This American Ride

Inflation, Immigration, and career advice maybe?

George and Burt Episode 22

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Happy to be back for the second week in a row! talking about some key issues as election season starts to heat up.


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Welcome back to this American ride podcast where we talk about issues that affect you, the average American. What's up and welcome back to the show. I'm George here with Bert. How you doing, man? Doing good, man. What's going on? Weather finally broke, I think. It's certainly warmed up. Rain's back, but yeah, well, it's springing to Jersey. Briefly, I believe, I think we're going to get a nice stretch here for a few days. Yeah, well, even they missed this. It was supposed to be like all rain yesterday, all rain today and we can get that much. Yeah, I think tomorrow's going to be crappy, but I don't know. They're not here to listen to the weather. That's it. It is Friday, there tomorrow. Yeah. This will be Friday for them when they're listening to it. Yeah. So, yeah, still, still, still that struggle to get consistent on this. I know you guys are tired of hearing this talk about it, but man. We'll get there one day. It's tough. It's tough. Slave goals. Working on it. Working on it. So, people not know, I mean, we've been ahead of handful of times in YouTube and like five and a half years. Yes. A handful of times. Listen to Santa. The Santa full time job. It becomes a struggle to stay on top of it and it's a battle. It's a battle. So, but not to talk about social media today. That's a nice breeze coming through the... It's not bad. It's not bad. It's not bad. Nice out. So, what are we talking about today? So, people think, you know, this is some big, rehearsed thing. You know, we sit down. We take all these notes and... There is no pre-production meeting whatsoever. Well, there was a pre-production meeting technically. Yeah. It was about seven minutes of spitball and ideas. You know, again, we'll get more consistent on this. We'll have guests who have topics that are specific. But lately, we've just been like, oh, you got a free time. Let's hurry up and let's try to get something done. So, it's like, okay, what are we going to talk about? That's a real over and sick thing. You know, yes, me with talk about... I was like, I can always talk about the Southern border. I have no problem. I'll beat that to death because it's disgusting. It's to beat nested death. It is. It's a problem, man. Nothing another couple of years here. People I'll realize, I think, what the... They're realizing it by now, man. Holy crap. No, I think some people are not awake to the fact, you know, as woke as they may be. They're not awake to the fact that they are... They're importing voters. Yeah, I mean, there's really no other way to look at it. I mean, how much more obvious you can make it? Yeah. I mean, you've lost... You've lost a huge chunk of your own party that I think this guy's a moron. Right? So many people. When you got, you know, Michael Rappaport saying he can't vote for Biden. One of the hugeest, most flaming liberals ever. And now I'm being flaming in a gateway, but just like massive liberal. And he's like, I can't vote for that guy. You know it's falling apart, right? So... And he's passionate about it. And they know it. They've known it for like for a while now that this guy is a clown and that he wouldn't be able to sustain people's votes and any kind of... What do they call it? What do they call the... Like their approval rating. Ah, because approval rating is like horrendous, has been dang there since day one. So what do you do? You got to bring in people that'll be so appreciative that you brought them here that of course they're going to vote for you. They got two things, right? They're bringing these people in that are so grateful that they're clearly going to vote for them. And they shouldn't even be allowed to vote. And then you got this... You know as you haven't heard a whole ton over the last three years about the whole tuition for giving this crap. Oh yes, what? We're now... He just slipped that back in. It's election year. We're going to try that one again and see if we can get a couple more of these suckers to stay with us on, you know, that's buying votes. You see, buying votes, buying. Vote for me and I'll get rid of your debt. How much more clear is it that you're... It's insane. Yeah. I think the big thing too that I'm kind of curious about. What are the odds that we get through this general election cycle without a debate? Oh, I don't think there's going to be a debate. I can't see them putting this guy in stage with him. I cannot see Biden getting on a stage with Trump. I don't think there's going to be a debate. And I honestly, I think that should... How is that not like some type of election law? That's basic politics. Like how do you get away with that? I feel like they're going to get away with it. I feel... Even last time he was, you know, he had to do it right? Like... Oh man, man. It was like... That is hot mess. Then we eat fresh racers yelling. And after that's a base, they locked him in the basement. Oh yeah. For the rest of the campaign. Like we're not doing this again. We're not going to have that happen. We are just going to go hot and heavy on the bashing Trump and we are not going to talk about what we're going to do. They've got nothing, man. Well, you know, and then now they're going back to their old standby. Well, they came back to abortion this week. That's what I'm talking about. So interestingly enough, you know, they pinned, you know, this whole Arizona is a swing state and, you know, the CNN headlines are like blaring, you know, Trump will lose Arizona. Like already, Trump has lost Arizona in the media's mind because he supports the abortion band. Trump came out right away and I don't think he's done a good enough job about it. And Trump has said, "I do not support a federal abortion plan." Because that's not... That's not anything of what it is. There's never been talk of a federal abortion plan. It's given the rights back to the states. Yeah, they do a good job of misleading people on that, you know. He just came out again and he said it before. Like it's... And I was the whole thing of overturn, you know, Roe v. Wait, it's like it shouldn't be the feds making the call on this. No. It's not in the Constitution. No. It's a state issue. Why did they have a problem with that? You know what I mean? Like you have your... So many states controlled by Democrats. Yeah. What's the problem? Have at it. Go to the states that support it. People don't understand. Like America fought its bloodliest war, bloodiest war over states rights. And that is exactly what they want to do with this. They want to give it to the states, let the states decide. And the beauty of that is, is unlike countries where if you live in a country that is like one government, one state type of thing. And the federal government says, this is illegal, you're screwed. You either have to abide by that, or you can leave your country. The beauty of America is, if your state says, well, this is illegal, you've got a number of choices. One, you can just go to a different state and get them whatever you need to be done. Or if you don't like the values of your state, you can do like so many people from California and New Jersey and New York have done and leave. But stay in your country that you love and you've been here. And you can stay in your state and you can fight the change. Maybe there's a chance, right? But there's so many options. You're going to stay in New Jersey. You're going to stay in New Jersey and fight the change. Well, I'm not going to be a politician. But I mean, there are people, you know, there are people trying. You know, we have, you know, we have a governor who's on his last term, right? So there's going to be another juvenile election here, to Birdle, you know, before too long and you just starting to see the Republicans are throwing their name in the hat, Citer Allian. I saw there was another one, but I