, but now it's been a few weeks, whatever it's been, and I'm just like whatever and so stupid and the effect that it had was just, you know, great for trump as far as I'm concerned, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I'm at the point where I'm like, you know, you guys thought you were doing something, something sneaky and good for you, but you kind of you done effed up a wrong.

Speaker 1:

Well, they charge their base, you know, because every listen, every, every everybody on Facebook who is is the liberal base is like convicted, felon convicted felon. They are literally, you know, vomiting the words that the party wants them. That's all they ever wanted to be able to say. Anyway, how are you going to? How are you going to, you know, vomiting the words that the party wants them to.

Speaker 3:

That's all they ever wanted to be able to say anyway.

Speaker 1:

How are you going to you know somebody who's on Facebook? How are you going to vote for a convicted felon? Real easy, real easy.

Speaker 3:

With my MAGA hat on. Yeah, real simple.

Speaker 1:

But people you know obviously they're talking about, about you know the justice system being fair and do I think that he was treated fairly? No, come on. I mean the deeper question is is the justice system really fair and how does it really work? Is, I feel like, well beyond my expertise, because I fortunately haven't been involved in it to a level where I can say, well, that's fair, that's not fair, that's fair what?

Speaker 1:

My opinion of the justice system is that you know, if you you screw up a lot, they get less and less forgiving. And you know, when it comes to individuals going at each other in the justice system, that the justice system looks to get a little bit of something for everybody. You know like there's a little appeasement, it's like a an appeasement when people sue each other. You know what I mean. It's, unless it's, unless it's like a blatant, it's just my, just my take. I could be way, way off, but just just my. I don't really. You know so.

Speaker 1:

But I mean again, I haven't been involved in it, I don't have the experience with it, I'm not a lawyer. It's never something that as much as our country and the Constitution and everything, all of that intrigues me. I was never that person where I'm like I want to be a lawyer. It was never me, no interest at all. But talking about fairness, all right, donald trump's bail bond, you know and this is without the trial, this is still the justice system was set at 454 million and then reduced to 175 million for a handful of crimes. Well, 34 counts whatever you want to write 34 counts of which, like, almost nobody's ever been tried for. And real estate people in the state of new york were scared to death that they were trying him for this right now. Bianca ellis, all right, had her bail bond set at five million dollars for butchering a three-year-old yeah all right, so I got nothing on that.

Speaker 1:

Where does that make sense? And then there was a CNN poll.

Speaker 3:

Interesting CNN poll, all of it's Twilight Zone to me. I don't understand any of it. How these things, just how they even happen. It doesn't even make a lick of sense.

Speaker 1:

I mean there should be some kind of standard.

Speaker 3:

I mean there's a rule, there's a law, whatever it is in New York, that judges can't donate to any parties, either parties. Right, this guy. It's known that he donated, doesn't matter how much Doesn't matter, it wasn't a lot. Oh, his daughter is employed, he donated. Yeah, I mean fine, but you can't necessarily. Yes, that's an issue, but at the same time you can't I mean you can't dictate like what your kid does can't like be the only reason that you, the fact that there's a rule against it, he did it. How is he even sitting on any cases like what? How is he overseeing any cases until he's penalized for that?

Speaker 1:

well, and I think the other thing is is there was a pool of 26 judges he wasn't on it that were picked to be, that were sit on this trial and all of a sudden, this guy comes out of nowhere nowhere.

Speaker 3:

He wasn't on the rotation. He was not on the rotation to this guy comes out of nowhere, nowhere he wasn't on the rotation.

Speaker 1:

He was not on the rotation to do this, he just plucked out. So you tell me that you know. I mean, again, we could peel back that conspiracy layer onion, but tell me the CIA is not involved in that one. And I just, I mean, we know the justice system is corrupt because we know, obviously, some of their events that happened this week. You, they can find people in contempt of congress, but they can't, uh, you know those people won't be tried, yeah, yeah. So if you can lie to congress and not be tried, yeah, what's the point? What are we doing?

Speaker 3:

um well, the ag investigated and found that he, uh he didn't do anything wrong, so he's not going to listen to your contempt of Congress or whatever. Well, again.

Speaker 1:

and you know, he said you know, and Merrick Garland is who we're talking about. So, and not to get too tangent off the Trump thing right now, but Merrick Garland said that he does not need to, you know, to entertain requests that he thinks are outlandish. That was his excuse right there. Meanwhile, by the way, he's going to throw Bannon in jail. Who else we got in jail? We got somebody else sitting in jail. We've got people from January 6th, which is, at this point, a complete hot mess, a legal hot mess. We got people in January 6th. People haven't had a trial yet.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't get it. It's disappointing. It's disappointing that the Republicans are such chumps.

Speaker 1:

The Republicans are such chumps. So CNN had a poll where just 13% nationwide feel Donald Trump was being treated the same as other criminal defendants 13% of people.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, biden has like a what 30-something percent approval rating, so that kind of makes sense. Same group of people, apparently.

Speaker 1:

But I could tell you a proud Republican moment he was found guilty. Nobody burned down a city. We didn't loot, we didn't shut down bridges, we didn't rip down any monuments.

Speaker 3:

No, he just raised $200 million. In what $200 million in like 24?

Speaker 1:

hours? No, no, raised $200 million in what? $200 million in 24 hours?

Speaker 3:

No, it was a few days, the first 24 hours was. Something like that.

Speaker 1:

That's what it was. Proud Republican moment.

Speaker 3:

That's an American. I didn't expect anything to be burned down. I think we all know at this point, once you get to that level, you got to be fully committed to like just all in on, like civil war at that point, because if you do anything like that as a republican, you're going to be arrested, you're going to be tried, you can be thrown away. You're going to be arrested, you're going to be tried, you're going to be thrown away. You're going to be locked in a cell and not even see a lawyer. You know what I mean? Like 2020, summer of Love, antifa, black Lives Matter are burning cities to the ground and no one's being arrested. Not a person was prosecuted.

Speaker 3:

But if you're on the other side. You just know. Just January 6th.

Speaker 1:

I think that scared a lot of people.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's what they wanted it to be. Yeah, they wanted to scare a lot of people. But, um, I think it just I think I think that confirmed that the next time something like that happens, it's going to be over the top it's not going to be that it's. You're not going to be coming back from it.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be a mess yeah, it's not going to be that and uh, it's, uh, you know, I mean not that I hope for something like that, but I mean it's, you know. Again, people are like, oh, we're more civilized, we're so far from that, and I don't feel like everybody feels that way.

Speaker 3:

And now the left is pushing this narrative that if Trump wins, he's going to go after everybody and seek revenge. You mean, do what you're doing right now. Well, you set the rules. Yeah, he's going to play by those. There's no way I don't care what he says right now, there's no way that if Trump wins, he's not going to be seeking some vengeance. There's no way.

Speaker 1:

And I think he should within the law, and I think he will. I think what people do not realize is he let the Hillary thing go, yeah, and he let the Hillary thing go to unite the country, and I get why he did it. I get why he did it. He wanted to put. Reese on the fire. You know, I get it, I get I do it.

Speaker 3:

It's like we're playing a ball game and the two different teams have totally set different set of rules.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, and that's the problem yeah, yeah, one team has holding on offense and the other team has no holding and that's why, you know, when he did start running and started talking the way he was talking, that's why so many people were drawn to him from the right, because, because, finally, there was somebody they thought was going to give it back to them the way they've been giving it to us. Yeah, you know, because everybody, every other Republican you know, should they win, or even during campaigning, they always take the high road.

Speaker 3:

That's why they don't win because you always take the high road and you don't say the things you need to say and the people need to hear. And he did, and that's why he has the cult following that they talk about, because finally there's somebody that people know on this side that is going to speak up and say the things that need to be said. Does everything he says, you know, is it always in the best, like? He just did a tweet and I was like I agree with you 100%, but sometimes and here's one thing he needs this is one thing I know he needs to do stop stop making the fat jokes, because, as much as I love trump, you ain't slender bro. You're getting a little round in the middle too. So, yeah, stop ripping off fat people when you're getting a little fatty yourself.