mean, you can, if you're here and you're, you know, you're New Jersey throwing it through and you're a Republican, you're going to keep fighting the good fight. Like good luck. But yeah, I don't hope to stick around to see how that turns out. But I mean, I don't, I don't care who they put up there. I mean, I don't care who they put up there voting for. So yeah, I mean, the bigger is not matter. The bigger issue like for us would be that primary and, you know, really doing your homework on that and who's going to give us the best shot. But I mean, the reality is, I think Chris Christie might have ruined the opportunity for a Republican to be a governor for a while in the state till it gets super bad. Was he though? Was he Republican? I mean, he was, you know, moderate. He was a Republican, you know, Ryan O'Lean, so many of them, but, you know, he did such a crappy job and so many people's eyes that what we got now apparently is better to them, which is crazy to me, but it's not. It's crazy. Crazy. Crazy. You see, he caught, I think he caught a bunch of flack for like not coming back to the state when, when the earthquake happened. He was like at a state and he didn't come back like, who Murphy? Yeah. Which I'm like, there's a four point. As much as I hate him, it's like, there's a four point. What was he going to do? Like come back to the dress. Like we don't need to hear from you, dude. Our house rumbled for like 10 seconds. It was great about the earthquake. And if you didn't know, we hit an earthquake. In New Jersey. In New Jersey. Four point eight, four point sevenish on the Richter scale. I felt it here. You felt it in your basement. Oh, man, did I? I really, I mean, I felt it pretty good here. Oh, yeah. I was like, what the heck? It takes you, you know, because we're not California. Like when I used to, it takes you a second to realize what is going on. At first, I thought it was a helicopter because you know, I live in that like, hell, helicopter path. And we get those like black ops looking stealthy helicopters that fly over here sometimes. Yeah. And at first, I thought it was a helicopter and I was like, that's weird. I don't hear the helicopter. And then the house just was like shaken. It lasted for a little bit too. Like it wasn't, you know, I thought it was a dump truck because we, you know, we get some of the big dump trucks that come down our road sometimes because of that. You're not supposed to be on our road or sometimes they're just delivering like, you know, mulch or something to somebody's house. And if they kind of stop right out front of our house and idle, like, you'll get a bit of a rumble in a shake. But then I was like, no, and then I was like, he's that tornado. And then I'm like, because the way the whole floor moved, it was like, it was weird. Then it was like, that's different. Like that's, you know, Carol was upstairs and she thought at first it was just strong winds. And I was weird. Yeah. It was weird. So Stacey's, Stacey's aunt Gail was up in North Jersey and, and she was in Parsippany, which was probably like what, 20, 30 miles from the epicenter. And she, it was like all the neighbors come out of their houses. Like it was pretty significant there. Yeah. So I went out of my house, but I guess someone on the few that's, you know, we're the few that's working for mom. Like nobody else is outside of my, I guess the only one that felt that or gives a crap like, he's got right on, you know, like Facebook and stuff and like, then I always send to you like, you know, he's see it just popping up popping up everybody's talking about. Oh, everybody was texting. Like, versus I was laughing. I was, you know, finishing up the kitchen, there were contractors in the kitchen. I always said everybody's phone was like, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, anything. Oh, like, oh, from texting. Yeah. As I was going to say, there was no kind of alert or anything like, you know, I got nothing like white and white and things like there was nothing like that. I think the first thing I got was Fox News. There was an earthquake in New Jersey. I was like the first to live it. That's the first thing I got. Pretty weird. It's pretty crazy. But, yeah. But. And then you have like, you know, the scholars on the view, you know, talking about, you know, the earthquake was caused by a Trump and global warming. It's like, please tell me somebody didn't say that. That's what somebody else views. Did you like see that clip? Or do you actually watch the show? I saw the, I don't remember the exact wording, but I don't watch the, that watch the show. I had to see those clips, you know, it's conservative Instagram pages, you know, posting it or whatever. Yeah. You know, they're so crazy. Did you see, oh, man, I forget her name. She's a black woman who was an actress and she has some like radio show. Her name is slip. I can't think of her name, but you got to hear the clip of it, man, where she's talking about Trump and what's going to happen if he wins it? Oh, all the bad stuff that didn't have it last time he won it. Right. But no, this was so dramatic. She did his right. I mean, we can't play it on here, but I'll find it for you afterwards. She, she is has this dramatic voice. She's getting loud and she's like the instant he wins, he's going to have the generals march right down to the glass case that the Constitution is in. They're going to take a hammer and break the case and shred the Constitution. I know. What do you have done at the first time? I'm going to go out of the limb. I'm like, I really, I feel like those people should be shot for treason because in the 1700s, that's exactly what would happen to somebody like that. My point is like, what are you talking about? There it is. She's an idiot. First of all, if you look at the people who are actually like the abortion thing, he's abiding by the Constitution and you're mad about it. Yeah. Do you even know what's in there? Because you apparently think abortions in the Constitution. And it's not like he's the one who's trying to his best to uphold it. By the way, there have been so many Democrat controlled congresses and Senate's. See when Obama got in, they had the House and they had the Senate. They had everything at that opportunity. But Obama's first term, they had everything. Instead of taking that opportunity to do something and like ratify, roe v. Wade, get a constitutional amendment for abortion. They call it codify? Yeah. I don't even know what that means. I haven't looked at word up, but they use it all the time. But instead of taking the time and the energy to do that, they shove the Affordable Care Act down our neck so that big farmer could make billions of dollars. That's the best thing to ever have in this country. So that people who worked who, you know, had to pay crazy amounts of money for insurance. Yeah, man. And anybody who says that, you know, Obamacare is reasonable, you're not on it because I know people who work for companies who have less than five employees. And if you have less than five employees, you don't have to. But you don't have to provide health insurance for your people and they can go get Obamacare. And they can pay their $500, $600 a month for their Obamacare. It's crazy. It's not. It's not supposed to benefit the working class people. And have a $7500 deductible. So you're paying like $500 a month of federal government and you get a $7500 deductible. Yeah. Well, the whole point of that was, I mean, they try to, they don't want to talk about it, but the whole point was for all of us to pay more so that people, worthless people that don't work and live off the government. They're the ones getting the bargain on it. They're the only ones getting the good cheap medical care. So they can build their voter base. Yeah. I mean, that's just, anyway, they can buy a vote. I don't know. Crazy. But yeah, so, so obviously the border is what it is. It's a giant mess and getting worse by the day. But, you know, now, you know, the more recent stuff is this whole thing with Biden, you know, flying. Now, flying them in just directly from these third world countries that they're in and, you know, 300 and something plus 1000 people, they just flew in, which by the way, they won't count as like numbers for the border because, you know, they flew them and they didn't go through the border and they won't tell you what airports they brought them into. They won't tell you specifically where they came from. We know a huge chunk went to Florida, a bunch went to Texas and someone to New York, you know, well, blatantly, blatantly obvious. Well, they're trying to bring them into Texas and Florida, right? Because those are states that they can't win. They got to try to balance it out. Like, Florida's not a, Florida's not a swing state anymore. No, it's done. You know, it's as red as any state is. So they're trying to recover. I feel like Ohio is getting that way too. It's getting, yeah, it's getting close. It is getting close, man. This can't come and be done soon enough. So this is going to be the most painful stretch of just anxiety trying to get to this point because it's going to be one of two extremes for me. I get to see they're going to be amazing or it's going to be super depressing. They think of four more years of what we got going on right now. Anybody that can think of four more years of what we got going on right now, holy crap, dude. I don't think we're being able to afford it. Afford it. Literally. I don't. I don't. And you know, it's interesting about the selection now. Fed met, they're like, we're not going to cut rates. We're not going to raise rates. We're just going to keep a rate as they are. So we're going into this election year. We're not going to have a rate hike, right? We're going to keep everything good. Well, guess what? Inflation went up again. It reports just came out. Well, yeah, it reports just came out what three, four days ago that inflation has gone so it's up year over year. It's continuing to rise up. And it's also up quarter over quarter. Obviously it was on some finance guy was on radio today and he was saying how the last four months, every month, it's been up way more than anybody predicted or expected. Yep. So because they haven't raised rates. So you can't tell me like the Fed isn't under pressure from like a sitting president. You know, you can't tell me those guys operate independently because if they were operating independently, we would have had another rate hike because there should have been a rate hike this last time around. We're not going to get a reduction. We're not going to get a drop. Now we're going to what are they going to do now and they meet again? What's the Q2 meeting going to be? Are they going to say, well, inflation's up, but we're not going to hike rates? Like what might high grades they could have was all today was saying he doesn't, he doesn't I don't remember who this guy was, but he's some finance expert. He was saying that he doesn't see any definitely no reductions this year. No. And if anything, possibly the beginning and next year, they're being an increase before anything starts coming down. I think we'll see that increase. I think we're going to see that increase Q2 or we're going to see it right into the election. I think we're going to see it right into Q3. I don't have to. They're going to have to. Well, if you think you just said that you think the president has something to do with it. Yeah. No, no, that's what I said. He does. People think he does. That's with that whole like the rate should have been high this last time. I don't think and this guy's theory was that there won't be one in that anywhere from September on because they would not want to do any kind of increase or decrease with right around the corner from the election to because it would look bad. And I think the problem is it should have happened in the last meeting and it didn't. And now they're going to find themselves in a pickle. Yeah, I don't know, man. In a pickle. I can't sit in that. Like I know the ins and outs of that whole that whole piece of interest finance stuff. But I just don't see how they thought inflation was going to go down. And without unemployment staying the same. Like you're adding jobs. I was trying to tell the country works. You know, you raise the rates. It gets more expensive to borrow people lay people off. People stop buying stuff. Inflation goes down. It's how it works for inflation to drop. They need unemployment. They need higher unemployment. And you know, you can't just it's just how it works. There's no. I was looking at something. I saw something today that had here it is. Inflation at the same point in presidency for Donald Trump and Biden. Oh, good lord. So same point like like right now at this point in their presidencies. Energy was 0% inflation. Biden's 38 plus gasoline was minus two for Trump. 27% almost 48% for Biden. Electricity was like 3% for Trump. 29 for Biden. Natural gas was negative 1.9. It's almost 27 for Biden. Groceries 3.3. 21. Now these are the ones that you know, they're just all of them at home. They're so too. Eggs was minus 3.6 with Biden. Eggs are up 49%. Milk. Milk's up 15. That like two for Trump chicken was at like 37. It's at like 24 for Biden. Transportation 2.3. It's up to 32.5 for Biden. Airfare was minus 13. It was minus 14% under Trump. It's at 32.7. Oh, excuse me. Woo. Woo. That was at 30. 32 almost 33% for Biden. Public transportation was negative eight. It's at 22. Use cars were 2.4%. They're at almost 21%. Apparel was 0.6. It's at almost 14% for Biden. Who needs anything more than this little screenshot right here when they go and devote in November? Yeah. Because I'll tell you right now, if anything other than this and the southern border are your top priority, you are the problem. Yeah, yeah. Your priorities are jacked and you're destroying this country. And I hate you. There you go. And I'm not pulling punches on that. If these right here, this stuff that affects every single, this is something that's crossed the board. You bring up all that other crap, abortion, this issue, gay rights, all these, they've select a few groups of people, those affect. This what I just read to you affects every single person in this country. Yep. And that's what should matter. Yeah, but that doesn't pull the heartstrings of people. It doesn't pull the heartstrings. It pulls my heartstrings when I can't do something I want to do. Well, yeah, because I got to buy eggs. Oh, yeah, that are up 49% for some freaking eggs. And there's no rhyme or reason to anything right now. Like we live in Jersey. I stopped to know a lot more than the day. Gas was 333. A week ago, gas was what? 318. Yeah, yeah. It just jumped again. It's 333. So I'm like, you know, we're looking at it. The truck was on a mind you. I mean, yeah, I didn't have 250. I get 15 miles a gallon. I get it. But the truck was on me. And I'm like, do we? And stays like, you know what? Put 50 bucks in it. I know. Put 50 bucks in it. Where'd you go? Huh? Where'd you go? What do you mean? Where'd you get gas? The wall. Okay. This was at the wall. Is it 333? Because you and the mighty Joe. No, no, no. I can't. They're a buck higher than everybody. I'll explain my mighty Joe's saga in a second. But the, so we went up to Costco. Costco was 311. Well, I mean, he's cheaper than he had, but not that much cheaper. Usually it's like maybe 15 cents or a nickel. It's not like, it's not like crazy. Right now they are. So gas cheaper. So way back when, like when Biden first got in, remember, it's bike. Like gas was up. Even for us, it wasn't up in like the high, wasn't it up in the fours? It was like up in the fours. Yeah, it was closing it on five in 2020. In 2020. That's high for here. In 2020, we were in 2021. I think it was 2020. When we went to Hawaii, we were in San Francisco. We made a stop at San Francisco. Gas was seven and a quarter for regular. Seven and a quarter gown for regular. So again, it was up to that point, but since, you know, since it kind of dropped back down to its new norm, right? Yeah. It's been doing that yo-yo for like two years where it's like crazy. It's like three, you know, gets down into, like maybe even gets to like