Speaker 1:

Anytime they call chris christie cheeks, we're all gonna laugh.

Speaker 3:

I don't care who it is, oh but the person he was just making fun of. I forget who it was. It was a governor and he was calling him fat which guy's probably fat. But he said he said this guy makes Chris Christie look like a male model. I was like, oh man, and I'm laughing. But I'm like this is exactly the stuff that all the, of course, the left and then the moderates you know, the fence sitters that can't decide what they want in life are going to be like. See, this is why I don't like him. He's so mean and I'm like, yeah, yeah, he kind of, is he kind of is? That's why I like him.

Speaker 1:

You know what's crazier about that is? I don't think he's as off the cuff as people think I I think he's very calculated with what he says in his own, in his own little plan there. Maybe it is I, I don't, I don't, yeah. Yeah, I think you know. I think he went up to a podium planning to make that joke. I don't think that that was just that wasn't a podium, though that was online. Well, I mean wherever he that was a that was online, yeah I didn't see it.

Speaker 3:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I just saw it today, oh yeah but yeah, I wish he wouldn't do that stuff. But I mean, at this point, you know, you can't say that he's not presidential, it's look, look at, you know what we've got right now, that you know if that's somebody's argument, I mean it's not presidential.

Speaker 3:

Shit your pants in public either. But I mean the left is completely cool that's a deep fake what today is the 17th. Yeah, so ironically I was just reading something he's apparently signed something. The fifth he made the 15th like um elder abuse awareness day or something like that. Oh wow yeah and the comments on on the internet were hilarious like people were like. I feel like this is a cry for help yeah, you think.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, let's be honest, it is elder abuse. I mean this guy can't be sitting in an oval office and and to boot, they want to put in there for four more years.

Speaker 3:

I don't see how you survive four more years I don't see how, yeah, we're gonna have a debate like either he just drops that of you know natural causes, or he's so far gone they're not going to be able to keep. Well, they're going to drag them out, they're going to do that, which I think they're scared to death of. That too, though, because as much people say they're what is that? An? An act, that, what is it? The? I forget what amendment that is. It's some amendment, right, but they can pull him because he's not capable, or whatever. Well, ironically, they just said you know, not just said but they said just a little while ago he's unfit to stand trial, but yet he's fit enough.

Speaker 3:

If he's unfit to stand trial, how is he fit enough? Make it make sense to run. Make it make sense, but I don't think.

Speaker 3:

I don't believe that the democrats, that party as a whole, like kamala no, I don't, I don't think they're all this confident, like there's, you know this conspiracy theories that you know okay, he runs again, then they pull him. She gets to serve the four years if it happens early, but then she can still run twice and I'm like I don't think the democrat party but then she can still run twice and I'm like I don't think the Democrat party as a whole wants her to run twice. I think they used her, you know to, to get the minority votes in there and make it feel like, uh, they're, you know, diverse and all that, but I don't think there's. I mean, she makes AOC look smart.

Speaker 1:

I are they diverse though?

Speaker 3:

Are they diverse?

Speaker 1:

Have you seen these fundraisers? Have you seen what they're doing? You see where their money comes from, like where their support goes? Are they diverse?

Speaker 3:

I mean, are there more minority congressmen and senators than that are Democrats than Republican? Probably, but I still feel like there's diversity on the right as well. I mean, look at this one who's Tim Scott. I mean, he's a very good, he's a possible candidate as vice president, which is what I think they should do. I think that's what Trump should do, because you need to show, you need to put your money where your mouth is and stop letting these people say that you know, A you're a racist. B the Republican Party is racist, and finally put someone up there and have an African-American run as vice president and maybe that does some uniting.

Speaker 1:

It could be Scott. I think Scott would be good. Is he the guy from Florida? Who's the guy from Florida I'm thinking of? Or is Rubio, isn't he? No, this is another senator from Florida. I'll look him up in just a minute. I just want to touch back 25th Amendment. They can remove the president and they just put that in not long ago. I think Scott would be good.

Speaker 3:

Well, I just saw something today that was polling numbers that showed what effect on the polls they had like five different potential vice presidents for Trump and what effect on the polls it would have, and the only one that was actually a positive was Tim Scott.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, byron, byron Donald's. He's still a little young, but oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I like.

Speaker 1:

I like Byron Donald's. He's still a little young, but I like Byron Donalds.

Speaker 3:

He wasn't so he was. So Tim Scott was like a plus seven for polling, and then there was someone maybe it was Rubio who was like a zero, and I think even Tulsi Gabbard was like a zero, and then they had like Kristi Noem who was like a minus. They said it'd be like a minus seven in the polls. I guess it's just too's, too, uh, too conservative for you know, trying to get the minority vote and things like that. It's like margie taylor.

Speaker 3:

So she was like yeah she wasn't on there, but she. I love her, but she'd be a huge I I negative.

Speaker 1:

I think we need margie right where she is. Yeah, um, I would love in my lifetime to see Margie be Speaker. I mean, that would be.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't see what any Republican would not like about Kristi Noem, though I really don't. I mean, that state is running like a well-oiled machine. I think They've got a surplus they have freedom.

Speaker 1:

I feel like, just like Trump, I think she scares people a little bit. Maybe I think she scares people a little bit Because she's all about the Constitution. She is all about the Constitution, she is about the basis of the country and that's how she runs South Dakota.

Speaker 3:

Speaking of that, how about Trump doing away with federal income tax? How about Trump floating the doing away with federal income tax?

Speaker 1:

So it's, and they just came out today. I forget the guys who came out today and said that it could work, you know. But the other thing that they're floating which I think is a genius campaign thing to float, although I think it's kind of like is no tax on tips. No tax on tips On the tips. Yeah, no tax on tips, because, let's be honest, they don't get a lot of that claimed anyway, so they're probably, which, to me, is why, like?

Speaker 3:

why are you even you know you're not getting an honest number to begin with, right?

Speaker 1:

But with credit card stuff, they are able to claim that because that stuff is getting reported. So they're getting a piece of it, it they're getting more of it than they used to, but I I think that that is because that that is, you know, for people who we were talking about this earlier before we came on, you know, the middle class for people, for the people in the middle class, those middle class people, you know they are that second job as a server, first job as a server, two jobs as a server. Those guys drive an uber. You know my old man supplemented his income with uber and people you know they tip uber, so and that's all like digital, so you can never not claim that right. So there are so many things that people do. You know so many jobs in society that are, you know, tip based, and those are people that are working their ass off man. Yeah, you know some of them well, some of them right.

Speaker 3:

Well, obviously there's exceptions to every rule, but you know, as as a as a whole, I think it's uh, I think, I think, I think in that in that field it's probably 50 50, I don't want to give them, I don't want to give them too much credit, because but regardless, they're not rich.

Speaker 1:

They're trying to make ends meet. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

It's but I don't even understand why, like how there's a job like that, where that's the that's? They're basically relying on tips like why are the? Why are the restaurants? Are they not paying them a wage? Why is it, uh like a legitimate wage?

Speaker 1:

Why is it not like Europe? Yeah?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I just don't get it, it's weird.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's how it's always been. I don't know, I'm involved in it, but I mean, that's what they said during slavery too.

Speaker 3:

So I mean.

Speaker 1:

I don't know but. But I mean can't pay anything to do it does say like, hey, you know we're here to help the middle class, do I think it's all that financially impactful for the country? Probably not, you know. But care. There's so many things that can be cut you know, but the dems whole thing was we're for middle class because we're going to. You know, we're going to raise that, we're going to raise the minimum wage and literally, by raising the minimum wage, all they did was put people out of work.

Speaker 3:

All they did was drive unemployment up. I mean it's common sense.

Speaker 1:

All they did was put people out of work.