three oh nine, but it takes weeks for that to happen, right? And then you go back overnight and it's back up to three twenty something. Regardless, we haven't seen the twos. No, we haven't seen twos at all. In Jersey, we haven't seen twos at all. No, not at all. Since he's been in office. No. And that's what they were saying, the national average, like right now from when like Trump was into now, he was at like a dollar. Like it was like, maybe it was two, maybe it was like just over two dollars. And then actual average, like now is like, it's like what they say, it was like, is it like almost five? I think something like that. Yeah. Things like five, but it's like ridiculous difference. Yeah. And but, you know, the president has nothing to do with that. I just got gas in Tennessee. I got gas in Tennessee and it was three to five a gallon. It's high. Three to five a gallon. That's high. Noxville, yeah. It's crazy. Yeah. So I mean, it's, and these are the things that like that hit people like everybody's like, oh, you got solar panels. Like that was a mistake. I got solar panels for a number of reasons. One, I needed a roof and I got a huge, actual tax rebate to put a roof and solar panels in my house. And then they're like, well, you have, you know, you have a solar panel payment. I was like, yeah, my electric bill is like nothing. And my solar panel payment, newsflash is not going to change. It's never going to change until it's paid off. Your electric bill, by the way, is up 20% in three years. So I mean, is it playing a long game? Yes. Is your house going to be, you know, you show these electric bills? I mean, who's busting your trams about solar panels? A couple of people have busted my chops. So that's a lot of hassle. Like it's not worth it. You rent the number buying them. Like friends are online. Some friends, yeah. And you rent the number buying them. And I'm like, I know. I hear the same thing. Buying them. And it's like, well, you should have rented them for what? So they could stick it up my ass when, when you, you know, you, you know, Carolyn's anti, anti them too, but it has lots more to do with the issues that happen when in real estate, because, you know, being a realtor and that world, like there's issues buying and selling. But I think it's going to be more accepted. I think as, as I think it's going to get more, more accepted in real estate. And I mean, I don't want to say it's something that people are going to look for. But I think if, you know, you're a realtor saying a, seeing a house and, you know, you're laying out an electric bill that's $6 a month, you know, and here's your solar panel. Yeah. I don't, I don't want any solar panels that don't provide me juice when everybody else is out. Well, you can get that. Yeah. I can't get that. But that's, that's, that's a big, that's battery. It's another 20 grand. That's a big shot. But I mean, otherwise to me, there's a, I wouldn't do it. Me personally, I'm not saying you shouldn't have. Me personally, if I'm doing it, I want to be like off the grid. If the grid goes down, you know, because of some cyber attack or something, like I still want power. I'll have power one of the suns up. But I'm not going to have power one. And that's just, I can put batteries in. I mean, it is what it is. I mean, you have that option, but it's, um, is it, is it completely off the grid? No. You know, do I think, if the electric goes completely out? Yeah. And it's a sunny day. I'll have power with us. Yeah. How does that work? I don't know how it works. We can't, I don't know how it works. There's an inverter. Everything's actually experienced that have not yet. I'll let you know how that works after me. I can see how that goes. Didn't stop me from putting a generator plug in on the inside of the house, though. So I'm worried. Yeah. Um, but again, I'm sure you're not going to run stuff. You know, I'm sure I'm not going to run an air conditioner off of solar. Yeah, well, um, you know, so I mean, there are things that, you know, you probably can't run off of that. But I mean, I got, listen, I got a stove, which is redid this kitchen. I got a stove that's not electric because I'm done like having around a 220 line for a stove. I mean, even to do that with the generator is, is a draw when you have an electric stove. And I bought a stove. So I mean, it's a nice stove, but there's no electronics on it. There's no clock. There's nothing. The only thing electric on it is the igniter, which you could obviously do with a match. Yeah. So that's good. Bare bones, man. Bare bones, you guys should see this. You should see the stove. Bare bones. This is the boze. The boze. The boze. That's the boze. I love saying that the people have seen the stove. Bare bones. I mean, listen, it's a six burner wolf range. It's nice. It's not, it's not too shabby. Yeah. But I mean, this is a thing, you know, I mean, it's, you know, is it very possible? Listen, is it very possible that if we see, you know, he gets in again and you're seeing his rise in the cost of electricity, like we've been seeing, I mean, it was 20% this time around who's, who's not saying if this guy gets in for another four years, you might not see a 40 increase, a 40% increase over those four years, right? So how much do your solar panels become worth then? Yeah, man, it's, oh, in the state of New Jersey, he's given me 75 hours a month for 15 years. Yeah. If you just think about the mere fact, like, say, let's just say, it's like a, like a normal, for those people that live or work in the kind, any kind of world where like you get like normal, you know, yearly increases merit, what every day, want to call it, come anyone's to call it right? You get raised, basically, right? A pretty normal raise is a 3% raise. Oh, yeah. I mean, that's pretty normal if you're out of company here. There for a long time, like that's just kind of pretty standard. If you're doing a good job, 3%, that's probably right. Well, inflation's at 4 something. Oh, yeah. So you got to raise this year and you're still poorer than you were last year because of the stuff you got to buy. It's interesting. I remember the 90s, when I first went to work at the Borough Heart and Lung Center, we got two raises. You got your merit raise and you got to cost the living raise. You got to cost the living raise. Yeah, we don't. So I don't think that's normal. The only way to do a living raise is a lot of places it was normal. It was normal, a lot of places. I used to get a car. Yeah. A hell in full. We used to get a cost of living. Well, it's gone. Nobody does cost living raises anymore. It's gone. It's gone. I mean, that's just like pensions, you know, for the normal people, like, let's you have a government job, like pensions are gone too. It's all 401k. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but I mean, you just think about that. Like, I'm making more money this year, but I'm still, I'm not better off than I was last year. I'm certainly not better off. I'm just a three years old. Inflation. You know, it's just like, that's how, like, when I left my last job, that's one of the reasons, you know, I was anxious to get out there and left because they didn't do, it was a government, like a government contract job. So we didn't get yearly raises, right? So I went years without any kind of pay increase because you were a bit on a contract. Right. But, but the company I worked for is medical went up every year. That was, that was a bomb of care. That was all I went up every year. So I didn't get a raise and I was worse off every year because I was paying because I was the one carrying the medical benefits that went up every year and I'm just bringing home less money every year. And now you're running a company though. I mean, people can mad at the companies, but you're running a company, right? You've been on a contract. Mm-hmm. Right? Are you, you know, are you, how can you build that into your contract? You can't, you don't know what that's going to be. So with those kind of jobs, that kind of job that I had, the government controlled the pay range of the job title. So unless the government changed that, the company wasn't obligated to do it to give you more. If the government changed it and it was more than they had to, but so obviously, why, you know, why would they? You know, other than, you know, try to make their employees, you know, enjoy working there and want to stay, but, you know, they could, if they wanted to, they could pay you more. They just couldn't pay you less than whatever that government number was, but that's a whole different way. You know, not everybody's in that kind of business. Your average kind of, you know, office jobs, you know, aren't like that, but still like, just to think that you could make more money and your worst office just not the American dream. Yeah. Yeah. Like, as you progress in a career and, you know, it used to be beneficial, you know, people wanted to stay with the same company for 20, 25 years and get a pension and all that stuff. And now there is no fruit in that. It doesn't benefit you now. They actually say it's a fact that if you don't switch companies every three or four years, you're not going to be making more money. That's more beneficial. You'll make more money leaving and going to a new company and you'll get a bigger, pay increase than you will staying and getting your three percent every year. Yep. You know, the number was, but it was almost like if you left a company, you were more likely to get closer to a 20% increase to go to a different company than to stick around at your job and collect three percent every year. And do that. And I've got a good story on this one. But before we get into that, let's hear from the legendary USA sponsor this podcast and the sponsor of our tunnel, the Towers event on July 13th. And let's go. What's up, everybody? I wanted to take a minute to tell you about the sponsor of today's podcast, legendary USA. Their selection of leather and denim jackets, vests, gloves, chaps and riding shirts are 100% made in the USA with a lifetime warranty. Legendary USA isn't just about style, it's about quality. With American made products and a commitment to excellence, you can trust that you're getting gear that's built to last. Legendary USA isn't just for bikers, they have a full selection of shirts, hoodies, EDC, tactical and survival gear, all made here in the USA. And here is the best part. Legendary USA is offering our listeners an exclusive deal. When you shop at and use the promo code legendary pod, you'll get 15% off on your first purchase. That's legendary with a D and pod for podcast. So why settle for ordinary when you can be legendary? Click that link in the description to head on over to to explore their fantastic range of products and use the promo code legendary pod to snag your 15% off discount today. Now back to the show and thank you for legendary USA for supporting this podcast. Yeah, buddy. Mm-hmm. Just got to see Chris on our legendary USA on Tuesday night. The big bike night on Tuesday night. If you're in our area, local to South Jersey, every Thursday, I feel there's Pub and Ham into New Jersey. There will be bike nights and he won't be at all of them, but he was at the last one selling some of his merch and he will be there this coming Thursday. Yeah, this coming Thursday by the time you see it. So you can come out and buy some of his gear. Good, dude. You just got, you just got a leather vest. Yep. Yeah, but I got some gloves, man. I still don't have a leather vest yet. He doesn't want to give me one right now because I'm getting there because I'm losing weight and he doesn't want to give me what that's, that's too big. I'm actually hanging on to, I have one in the house that doesn't necessarily fit me right now. I'm kind of hanging on to it. You're trying to get into that. Is that your skinny vest? Yeah, I'm not. I'm not far off from it. I'm not far off from it. So I'm going to hang on to it, I think. But yeah, good dude. Good company, man. I can make products, everybody wants American made products, man. He does it just, we've got to understand we talked about this. Everybody wants the quality American made products. But they don't want to pay the price. The price sucks. I want to pay Amazon prices. Well, can't pay China prices for American made stuff, man. So check them out online, you know, legendary You can go on there. They actually have a new, he's got a new feature on there where you can, you can kind of build your vest or jacket, kind of like, who's that other mainstream one? First MFG. Yeah. You got like a builder on there. He's got a pretty cool thing if you're into Dixon flannels. He's doing the inside and Dixon's. Yeah, he came upon, he was able to buy like 100, 100 and something, like unworn brand new Dixon flannels. And he's using them as liners. Like they're creating liners in the inside of Vester or other jacket. So like you can go on there and you can kind of build it like that. What if I was burning him in Dixon if he would hook me up? If you brought him one? Yeah, how'd he go? You'd have to send it down to Florida, but I'm sure. Not sure. Okay. That's where his partner is. They work out of Florida. You know what? They make American products in Florida. They got freedom down there. They do. So I stayed with the same company for 20 plus years. The first probably 10 years of it, it was a really good company. The first five years of it was an amazing company. First 10 years of it, kind of what happened, it was a very innovative company. And then they realized that they were going to have to position themselves to be acquired. So they positioned themselves to be acquired. They got thinner. They stopped up money into R&D. They started getting branching out and making smaller acquisitions, building the portfolio. So things kind of dragged from an innovation standpoint for quite a while. And then they got acquired by a big company. And it just, I tried to roll with the punches and I rolled with the punches probably for a decade. The problem is I probably rolled with the punches for five years too long because I was at that window where it was like, all right. I'm in my mid 40s. If I can hang in there till I'm 55, I can get benefits for life. Like that was like my thing. And I just couldn't do it anymore. It just became completely not worth it for a number of reasons. For one, when I tested the market, the market was better. You know, I mean, the market was just better. And I recently, you know, I talked to a woman and I can't say who it was, but you know, she said, listen. Come on. No, it wasn't. Come on. Camila. If you are not moving up every three years, what do you mean by up? Like being promoted up in position. If you're with a company and you're not moving up, you need to be moving out. It's interesting. Yeah. And her window was three years. I think that's a, that's tight. I also feel like that's like a career, like a career motivated person. Yeah. Well, she is. I mean, granted, very career motivated person, very successful at the top of where she, that's a very corporate mindset. It is. And she's not a CEO, but she's there. Like she's ready for that. And she's there. And she is, I don't know, 45, 48. Yeah. Yes, yeah. I took so long trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up that I went from trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up to just wanting to have a job that pays the bills with no, with minimal to no responsibility. I have no desire to be, you know, and in my company, I could like management move up, like move up that way, I'm zero desire because all that comes with that is more responsibility and more hours worked. Yeah, I feel like the older I get, the more, I want to say I feel pressure to do it, but the, I, I used to never have the desire to do that. And now I look at that and I'm like, you know what? Yeah. Because I look at that and I think to myself, I know I can do that better. Yeah, I know I can't do, but I don't want to. No. Actually, I mean, I have good management right now. I have great management. When I first started with this company, when I first started with this company, I was, you know, year two, year two into it and I had like the one