Speaker 3:

This day and age, with technology, these businesses, especially the big ones, the McDonald's and things like that, those big corporations. They've just been waiting to put these people out of business with machines anyway, and all you did was speed it up for them it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

So so jerome powell got up. You might notice another big thing that happened this week. Jerome powell, jerome powell, chairman of the fed, got up and had the uh, the fed meeting and uh, he's white, isn't he? So he is white, um. And he basically said listen, this is the state, this is where we're at. Unemployment is higher than people think it is, and the white house is cooking the books because the numbers that the white house has given you aren't real. So that's how we can keep interest rates where we're at. He says you cannot just look. He says, just because you created jobs does not mean that you took people from being unemployed to employed. It very well means, in a lot of what's going on right now, that it's people picking up a second job. What job did they create? You know they added like I don't know four, some 30 000 jobs or whatever like they were just the old jobs that you killed people from doing for covid.

Speaker 3:

Listen, this is a new jobs. You just brought back jobs people had before. You told them they weren't allowed to work.

Speaker 1:

It's how they report. So, but that, but that's his point. He's like listen, there's still many people who are like out of the workforce, who are not working, and you know, the government knows those numbers they don't even count, like the ones where they stop collecting unemployment and whatnot.

Speaker 3:

And now they're just well, I think they're just not working.

Speaker 1:

I think they do count. I think I think somebody is counting how would they know it? How would they know those numbers? You know what your census is. You know what your. You know. You know who's paying, you know income tax.

Speaker 3:

They include illegals on census you know well yeah, tell me how that doesn't skew every number yeah, but I mean it's you know?

Speaker 1:

obviously not, but you could tell who is we got numbers are just not, you could tell who was paying FICA, who isn't paying FICA. I'm sure they can look at that stuff. There's just no way that they just don't know. There's no way that they just don't know.

Speaker 3:

You have a lot of credit to the government for keeping records. Yeah, I don't. I don't know, but I don't think. I don't think we need income tax. It's just one of those things. Man, stop paying for things that the federal government's not responsible for paying for and you wouldn't need it. There's a lot of it.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of it, a ton of it. There is a lot of it. If they could replace income tax with tariffs, think of how powerful it would make this economy. You're still going to have money taken out of your check Because, regardless, income tax is a piece of what is taken. It's the biggest piece. So you're still going to have Medicare taken out of your check. If they could do something, even like reform Medicare so that the right people are getting Medicare, obviously, and even if they got rid of your income tax and had to bump Medicare to supplement that a little bit, you'd still be so far ahead of the game. You'd be looking at a 30% increase in your take home.

Speaker 3:

Easy, just easy, to do a better job balancing your checkbook man.

Speaker 1:

Easily. You're going to be looking at a 30% increase in your paycheck if they get rid of federal income tax.

Speaker 3:

I don't have any sympathy for them. I mean we're expected to do it as a family, as a household, you know. We're expected to know what we have to pay them in taxes without them telling us. But don't get it wrong, we're expected we're like the ones, it's like we're working for them. Well, we do. That's what it is. We're their little, it's just. We do it's nauseating, you know.

Speaker 1:

But all that aside, I mean, if they got rid of that federal income tax, that would be people, people would that money would end up in the economy, people if you don't think Trump is playing a better, you know campaign game than Biden, you're insane.

Speaker 3:

Like he's flown. Things like that things that actually help would help the American people and things like that things that actually help would help the American people. Meanwhile, biden is bringing up finding this backdoor way to give amnesty to millions of illegals. That have been this newest thing. They're not helping Americans at all. Louis, whatever your name is that wants to argue with me on Facebook? They're not helping you at all. It pisses me off that idiots think it and they're just so clueless.

Speaker 1:

Couldn't care less about you they just arrested another illegal from maryland, right unreal. They arrested another illegal from maryland that um raped and murdered a young woman in america.

Speaker 1:

My bad, that was inappropriate my bad, we're on a podcast so I just want to try this. So she, he raped and uh murdered a young woman in uh in maryland, and um, rachel rachel moran, rachel moran, right and uh, so he was he. He fled guatemala, right, because he killed somebody. Yep, he fled guatemala to la where he then was involved in a breaking and entering and beat up a mother and a child, and he fled la to rural maryland and then he killed this woman on a hiking trail. So so I mean listen, and then larry hogan, who is the republican candidate for senate, basically gets up there today, yesterday, actually yesterday and says he will not support president trump, and president trump endorsed him is probably the only reason he won that primary. So you have it's. We said today, let's see it's. So so now you reality is.

Speaker 1:

Nobody gives a shit about his endorsement well, reality is nobody gives a shit about his endorsement. But here you have a guy, never even heard of you, like, well, I don't, I don't care, I don't, I don't care about the guy personally, but but I mean still, here you have a guy who you're going to come out and say you're not going to support trump, which basically means you're not supporting a republican party's chance to win. You're in a district where you just had a constituent killed from an illegal immigrant, 1,800 miles from the southern border.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, man, these guys don't know how to read the room. He won't last long doing shit like that. Not going to last long. I don't know who he is or how long he's been in his position, how many times he's won re-election, but that that stuff's not gonna help you.

Speaker 3:

I don't know anything about him but, other than the freaking that just taps my ass right. Someone goes to bat for you and helps you get elected and you turn around, stab him in the back. Did you just prove what a worthless, unloyal piece of crap you are?

Speaker 1:

despite of the fact, despite of the fact that you just had a constituent killed in your district they don't care, man, they don't they don't care.

Speaker 3:

The republicans are now getting. They're getting almost as bad as the democrats, where they're just obviously just lying to your face about what they're going to do when they get in there, and then they don't do any of it. So there's very few. And then everybody thinks they're the kooks you know the, the Marjorie Taylor greens right who actually go in there and they say they're going to do this, they say they're going to stand up for this, and when they get there, they extremist. No, they're doing what they said they're gonna do. Oh, they're not. Instead of sucking off the left to stay in a position to get money. They're not republicans, they're the freedom caucus.

Speaker 1:

You know, like when we had greg, you know greg here, greg obviously unfortunately not with his primary, but his uh, he uh, sobosinski's, like you know, we need, we need like a liberty caucus. You know that was like close to the Constitution. I just, I like the ring of it, liberty Caucus. I think that would be a, until you saw who they put on it.

Speaker 3:

I might not like it. Some of the biggest schmucks on the planet on that thing. Oh Jesus, it's so weird. The whole system is just burned to the ground.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, well, that's where we're at. So, also, while we're talking about Southern border, they arrested eight members of ISIS. New York.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

LA, I think Chicago they arrested eight.

Speaker 3:

So how many got in without getting arrested?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's ridiculous. So, um, they're freaking out over you know they're freaking out over terror, a terrorist attack right now.

Speaker 3:

It's just uh, that southern border, that southern border is going to burn our ass it is gonna it is going to burn our ass by the time it happens, it's gonna be too late for anybody to say I told you, so we're all gonna be screwed, all gonna be screwed.

Speaker 1:

We'll see. We'll see how it happens there so hunter biden?

Speaker 1:

you said you, oh yeah so before, before we take a break, let's get into hunter biden. I, I feel like this whole hunter biden thing was a sham. Obviously he was found guilty and you know we should be like well, here's your cookie, here's your cookie, the other. We tried one of our own and we found him guilty. Well, you gave up a scapegoat. All right, you gave up a scapegoat whose. You gave up a scapegoat whose father.

Speaker 1:

If you tell me that Biden is not going to pardon this guy, I refuse. He said he's not going to. What's the other word? I think the only reason that they said he's not going to is, I think they already know he's not going to get jail time for something that I would probably get 20 years for. Yeah, right, so he's not going to get jail time. I'm sure? Um, so they found him guilty that the whole trial was like this super quick, so fast. It was. There was very little coverage, yeah, very little coverage. Oh, the only coverage you got from the hunter trial was, you know, this person's testifying today. There's like one person and now like jury's out and the jury was back and it was. It was so ridiculous and the whole biden family was like there and you know solidarity supporting him in court. You know the drawing, you see, but um, what we did find out is the laptop exists. We legally found out that the laptop exists, the one that didn't exist.