I want with my boss, my supervisor, you know, and they ask you that, like, you know, what are your goals? What do you, do you have goals to move up within the company because there's tons of opportunities? It's a pretty big company. It's an opportunity to go out and I told them straight I was like, listen, man, I don't, I put, I'd be perfectly content sitting in this position for the next however many years, collecting my 30% every year, doing my nine to five and being done for the day, taking nothing home with me, having my vacation time, taking it without worrying about what's going on at the job when I'm away. I have no desire, a management position would just kill my desire to travel and do all those, and he was like, it's perfectly fine. Like he was, like he understood like where I was coming from. I'm not, you know, at this point, I'm not like 30, I'm not, you know, at that go getter, like I'm, yeah, mid 40s, like I'm not trying to pursue some sort of better career at this point, you know, I'm making decent money. Give me my annual, keep, keep accruing, keep gaining, you know, vacation time as I stack on years. That's what I'm totally fine with. And I recently had, and I've obviously since then I've switched like jobs within the company twice since then and I'm on like a totally different like program or whatever. Same company and I had that same kind of conversation recently and I'm like, how do you, I know, I don't want to, and I know that. That probably looks terrible like to some, some management people. Yeah. I'm like, I don't have, I don't want to, I don't care. Like if you, if that like makes you want to give it to me, what do you, I do? Like I, I'm not going to lie to you and be like, yeah, I want to be a manager. And then that comes up and then like I'm like, I'm not going to be obligated to try to apply for some management position that I don't want. Yeah. So I'm not, I'm not career orientated at this point in my, in my, in my life, in your life, the eight, like I'm not looking to like move up the chain, man. I felt, I felt like that what, what I, what I was with that, but I, that's kind of how I felt. I was just like, let me just go to work and do my thing and just leave me the eff alone. And I feel like that type of working environment is rare to, if not gone, especially on, on the medical end. Like there is no doing your work and being left alone or there is, there is none of that anymore. There is none of that. Got 'em on that field. It's tough. But again, now I'm with the company and I'm with people who I enjoy working with and a company that is given, you know, me an opportunity to bring something to a market that may change the lives of people for years to come. Yeah. You know, it's a cool thing. It's, it's inspiring. It's, you know, anyone who do it you can. So it's a different, different work. I want to say it's a different work environment, you know? Yeah. That's interesting. It's an emin. I just want to travel at this point. I love the fact that I can work from home. Love the fact that Carolyn can work from home and our goal is to spend the last time at home and more time on the road. More time on the road, working from the road, kind of exploring the country. I mean, people like to talk about vacation and stuff like I have, I don't need to leave the country to vacation. There's so much in this country that I haven't seen. Yeah. I mean, there's, there's a ton of stuff in Stacey and I had that conversation a while back. There's a ton of stuff in this country that is great to see. I mean, I recently went to, you know, to policing Georgia and was that cool. Yeah, it was, it was, it was cool seeing the way people live differently. And that's exactly how they live just like we do a little bit differently. Did I have this impression that, you know, I was going to this like crazy third world country and I could never live there and who knows what the heck we're going over to and I went there and I was pleasantly surprised and I was like, you know what? It's not like you couldn't live here. It's not like you couldn't live like they do. They're not, you know what I mean? Yeah. They're just people just like the rest of us. They're just in a different part of the world. They go out and slam some vodka's and- You can build in some barbecue and- Or more than small. They're homes and not what do you want homes are. But do you want to live in a camper anyways? Yeah. There's a lot of places around the world. You know, what I'd like to see sure, but that's to me like the headache of that travel is it's just so much easier to get in RV and drive across America and there's so much to see- I'm sure you're going to go back to Germany. I'd love to go back to Germany one day, but- So not like a pressing like it's- I'd like to do it, but it's not like some sort of pressing desire. So I have the opportunity coming up hopefully to go to Italy to do, you know, to do some research to go to Italy and, you know, I said to Stacey, I'm like, you know, my airfare is paid for. Why don't we- why don't we look at some airfare? Like here's some general dates. I don't know exactly what it's going to be. Holy cow, the airfare to Italy. Well, I just read to you airfare how much it was up. You need to read that again. I'm like, that was 40 percent. It's like, it's like $1,500 or coach to Italy. Wow. It's crazy. Crazy. Well, that makes it even easier to stay in the US and hop in my RV and drive. We flew business to Georgia, right? I mean, that's- we're flying for work. I mean, that's, you know, something that at least you could do. So we flew business class Turkish Airlines insane experience aside from the landing into Bliesee, but very good. And that ticket was $5,500. Round trip.$2,500 there.$2,500 back. I have an issue spending the Ford brand. It would take my family of four to go to Disney World. F Disney. Let alone spending. So for- f Disney. F $5,500 for one person to fly across the country. Yeah. Or across to another country. I don't know.$55 for one ticket for one person. Yeah, that's a lot of money. So Carolyn, I want to go over wherever this place was. It's 10 grand before we even pay for anything else. So airfare. 10 grand for airfare. And then I got to pay- I got to have hotels and I got to spending money and God knows what I like. Mm-hmm. Who does a $20,000 vacation? Oh, yeah. Yeah. No thanks. I'm not built like that. Oh, yeah. Nope. I've never done one of those. You know how much campgrounds are? Biggest cost on it. That trip is just the gas and that's thanks to Biden. So when Trump gets back there and hold over the country with my $1.55 gas. And then I listen, man, I'll tell you right now. I'll tell you right now. Because you know there's these people out there and they're mostly Democrats that want to tell you how the president has nothing to do with the gas. All right. Everything to do with the gas. Nothing to do with the gas. Except every time there's a Republican, it's low and every time there's a Democrat, it's high. It was low under Trump. It's been crazy under Biden. Trump gets back in there and this crap drops down to two and under two. The next person that tells me the president doesn't have something to do with the gas is getting punched in the mouth. All right. Via Facebook, you know, Lewis, you're getting punched in the mouth. Right in the mouth. Tell me that. And that was funny. Do you see that one clip that went around? You know, because they love they've been preaching this since day one that the president had anything to do with that size fall. And then that clown, the mouthpiece, what's her face? She was talking about, you know, the president's doing everything he can to get gas prices down and the one, was it do see Peter, do see? He was like, well, I thought the president had anything to do with the gas prices. And she was like, she had nothing. She was like, thanks guys, close your book and walked out. There he is. And then they catch him in some freaking two-faced crap, man, which is does he have something to do with it or does he not? Because if he doesn't, then what's he doing to get it down? As soon as they push the energy, as soon as they push the energy initiative gas prices going right up, it's like, all they got to do is like, say, we're going to be electric by 2035, the next fucking day, gas is on 15 cents. Like, it's like the electric things killing me, man. It's never going to happen. They're pushing that so hard and everyone that has any kind of knowledge on it says there's just no way the infrastructure just cannot. It can't. It's crazy. It can't. It just, it can't. They got all those, all those chargers at the Wawa pair of Mephord. Yeah. Whole strip back there. Yeah, you parked there? I don't parked there because it's just further to walk. But I do crack up in the morning watching all the people that do park there and that like, don't have a electric car. No, I just see one knuckleheads parked their charging and he's on his phone and I'm like, what are you just going to say here for 45 minutes? I don't tell any. I get a start parking there. I like, I get a start parking there. There's funny though that you were talking about your job and how like it was good at the beginning and then as they realized that they wanted, you know, like, yeah, like it starts. That's the thing. That's what really sucks about business. That's why like small businesses because any time like the business, no, it's better for them. The businesses and they end up making more money the long run, like trying to go public and all that stuff. Yeah. Right. But every time they do that, like they're great and they get this following as a small business and everybody loves them. And then as they have to grow and the things they have to do, whatever it is, they're providing just gets worse. It always does. Always. No accident. We were just talking about Wawa and you started to realize. That's Wawa. Well, that was what made me think about it. How about Jersey mics? I don't know about that. I've never had your, I don't eat Jersey mics. So Jersey mics back in the day, just like Wawa, just a name to her meal, just like Wawa would shave their cold cuts to order. Right. Right. You want a turkey sandwich? They picked a turkey up out of the bin and they went back there and they started slicing turkey to make a turkey hoagie, right? Yeah. So they were really, they were always really good. There was like two of them down the shore. They were really good. There was one like right in where a town. It was like a turkey hoagie. I hadn't seen them in years and all of a sudden in North Jersey, they put on a Jersey mics and I was like, oh, what's up? We got a Jersey mics. Let's go get a hoagie. Stacey was like, this is terrible. It's like, I know. This is not what this is not. Whatever the hell this is is not, is not the sandwich that you got because just like Wawa, you got this thick pre cut kind of almost like slimy cold cut. That is like. I mean, it's just, what the fuck? So first, first thing, there's people listening to this. They're like, what's a hoagie? Well, hoagie's a, hoagie's a grinder. Submarine. Hoagie's a sub? I don't know. Whatever you want to call it. It's a long rule. We're all so much. But no, like think about it. Like when we were in high school, it was like the, was like the hey day of Wawa. Oh man. It was amazing. Even like grammar school for us because that's when we got our first like Wawa, like middle school. They cut, they sliced, like you said, the meat was fresh and they cut it to order. It was a deli. They were on Amoroso rolls, which are amazing. Right. If you know, you know, and if you're not familiar with it, you don't. Amazing. It was just, it was amazing. It was, it was like, we all loved it. And then as it, like it started to grow and what, what's the thing? They started expanding south, right? Like they started popping up here and there in Florida. Well, when they're going to do that, what do they got to do? They got to kind of streamline their processes more because now they're, like, they're trying, they're not no longer just local to the Eastern PA and Jersey area, right? They're, they're trying to spread out. So they got a streamline, everything and now they're, now they stop slicing their bread, or their own meat, right? That was the first big change. They started making their own bread. But that's the most recent, which is in the probably last five, six years, something like that. Maybe they started doing their own bread and stopped the end of just the hokey socks now, man. It's not good. Let's go get wow, hokey's dude. They were awesome. And now it's like, hmmm. Yes, I really, at this point, it's not good. The only thing I'm die hard about, wow, is a coffee at this point. That's like the only thing that I prefer over any of the other coffee places. That's not true. What do you mean, it's not true? Half and half. What? What, what, what, half and half? What about it? The iced tea, you're die hard for that. I can live without it. I mean, I do, I do. You weren't happy with what I did. Well, it was the principle of like, you have all these teas and you have all these different flavors of teas and you got the half and half and you have the diet half and half in the small, the pint or whatever they are, 16 at whatever. You got all these other ones that are in a half gallon. Why is since COVID the only thing that's been affected is the diet half and half. Yeah, I don't know. That's, it was just the principle of like that, just the noise of the crab had. Yeah, like the coffee is the one thing that I like. I don't like dunkin' out of like Starbucks, you know, and who's going to 7-11 for coffee. Like, I love while my coffee has stopped there almost every morning and grab it, like the way home from the gym or whatever I grab it, bring it home for both Carolina and I. But it used to be that way. We used to see hoagies like it was going as the weedy. Hoagies. Several times a week. You would never get a while when I think about bringing a sandwich, you always get a hoagie. But now it's like, I don't want that. Now, I'd rather have their pizza, which that's terrible. It was ridiculous, but it really wasn't terrible. I get a sandwich when you're such a pizza snob, but really like, again, pizza is like sex even when it's bad. It's still good. Like, I will tear up an Helios pizza. Like, are you kidding me? What was the best lunch day at school in high school? Oh, it was good. You were going to say some weird stuff like Lama beans or something because you just eat the weirdest pizza. No, no, I don't know. I love pizza day. I like pizza day. I like the little fucking, the little moon crater burgers that we stood that were like in the water. I would eat those. A burger in the water? Yeah, they used to have them in the catering tray, like in the water. Keep them warm. You don't remember those burgers? I remember. You actually were soaking in water? Yeah, they were in warm water. Think about that right now what you're saying. I know that's how they were though. But the pizza was like a pizza day. The pizza was good. And it was like nothing more than the little rectangular Helios pizza. It was pizza. Yeah, like, I mean, it probably wasn't Helios, but it was something. Who knows that they didn't mass production, but giant big things that they cut. I don't know what they were. The taillard tots were a thing. Yeah, I mean, you still love the taillard tots? I mean, I till this day I still love taillard tots and I feel like in South Jersey, there's still a thing. Who says they're not elsewhere? You go in North Jersey or there's not. They're barely in South Jersey. You can't compare. You can't just go South Jersey in North Jersey. Well, if you go to Kentucky, they don't have taillard tots. Wow, that I've never seen in Tennessee. You've never seen taillard tots in Tennessee. I haven't seen taillard tots in Tennessee. I mean, if anybody's watching this from Tennessee or listening to this, watching this, they all have taillard tots in Tennessee. The only time you'll see them, I feel like the only time you'll see them is at a restaurant that's doing them that gives you the loaded tots appetizer. I'm going to go. Let's talk. Yeah, but you can't get tots instead of