Speaker 3:

It was a Russian hoax. Biden himself said never existed, didn't exist. All the Democrats said didn't exist. Russian hoax made up propaganda. Feel like to? Yet? Oh, look, here it is.

Speaker 1:

Unreal. We still know it's on a laptop. Necessarily had nude family members on it, I'll bet it did.

Speaker 3:

It did, did it really? And they had some bogus excuse for why. It had like a nude underage girl cousin on it. That family is jack bro. He starts boning his dead brother's wife or whatever, like the stuff that that it's. It's like stuff you would see on like some made up tv series now, now you have this girl's journal surfacing. Uh doesn't matter, because they only only demand that we believe her, whoever her is, when it's against a republican yeah, it's.

Speaker 1:

Uh, is that his niece? Whose niece? Biden's niece? No, it's his daughter oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's his daughter.

Speaker 3:

He flat out said he used to be creepy and come in the showers with her. But I mean trump's. But trump's horrible because he had sex with a prostitute or, I'm sorry, a porn star, which is a prostitute essentially. Are you making money to have sex? Isn't that the definition of a prostitute? That's the definition. Just because they're now filming it, making movies, that doesn't make any different. You're a porn star prostitute jesus lord yeah, but yeah, he's bad because consensual sex. But this guy's hitting in here yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I feel like and here, here, here is my putting you, because you know me everything's conspiracy, everything's conspiracy, at this point, like nothing as far as I'm concerned, when it comes to these politicians, especially this biden family, literally nothing is as it seems. I. I can't believe anything, I can't take anything for face value of anything. I think that that plea deal that they probably could have struck what two years ago, a year and a half ago, something, like that yeah, that that plea deal could have been struck, and I think that that plea deal was botched, because they are.

Speaker 1:

They knew then that they intended to try trump into the election cycle and that they saved this trial as a distraction to show fairness. There was no other reason for this trial to wait this long.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what about all the money laundering? When does that start? When does that case start? When does the stuff that actually proves that Biden's a criminal to not just his son, ukraine? When does that happen? When's the treason trial start?

Speaker 1:

The fact that so yeah, so well, before we get into Biden, let's take a quick break. Let's listen to the sponsor of today's podcast. What's up everybody? I just wanted to take a minute to tell you about the sponsor of today's podcast, legendary USA. Their selection of leather and denim jackets, vests, gloves, chaps and riding shirts are 100% made in the USA with a lifetime warranty.

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Speaker 3:

That to them, they can do that to anybody um, well, I also think, like the um, a lot of the the black community kind of it hit home with them because they've had nothing but horrible experiences with the justice system. Yeah, you know.

Speaker 1:

So they can relate to now what they're railroading trump, like they've been there right, which is exactly some of the stuff that they were rallying against these guys getting railroaded and these guys getting, you know, jammed up and are you putting peanut butter in that forever without what do you call it?

Speaker 3:

oh, I, I am not. You're not going to put it in that. No, no, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to finish this before I move on, because it's deep, it's a little bourbon talk.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but it definitely like I don't think it had the effect that the liberals were hoping it would have no, no, I don't think it did.

Speaker 1:

So what we're seeing now is we're seeing this we're seeing a little bit of fear in the Democratic Party for the fact that, you know, we could see a. We could see a replay of the first regular election. It could be.

Speaker 3:

Well, the thing that's really the numbers that just came out, that CNN did that's really has them sweating is the black polling? Yeah, cnn did. That's really has them sweating. Is the the black polling? Yeah, um, so at this point, right now, in 2020, trump had 7% of the black vote and right now, this year, same point in the campaigning, he's got 21%. That's a huge number. That's huge. And not to mention the drop from Biden was 86% and he's now at 70.

Speaker 1:

And what people need to realize about these. A big number, these polls I don't think I said it what people don't know? Bonnie always gets me saying that there it is, bonnie, we're in, uh, 38 minutes in.

Speaker 3:

What people don't know is that she loves her shout outs too she does.

Speaker 1:

um is at five points in these political polls is a big deal. Yeah, like five points, a five point movement is a big deal in some of these polls. So for him to be, you know, for him to be clawing up like that, he doesn't need to win the the majority of the black vote.

Speaker 3:

That number alone is just a huge number. You're taking away from what usually?

Speaker 1:

well, when you're talking about states, like Michigan that you know what usually, well, when you're talking about states like Michigan that you know are are kind of close, and then you take that Detroit, you take a piece of that Detroit base away from Michigan, you know you start to nip.

Speaker 1:

you know the 22nd man uh, 22nd he's coming to Philly. Yeah, republican is coming to Philly to hold a rally, um, and I hope it goes well. Man, I just feel it's a scary place. I don't know where they're going to. I assume they're going to do it like in Fairmont park or someplace, but I don't.

Speaker 3:

I got to think a lot of the same people that went to the Jersey one.

Speaker 1:

They were going to be there too, I would, I would, I would think so close. 107,000 strong turning up at wildwood to go see donald trump in a blue state? Yeah, because all those people weren't from wildwood well, no, obviously not from wildwood, but still, you're in jersey, you know that all those people from jersey well, what do you got surrounded jersey, you got blue delaware, you got. You got blue philly. You got blue delaware. You got blue jersey.

Speaker 3:

You got blue new york but the republicans right across the bridge, but I thought it was their only opportunity to to go see yeah, so I'm sure there was a lot of them.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm sure, yeah, but I mean still, we're like surrounded by blue here.

Speaker 3:

It's not like there's right, you know, but I still think that the south jersey shows up in philly, yeah, yeah, to support. So that could be massive too, if, if, the if, the people from philly are you know, some of them are turning, so, um.

Speaker 1:

So, speaking of biden, biden, uh doubled down on his ukraine support this week, sending your, uh, sending your social security money to zelensky, and um signed a 10-year deal for the us military, for us military support, all right. So they did. They did this in a hurry. This is not a treaty, so this can be. It was not ratified by Congress, right, so it's not a treaty. They didn't take the time to do that, and that's an important. It's an important fact, though, because that means that, even though there are some things in there and I haven't been through the whole thing but they said they, they Trump proofed it. That was that press release, they trump proofed it. So, um, that trump can still withdraw from it. So it's uh, or the succeeding president can withdraw from it, you know, however, however that goes, but yeah, so double down, because they're worried, like they gotta, let's get, let's get our money into the ukraine system, and, um, I think it's uh, these weapons are winding up all over the world, these, these weapons we're probably sending them weapons in ukraine.

Speaker 3:

That little clown, gay, little present they got is probably selling them elsewhere it's not them, they're with hezbollah.

Speaker 1:

We, we know, right, we we've you've heard reports that india's pissed off because you know they've got taliban with m4s, you know, and nods, you know it's. I mean, you get night vision and m4s. They only came from one country disgraceful.

Speaker 3:

We came from the us he was in such a hurry to sign something to send them all our money, but he certainly wasn't in a hurry to go over to the uh, the peace summit there, the ukrainian peace summit, to talk.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, ending this thing right he had a hot date with george clinton and barack. Yeah, uh-huh, so their hollywood fundraiser and this is believable this is, and we talked about this a little bit.

Speaker 1:

you know, and um, my uncle and he can be listening to this um, you know the, the, the beating always was that the democrats were, you know, for the small guy, for the middle class, for the, for the working man, and the republicans were for the big business and they were the union busters and they were this and they were that, and they couldn't be, you know, it couldn't be further from the truth. Not only the democrats, not for the working people, as much as they try to jedi mind trick people that they are. They are for beyond the rich, they are for the elite, they are for the richest of the rich.

Speaker 1:

You know, Trump gets $52 million in donations from people like you, people like me, just people donating $25, $50, a hundred dollars all small donations. Sleepy Joe goes as Brock walk them around on stage. One night in Hollywood they raised 30 million, donating $25, $50, $100, all small donations. Sleepy Joe goes as Barack walked him around on stage one night in Hollywood they raised $30 million.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, anybody ever thought that maybe that concept that they used to be for the small man was? Really just BS. They were shoveling.

Speaker 1:

I don't think any of anything were for the small man theoretically, but you know it's life is definitely better with some people in office than it is with other people in office, so who they're for and how life is when they're in could be totally different.

Speaker 3:

Democrats ever do, going all the way back for the little man I got no idea, nothing for me so maybe there's something somewhere along the way.

Speaker 1:

I guess nothing for me, so maybe there's something somewhere along the way I guess nothing for me. I mean, bill clinton made it easier for people to own homes, but essentially all he did was have those people lose those homes and you know, employed interns. And he did, he did paid them in sexual favors the hot two girls. One of those were the best little monica lewinsky, south jersey's own monica lewinsky and bill slick slick willie so he's just.

Speaker 3:

I mean, he can't get through a day without embarrassing himself no, I mean every single thing he attends at this point is just hard to watch you're not.

Speaker 1:

You're not telling the truth. Now, the deep things, you're not. You're not telling the truth. We're going to. We don't do this often and we we probably should do this more often, but we're gonna.

Speaker 3:

So just to cue up what this is about now. Like he said, there was the big fundraiser. It was. Was it in hollywood? Is that where it was? It wasn't how I would, so he does the big fundraiser it was. Was it in Hollywood? Is that where it was? It wasn't Hollywood. So he does the big fundraiser. It ends right. He's got his. He's got his boy, brock there, who, while he was actually there's clips while Biden was talking, that Brock was looking at him like oh my God, what is this guy talking about? But it ends.

Speaker 3:

They get up you know, mr congeniality, that he is and everybody's waving. Then it's like biden is just like he's in his like prime pooping position. He's just kind of frozen there like he had to go. And you know obama's done waving and he has to like look over and like grab biden by the wrist and like direct him off stage, cause the guy just was frozen. He didn't know where he was. He had no clue, he had no idea where he was. There's no way he knew. Yeah, no, he was just looking for whoever's going to change his depends and they and they walk them off. So, you know, somebody then addresses you know that in one of the press conference with that John. Claude.

Speaker 3:

Van Dam chick, and we had another one in Normandy where they were there.

Speaker 1:

He was over in Normandy and, mind you, him and you know what's his face from England, who is just another nut, liberal nut. He didn't even stay there for the whole. I forget what his name is, prime minister. He didn't even stay there for the whole conference in Normandy. But Biden is sitting there in Normandy and they're like thanking these veterans. He is like wandering off into the abyss well.

Speaker 3:

So there was two different things there. The first one was they were actually shaking the hands of these guys and thanking them and he had to be ushered away by jill, his babysitter yes, um, just in the middle of it and macron, or whatever his name was, from france, had to, like, finish thanking these american vets. Now, mind you, 90 plus year old american vets, this is probably the last of any kind of anniversary for this that they're going to be able to attend and he's ushered off because he probably crapped his pants or something happened.

Speaker 3:

It looked like he squatted yeah, and he tried to sit in a chair that wasn't there. That was great, but then there's. There's another thing going on. It might have been same day, it might have been the next day, I don't know, but they're all like standing up in some field and there was someone was like parachuting in and they're all talking, all these world leaders, something and turns around and starts wandering off staring at the sky and one of the ladies whoever she was I think she was from she was from the netherlands has to like grab him and pull him back into the group.

Speaker 3:

Come back over here, gramps, like. We're over here. Still, it's not nap time yet, it's just so. It's every single thing now it's not he can't get through anything he can't.

Speaker 1:

There's absolutely it's. He can't even. He can't even get through the day. He can't get through anything. He can't. There's absolutely it's. He can't even. He can't even get through the day.

Speaker 3:

He can't get through a single event you and you, as a liberal or as a democrat or whoever you are, that wants to rip on trump. And so you know, take trying to take this moral high ground about what a horrible human being trump is and why you can't vote for him. But you could do that to biden like, honestly, at this point he's like almost a victim. I think, like you can. You you'll do that because you hate trump so bad. You're going to make this, this man with dementia who has to wear diapers. You're going to vote for him and put him through four more years of this of the most stressful job on the planet because, because you don't like the tweets from orange man, it's just you're.

Speaker 3:

You're a hypocrite and you're you're just as bad as trump, the person that you think is a horrible human being.

Speaker 1:

Well, listen you're wrong I know I'm wrong because I'm just that stuff never happened and we're going to hear from the white house press secretary your favorite press secretary of all time, jean-claude van damme, um of what, her, uh, what her explanation for those videos that everybody saw was okay not real, here she is ironically, several, several recent shit fakes actually attacked the president for thanking troops for thanking troops.

Speaker 4:

That is what they're attacking the president for. Both in Normandy this happened and again in Italy, and I think that it tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate Republicans are here, and instead of talking about the president's performance in office and what I mean by that is his legislative wins- what he's been able to do for the American people. Across the country we're seeing these deep fakes, these manipulated videos, and it is again done in bad faith.

Speaker 1:

So we got AI. We got AI faked videos that are.

Speaker 3:

Ironically, they all just like. This hits the Internet on a million different accounts at the same time from different angles. From different angles from all these different angles. It's just amazing technology. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I'm not sure what the guy. The guy's done Nothing for me. I mean he's obviously you know what he's done for the American people. I mean he's done, he's done nothing for me because he's you know, he made, uh, he's moved my retirement age. That's, that's, that's for sure, that's for sure, that's what he has done for me.

Speaker 3:

that's because I well, you're the only one, because everybody I know on facebook is just doing, doing good, just rolling in bank bank, right, lewis?

Speaker 1:

sure lewis does not listen to the podcast I wouldn't be surprised if it does but it's just um, I mean that's and she used a lot of rhetoric in there. I feel like that was very, you know, very, very purposeful, and the fact that you know this is how desperate republicans are. Republicans are so desperate that they're surging in every poll right now. Republicans aren't the desperate ones who just crammed through a treaty deal to send more money to Ukraine, despite what. Anybody would be married, I mean, if there is, do you think we should be sending money to Ukraine at this point? I mean, I feel like people are more distracted with Gaza than they are Ukraine at this point, but it's like Yep.

Speaker 1:

I don't get it, so it's kind of rough.

Speaker 3:

everybody should be sending money, anybody at this point no, I don't know, I don't know, we're sending money anywhere, since we're how much in debt? Yeah, how does someone in debt loan other people money?

Speaker 1:

it's great, I can't do it. Can you do it? No, I know it's terrible.

Speaker 3:

I'm not in debt like this country is it's, uh, it's it's a terrible thing, it's just pathetic. So loan and money we don't have so that we can just be more in debt to china absolutely brutal but I'm all about the tariffs.

Speaker 1:

Um, I've seen nothing come out of the biden campaign that says anything about what they're going to do for the people. I haven't seen every, every, every, even campaigning. And well, I say that's why I say the biden campaign, because you know it's, it's the, the conglomerate of people who run the campaign, everything.

Speaker 1:

I haven't seen anything but a negative trump ed but that's the platform that's the platform and I have this thing and, like some people know me, I I spent. I spent a good portion of my career in sales and I learned very early on. I can't say that I always did this, but I learned this lesson very early on and I always do it now is I don't talk about other people's stuff. I don't need to go in there and tell somebody how bad somebody else's product is or somebody else's. It's not my, it's not my, my goal. If I can't be excited about what I'm putting in front of you, then I've got no, I've got no business being in the room.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, and and I feel like I don't want to say that, it that stuff for you to say that Trump gets that, because he does still crack on a lot of people and I get that. But at the same time, he is talking about what he's going to do. He presented to Republican leadership this week about what he wants to do and can we get this done? And you know, when that meeting was over, immediately the headlines came out like they were going to send the Republican Party and within 15 minutes, all those guys were at a podium talking about what actually happened in the meeting, which was not what was reported. So it's obviously the Biden campaign has got nothing exciting going on. I mean just breaking it down from a simple term. I mean, if you want to be transgender, there's a lot going on.

Speaker 3:

Wow, it's Pride Month, bro. You want to talk about that?

Speaker 1:

No, I don't want to talk about that, not even a little bit.

Speaker 3:

Well, you're homeless.

Speaker 1:

Not even a little bit, I'm coming for you buddy, they could be coming for me, but it's uh, oh, it's also men's, men's uh no, it's mental health awareness probably must stop trying, uh-huh to oppress them.

Speaker 3:

Did you see the new thing, the thing recently in hollywood or la, somewhere with the street signs no, no, oh, you didn't hear about the no, no homophobic street signs. No, no, oh, you didn't hear about the homophobic street signs.

Speaker 1:

No, really, yeah, you didn't hear about that. For real, I didn't hear about that.

Speaker 3:

So some local news channel out there in the LA area had this piece on the homophobic street signs in this certain area, this neighborhood, and you know what the street sign was no U-turns so?

Speaker 1:

so here's the story. Am I, am I that conservative?

Speaker 3:

I'm not getting the joke it's not a joke it's not a joke so has the stories told by. So I I was listening to this and I I saw clips of it on on uh on the internet. And then, uh, I was listening to uh, serious patriot radio and the guy was talking about on the morning show today and a caller called in. So this guy, so the story goes that back in the 90s in this area, this neighborhood, which was not like a gay community but gays, would cruise this strip and then they would, you know, they'd turn around.

Speaker 1:

They keep cruising that strip looking for other gays okay to get with kind of like we used to do with seaside when we were kids looking for jib, I suppose like there's.

Speaker 3:

There's places that have no cruising sign like that's, that's kind of a thing too right.

Speaker 3:

So they put these no u-turns in to stop the gays from coming to their cruising through their neighborhood. So they were home if they were homophobic, no u-turn signs, um, and they took them down and they celebrated. Oh, this is a great day for the alphabet community. It's a better place now the world, because that whole, that whole community that it was originally that whole community, is gay now anyway. So they're probably just boning each other in the streets for all I know. Who knows?

Speaker 3:

I mean, it's the only kind of celebratory month where just we, just all of a sudden, all of of society condones public sex. Yeah, so you have to be a disgusting lewd. You know this nude human being to be gay Like you can't just be, you can't just like the opposite sex, you have to be a complete and total freakazoid.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm sure there's people that are not complete and total freakazoid.

Speaker 3:

Well, they fill the streets with freakazoid.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they do.

Speaker 3:

They do. So, those normal gays? They're being outnumbered big time by pedophiles and weirdos that want to march down the street with their junk hanging out. Yeah. And just really graphic nasty things written on their shirts and stuff.

Speaker 1:

I know gay people are definitely not like that, but obviously I feel like the people that are polarized. It's just, it is what it is and I don't know where are those people fighting for their community? Yeah, you know what? I mean yeah.

Speaker 3:

You sit back and you let them hijack your cause.

Speaker 1:

Maybe they don't feel like it's hijacking their cause. But I mean I just yeah, I feel like the. The view of what you see in the streets is really bizarre to me. Sometimes I just I can't wrap my head around it. Can't wrap my head around it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's gross. No super gross.

Speaker 1:

No, no, yeah, those, those no you know, super gross, I didn't hear that one. That's a good one.

Speaker 3:

I'll have to find that clip for you. Something else, man.

Speaker 1:

June. With what's tomorrow, wednesday is Juneteenth. Yeah, you off, you might be.

Speaker 3:

I could be and don't even know it dude, you could be, you might be, I could be, and don't even know it, dude.

Speaker 1:

I mean, my company is, you could be dang, I wonder. I hope so.

Speaker 3:

So we get something out of it absolutely, absolutely I mean, did you see sleepy joe was the white boy freaking, celebrating june teeth on the white house lawn. That was another moment of just like it was. He's just lost in space.

Speaker 1:

The most bizarre thing to have everybody out there who at least looked like they were happy to be out there celebrating. And then you had Joe trying to figure out where he was. I mean, it was like he looked like a cardboard cutout.

Speaker 3:

Speaking of, speaking of creepy he, he, she that was dancing next to him. That was pretty gross.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of whether it wasn't that Kamala, no, no, no that dude in the dress, the feminine bearded man. Speaking of while we're. While we're, while we're talking about crazy stuff, can we talk about Schumer's burger? I waited, he had a mouthful of bourbon did you guys see that has anybody seen schumer's burger took it down real quick, soon.

Speaker 3:

You started getting roasted, but people got screenshots, so this guy wants to, you know, try to present himself as mr normal, mr everyday guy, which probably hasn't cooked his own meal in 40 years. He's out in his T-shirt which he probably never wears a T-shirt grilling burgers, but ironically, it's real. It's real. It's real because he took it down. He's grilling burgers. He's got a bunch of raw burgers on the grill and two of the raw burgers have cheese on them and he's posing and smiling for the camera. I don't know about you. Raw Unflipped, no, not even they just sat down.

Speaker 1:

Threw the burger onto the grill.

Speaker 3:

The grill might not even have been on.

Speaker 1:

Threw the burger onto the grill. The grill might not have been on, and then just threw the cheese on top of the raw burger burger.

Speaker 3:

Nothing, nothing more american than that please email us or leave a comment, if that's how you cook your burgers oh was he trying to like melt the cheese into the burger? Is that the? Is that the cooking strategy there? I don't know. I've grilled a lot of burgers in my day.

Speaker 1:

That was never tried that, never my strategy.

Speaker 3:

I might try that this week just the the raw cheeseburger.

Speaker 1:

So, speaking of reviews, I'd like to thank neither right nor left. You left a nice review for us when we were talking about the Harrison Butker episode and had a similar experience to mine where he had a grandparent who couldn't get a priest when they needed one the most and that was kind of the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. So thank you for letting us know that story and thank you for leaving us a rating and a comment. And we have also, if you see in this link link below, there's a link down below for legendary usa. You can click on that link. That will take you to legendary usa, who sponsors this podcast. And we've also launched a um, a printify store where, uh, merch, where we, uh, we put some merch up. It is growing. It is growing daily. I I have stuff that is up there now, but I'm adding to it. I should be adding to it almost daily at this point. But first, real shirt up there was at Bert's Request.

Speaker 3:

Oh that's up and ready.

Speaker 1:

That is up and ready to roll. Snap, I didn't get one and it is an unvaxxed and overtaxed shirt. And it's a cool-looking shirt. And it is an unvaxxed and overtaxed shirt. And uh, cool looking shirt. I got the uh, an american traditional eagle on there. It's a nice little unvaxxed logo and uh, a little of this american ride with the 13 stars on there. It's on the back. So uh, check it out. It's available in a ton of colors. The darker colors have white lettering, the lighter colors have black lettering and we got some whiskey tumblers up there.

Speaker 3:

We can throw some of those up on the this American Riot Instagram. We sure can People can see with the link.

Speaker 1:

We sure can Put that up there. No hats, but we're one thing at a time here. They have hats on Port of Fire thing, I don't know yet. I'm working on that, working on that. They might, they might. They have a lot of stuff up there. Um, I did put some wall art up there which I'm gonna probably get for the studio here to uh at least dampen the sound a little bit. Some canvas wall art that I created. So, um, neat stuff, uh, moving along, we're, we're in a roll here. I think this is our fifth one in a row that you'll be listening to, don't?

Speaker 1:

look now joe rogan, I'm telling you, here we go, um, so yeah, I just want to let you guys know that. So make sure you leave us a rating and uh and a comment. We can't reply to them, but, um, as I see them and they're brought to my attention from apple, which sometimes lags, I will, uh, I'll give you a little shout out on the show there we can reply if you comment on the youtube version.

Speaker 3:

We sure can. And uh, if you are listening on some other platform, just head over to youtube and give us a subscribe over there. It's, it's, it's extremely hard to grow over there with this type of content we are officially shadow banned on youtube, I think but so we're gonna need help everybody to get over there and click that subscribe button, leave a comment, drive, you know, drive that interaction and force them to have to yeah if you want a response from us.

Speaker 1:

If you, yeah, if you want like a written response from us, you can. Uh, you can send us a fan mail text. Click to the link here and um in. Uh, did you?

Speaker 3:

say a fan mail.

Speaker 1:

yeah, they called fan mail text. That's that's one thing, that, yeah, they call it fan mail text. That's what they call it, so they can send us a message. Who's getting that Link to the podcast? We'll get it right on the podcast website. We get it, so you can do that. Or you can leave us a comment on YouTube and we'll get back to you for sure.

Speaker 3:

Definitely or still can email us this American ride 1776 at Gmail.

Speaker 1:

And we have a topic from somebody we have not forgotten about you that we need to talk about, and that is men and women's sports.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, and not just sports now, man, beauty, pageants and all Like we are going to beat them, women at their own game.

Speaker 3:

By their standards.

Speaker 1:

Now I could totally win a beauty pageant.

Speaker 3:

You could?

Speaker 1:

You don't even have to shave bro.

Speaker 3:

No, because you can't fat shave anymore. So I'm like hey, Be strolling out there in high heels and a Borat. Did you see, adam Calhoun's? I think I sent it to you. Probably, adam Calhoun's, you got to play it. Dude, I got to send it to you. Hold on, we got to get this on this one, just because it's funny.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, I think you did send it to me. Is that the guy who?

Speaker 3:

He's talking about the men winning. Yes, you did send that to me it's probably on yours.

Speaker 1:

And I will play it for the people right, oh. I don't know where you sent it to me. You didn't send it as a text.

Speaker 3:

No, I probably sent that instant to George.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Try that.

Speaker 1:

Let me boot that up real quick, Because I mean.

Speaker 3:

It's just so. I mean, it's tongue in cheek, but it's so freaking like spot on.

Speaker 1:

It's not wrong. I mean, that's the thing, it's not. It's terrible. It's just absolutely terrible. Did you send it from the beard or did you send it from? Uh, it's a great question. I'm trying to figure that out.

Speaker 3:

Um, I wonder if it's. Yeah, it came from I don't know.

Speaker 1:

We'll have to, we'll have to figure out where it's at, but it's, oh my god, dude, it's, he's right, and that's where I saw the beauty pageant from yeah, it's.

Speaker 3:

It's so funny, though, like guys are now even better at being women than women, apparently. And uh, is it? Oh, this? Oh, hold on, let me turn my thing on because I can send it to her. All right, I'm sending it to ge Okay From Baggers and Brews. This is too friggin' funny man, yo. And this tranny that won that was the wife of a Marine, active duty Marine. Oh my God, yes, embarrassing, all right let's listen to this.

Speaker 2:

Men, we dominate. Listen to this Men, we dominate. Check this out Trans woman wins Miss Maryland USA. Another win for the boys. Not only are we dominating women in women's sports, we are now dominating them in beauty practice. What's up, proud man right here, give me my flower in beauty practice. What's up, proud man right here, give me my flower.

Speaker 3:

That is fantastic. That is so good. Wasn't there like a oh, was it?

Speaker 1:

Another win for the boys, was it the Kardashian stepdad.

Speaker 3:

Wasn't there a training that won like female of the year? Bruce Jenner Yeah't their attorney that won like female of the year? First Jenner yeah, didn't he win like woman? Of the year.

Speaker 1:

Jenner Time magazine oh that's great man, I can't with that Better. I can't even get caught up with that stuff. I can't.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, oh him. Adam calhoun's a good is a good father. I didn't know who he was before this, but I'm gonna follow his music too. He does that like uh, I think I don't want to say it, but it's like that I don't like in that same genre as jelly roll, okay, and with a bit of like they get mad when you say it, I think the country rap, yeah, well, um, hey, listen, cole ford started that. Well, yeah, he's boys with cole ford yeah yeah, or at least he was.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if he still is I gotta say I saw cole ford perform. I know this is like this is how we get on the rabbit hole, but I saw cole ford um perform, um in the streets of nashville during the nra convention and uh, he was pretty awesome dude. He was because I listened to him on the radio and I'm like you know what I mean. Like you'll see songs on the radio sometimes, especially the country rap stuff, and you're like I'm not into it, but then when you see somebody live, you're like holy cow. Yeah, he was speaking of the nra.

Speaker 3:

He was good big dub for the nra. Uh, bump stocks. Second, yeah, man bump stocks. I was gonna say that's, uh, that's a big one, big one. Yeah, screw the atf man that is.

Speaker 1:

It is a big one. And listen, the Supreme Court did the right thing. Machine guns have been banned since 1938, I think it could be 34, but I think it was 38 that machine guns have been banned, yeah, and then assault rifles were banned under Reagan. I think that was 83 or 84. Assault rifles were banned right. So, for you know, there's still people out there let's say people shouldn't have those type of guns. They can, they can shut the hell up, I don't really care.

Speaker 1:

Um, so part of what they did after the Vegas shooting, which was terrible I mean, 60 people died. That guy was like barricaded hotel room. The whole thing was like really surrounded with controversy was kind of weird. But they outlawed bump stocks on the fact that they, you know um, made the gun too easy to fire. They made the gun like a machine gun. Like is how they outlawed it. That was the, the rhetoric that they used, and the supreme court basically said it is not a machine gun because even though the compression of the gun is assisting you in pulling the trigger, you still need to pull the trigger for every round to be released.

Speaker 3:

And that was the argument but the problem is, the problem with this was it was just atf decided this and they don't make laws, neither does, neither is the epa, and you know. But but that's the problem, that's the things that need to be questioned.

Speaker 1:

Atf decided this and they don't make laws, neither does the EPA. But that's the problem.

Speaker 3:

That's the things that need to be questioned. We have lawmakers. We have lawmakers. Yes, they're the ones that are supposed to set the laws, make the laws. Yes, and the Supreme Court even said it. If Congress and whatever, if they want to make a law about it, then we'll go from there and we'll talk about it again if we need to, but AT it again if we need to, but atf doesn't just get to decide. Yeah, they're supposed to be protecting or, um, you know, defending the laws and and doing what the law says and not just making laws.

Speaker 1:

They don't make laws supposed to be enforcing the law. Enforcing that's what? Yeah, yeah, you're, you're, you're 100, right, I mean there's no other. And listen, west virginia, state of west virginia just sued the epa as a, you know, groundbreaking case in the last year. You know the FDA is way stepped over its bounds in many ways. So these, you know, agencies are just that they're agencies. They're not elected officials, they're appointed, they're appointed and they're not lawmakers Right.

Speaker 3:

And we just let them do that all the time, yeah, all the time, all over the place, and they just say it's law. They're not lawmakers, right? And we just let them do that all the time, yeah, all the time, all over the place, and they just say it's law. And we're all like, oh okay no, no, it's, it's not law.

Speaker 1:

Um, and as far as I'm concerned, even living in the state of new jersey, I mean nothing that they the, the infringements that they have in the second amendment, are not even legal. So, and and I think we're states are starting to chip away at that little by little, by little. But, um, it's a fight and I feel like it's a fight that it needs to happen, and I think the only thing that stands between this great country being the great country that it's you know that it is and it is capable of being and it being just like Spain or Italy or any other country, is the Second Amendment. Yep.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's it. It was the second thing they wrote. Literally, they wrote it as the second thing to defend the first thing.

Speaker 3:

They said you could say whatever you want want, but you better have a gun. It's literally the second thing. They said you could say whatever you want, but you better get a gun you need to have a gun yeah, it's holy cow, we do sometimes. You gotta joke about it, man, because it's so bizarre. This stuff is so twilight zoney, where so often I'm like am am I the only one that is totally baffled by what's happening and what people are getting away with?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I would love to tackle the second amendment on here, but I feel like I feel like we need a guest and I feel like I need I know a couple people, but I need to find one um who's willing to do it. Um, because I feel like I need, like, the owner of a gun shop or an instructor, or I need. I need to find one um who's willing to do it. Um, because I feel like I need, like, the owner of a gun shop or an instructor, or I need, I need somebody who is, who is more versed than I, have the experience of capable being um.

Speaker 3:

So it's uh, yeah, definitely, yeah, more definitely expert, I guess, on second amendment, constitution wise and legalities of it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm just an average schmoo so, and before we get into what else you got congrats to Austin and Jeannie just got hitched in Rincón Puerto. Rico, they did stupid, I'm kidding, just got hitched in a ring comb, Puerto Rico. They did they did Kidding, I went to that funeral, I mean wedding. Good times, good times, congrats guys.

Speaker 3:

My party shirt there too, upside down pineapples.

Speaker 1:

That's a good one. It's a good one. It's a good one.

Speaker 3:

No, it was, it was nice. It good one, it's a good one, dixon good one. No, it was, uh, it was nice, it was. Uh, it was a good time. Um, you guys didn't get to go, but carol and I went and spent a few days out in tropical, hot, humid rincon, rincon, puerto rico. But nah, it was cool. I mean kind of check something off for me. I'd never actually been to porter we go, other than a layover, which doesn't really count. I didn't leave the airport, um, so that was cool, you know, getting to do that and seeing the local community there and hanging out by the beach always nice when you have palm trees and water, oh yeah, and a swim pool. You had the ocean and the swim pool and lots of alcohol, so and friends, so it was a good time.

Speaker 1:

Anytime you spend a wedding reception in a pool, it's always a good time.

Speaker 3:

Good time. Congrats to them.

Speaker 1:

That's it. What else you got?

Speaker 3:

before we wrap this one up, Not much man, just gearing up for summer, still trying to get my pool open.

Speaker 1:

That's ridiculous at this point, I want you to know.

Speaker 3:

It's not really ridiculous. It's not even summer yet. Technically it's not.

Speaker 2:

It's not summer yet, June 21st homie 7, 6, 7, whatever. It'll be ready, it's open.

Speaker 3:

It's just we got to get it clean and sparkly, clear and built, you know all that stuff. So we'll get. We'll be there by this weekend all right but um, yeah, no other than that, not much, just, uh, gearing up for this. We are under a month now. We are under a month to the big event, to our event on july 13th.

Speaker 1:

Tell everybody about the event the july 13th tunnel towers event um hosted by uh hurt myself, with some assistance from uh, sam superman, avenge and bry the biker. 25 days, 25 days.

Speaker 1:

Make sure you check out, bry the biker is 44 on youtube and superman avenge on the gram, and um, those guys are helping us out and we've got've got. Actually, you know, we're going to have a long list of people to thank when this is over. We have a lot of people who you know we would not have been able to do this on our own. We're not going to be able to do this without, you know, the group of friends that we have that, um, unselfishly and without even being asked, we basically like, what can I do? Um, so we uh proud to have you guys as friends and proud to have the people helping us out. That is helping us out. Uh, but we're curdling the $18,000 mark somewhere in there, I think. Um, our goal is 50. So we're we're a little less than halfway there, but we've got hope that on the day, we're going to bring in a lot of money and we are going to push through 2024.

Speaker 1:

Continue to raise money for the cause. It's a cause we both believe in. Tunnel Towers, if you don't know, they help the families of first responders and vets and first responders and vets themselves. They do things like if somebody is injured in the line of duty, they will make your house handicap accessible if somebody has killed the line of duty, they have paid off mortgages for the family that is left behind, which is is just amazing that they, you know, had the sight to be able to do something that's so impactful for people who, um, you know, lost such a piece of their lives, um, by their family member, you know, giving their life in the line of service. So definitely, uh definitely, an amazing cause, um, and I feel like it's a charity that isn't as well-known as something like Wounded Warrior or other stuff.

Speaker 3:

It is getting a lot more popular. It's getting some traction.

Speaker 1:

It's getting there. But I feel like I was just talking to the tent company this week who was giving us a huge discount on renting a tent and tables Martinez Party Supply here in Berlin and she stopped me. She was like what's the name of the charity? She said I don't know it and she was an ER nurse and I explained to her, explained everything that we were doing and gave her my spiel and she's checking out the website. But I feel like it's one of those things that a lot of people like maybe in our area or like the New York area, may or may not know. I feel like Tunnel Towers is also a big presence in the Midwest.

Speaker 3:

When I travel out there, I see a lot of commercials for it that I don't see out here.

Speaker 1:

That's because they're probably all Hannity Watchers. They could be, they could be. So it's a great charity, it's a great cause. You can go to wwwbaggersandbrewscom. You will see, on that home page, if you scroll down, there'll be a link to where you can donate um, and you'll see. When you go to that page, you'll see, uh, an excerpt from burt and I about. You know, obviously, what I said while we're doing what we're doing and um, you'll see um, you can donate right there. You can donate anonymously, you can donate non-anonymously. You can see how much money that is there that we have donated directly to tunnel the towers, which is something that we've tried to do through this effort, as much as possible, just to be as transparent as possible.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, um, but um yeah, it's going to be an awesome event. If you were in the Northeast and you know you're, you're not too far. Uh, come on out, man. We've got, uh, we've got 50 plus vendors, food trucks, live music. Uh, we'll have uh, auctions and raffles. Different, a bunch of different products have been donated to us to raffle off in a you know, I don't have to say this anymore but a Chinese auction style type thing China, what else we just it's going to be a good time, man. We're going to have probably we're going to have a motorcycle show, competition type thing Best bagger, best is best at whatever, we got a couple of bands that are shown at the play.

Speaker 1:

We have Andrew Sharrett, South Jersey's own comedian, who is going to be emceeing the event.

Speaker 3:

That's locked up.

Speaker 1:

Telling some jokes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Talk to Cool Hand Drew today and he is actually performing this Friday night in Vineland. Is it in Vineland At a cigar shop? This is the guy that's going to MC.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh nice. So he is performing in 22,. What is it here? 22 Landis Ave, Vineland, New Jersey, Ignitesmokeycom. So Ignite presents a stand-up comedy night with a $15 cover or a two-cigar purchase. It's a BYO event. We haven't talked about it, but maybe Friday night we can head down and listen to some jokes and meet Drew.

Speaker 3:

Speaking of cigars, we do have a cigar vendor going to be at the event. We do we will have beer and some alcohol for purchase there. So it will be a part a um and I just got the.

Speaker 3:

If you're watching this, you might like this. I just got the let's go brandon store from toms river, new jersey, to come out and set up a table and sell some of their stuff. So there might be some pro Trump stuff there, some anti Joe Biden stuff there. We're going to have that guy on the show. I would like to. Yeah, we're going to have him on. Yeah, yeah, that would be, uh, that'd be kind of cool. I'll be here. How and why you got that started.

Speaker 3:

So yeah that's what we got going on um ton of stuff we're gonna be busy, we're gonna.

Speaker 1:

Summer's gonna fly by. We're gonna be. We're gonna be busy for the next 25 days because we're doing everything to get an event together, plus, uh, plus the baggers and brews channel on youtube and plus this american ride. So we have, uh, we have the dishes full, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Busy campers Busy campers but that's all right, man, it's all fun and enjoy doing it. So yeah, no complaints here. But that's it, man. That's today's discussion.

Speaker 1:

All right, Well, listen. Thanks for listening. We hope you listen this long and have a good weekend and we will catch you next Friday Later.

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