fries, usually. That's not even every place in South Jersey. But it's more places than other places. I don't know because I spend most of my time in New Jersey. And I don't necessarily look for the tots. Typically, if I'm going to order anything other than regular fries, either sweet potato fries or onion rings, I don't usually not a tater tot. I have a loaded tater tot. Our loaded tater tots are nice. This is some fat talk right now. I know. I know what talking about potatoes. We're talking about the invasion of the board of tater tots. We're getting hungry. Hey, man. How weird is this podcast? So yeah, I don't know. But I mean, if you're not paying attention to the importing of votes, I don't know, whatever you paying attention to, like what is, are you one of those singular topic voters? I only vote based on, listen, I know people abortion. I know people only go who are only going to vote based on abortion. Like that's their thing. It's insane. Yeah. It's free country for the time being. It's not really. It's not free at all. Well, no, it's not free. What's free? Name one thing that's free. Health care if you broke. Didn't see that coming. It's not free. It's free for them. It's free for them. It's free for them. It's crazy. It's the single leg. And I have my take on abortion. I'm a hard no, right? But at the same time for political purposes, Republicans can't do anything. They don't win. You can't affect anything if we're not in some type of control, right? So my thing is even though I'm an adamant anti-zero, like abortions, no, I'm a hard no on that. If you have to like, if you have to bend a little on that to win and not let the Democrats make that such a huge topic that you lose on it, like then you got to do what you got to do. Like, if you're in control, then you can like do like the Democrats do and you they just tick away at everything, right? Oh, yeah. You they start here and over time, it's just everything is just going their way, just little by little. And Republicans just don't know how to do that. No, I don't play long game. They don't know how to play the long game. They're always reactionary. They're never out in front of anything. I mean, honestly, I'm more angry about the Republicans than I am Democrats. I'm Republican, but they're not united. They are never lockstep. There's one thing to matter. The liberals will always be in lockstep on whatever the issue is. And we just aren't man. You never see Democrats, you know, 12 of them vote on the Republican side, but you'll see these 12 rhinos that got to be over here like because their districts are kind of disgusting man. You're just cowards and you're scum like I at least can appreciate the fact that I know I know what I'm getting with a Democrat. They don't they tell me exactly what their goals are. You know what I mean? Whereas what's not true? What's not true? That's not true. No, you know what every liberals goals are. You know, I mean, it's like people think their goal with gun control is gun control, but their goal with gun control is not gun control. They're goals. Well, we know they're all about rules and regulations for gun control. I mean, there's no secrets to that, but their end game is to like not have guns. Of course. I mean, if you have an clue, of course, but at the same time, people argue to point, well, they just want background checks. They just they don't only only want 10 bullets in a magazine. They only want this. They only want that. You know, fuck you. That's exactly what I just talked about. They just taken away. It's taken away. Right. Little by little. And then they just came in front, but you got every cycle of elections for all these senate and congresses and all this stuff with the Republicans. They come out there and they just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, how they're going to be. Hard on this. They're going to do this. They're going to do that. They don't do shit, especially after they win three or four terms. Oh my god. They don't do anything. They just just, I mean, I'm like, crunch off another one that I'm just so disappointed in. Like, uh-huh. He's just not what he built himself as at all. Nope. He was in the beginning for that first term or two. It's that it's that fricking swap man. He was all he was all about it. But now he's like, uh, that's why no matter what people will say and the ripper for being a nut and this and that's like, I will always respect that Marjorie Taylor Green does not cave on what she says she's there for and who she support, who she is there for as always of and doing their will. Like she doesn't, she's never, you're never going to buy her. No. I hope not. You're never going to buy her man. She's like, and there's so few that are like, whatever, you can all hate me and you can try to like get me, you know, midterm and vote it and what she doesn't care man. She's, he like cranes and other one. You know, I hope he like cranes that sticks in. He's new though, isn't he? That's what I'm saying. He's new. Well, and he's not. Taylor Green has been around a little bit. Um, yeah, I don't know. I mean, he would think he would. I like these guys that are ex-military, a lot of them ex, you know, some type of, you know, special forces or something like that. Like they have, they're very well rounded. And while they usually lean conservative on a lot of things, they're still very like open to like, you know, dialogue and trying to work things out. And they're not like crazy staunch on any one end, right? Because not for nothing, a lot of them are leaders. Yeah. I mean, real leaders. I have to be leaders. Yeah. Right. I thought Crenshaw would be better, but, you know, I, I, I, he's folding up shop over there. He bothers me. He's, yeah, he's not. He's that one of those ones that I wanted to like, but he just doesn't, he just doesn't deliver. No, he's just, he's just riding the, he's riding that, you know, riding the bus at this point, riding it out. Maybe he's young. What's he riding now? Yeah, well, you know, John McCain and Joe Biden were young when they started too, you know? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Like I seriously like, if, um, you want me young, young, why I'm talking about my people. It's amazing how like, is words. It's amazing. It's amazing how people like supporting him. And I throw that up loosely because nobody's really supporting him. They're all just anti-Trump. Nobody's actually in support of Biden. They support him. They just ignore that stuff. Yeah. So many things he said that is, that is 100% opposite of what today's Democratic on the hill. He said those. Oh my gosh. The things he said, Obama said we need to, you know, curtail immigration. They all did back. They cl- all the clips of Clinton talking about the, you know, Arbisotherm border. Mm-hmm. And it was all, and he was what, it wasn't with him like he wasn't it? I feel like it was, uh, Clinton, who was one of the first ones that said something about make America great again. And that's where like that originally came from. And it was totally cool when he said it, right? But Trump says it. And that means he's a racist and a this and a that. It's like, what? It's, it's sad that we're at the state we're like having pride in your country and, and, and your country being the most important thing. Number one before anything else is like a bad thing. Oh, it is terrible. It's so twisted. We're so screwed. Ugh. We got a lot of topics to be kind of wrestling. We got, we got a lot of, I hope we did a good job of depressing all of you today. We got a lot of, uh, we got a lot of stuff. One topic I want, I want to, I want to throw out there that I want to kind of get to and you have kids that are like, getting into like the age of, you know, one in college, one kind of finishing up college. And how with today's especially over the last four years now, how their like, their ability to like start life and like start their merch is screwed is screwed. And I definitely want to get into that because I feel like that's something, you know, that's maybe not in this election because people might not, I feel like people just aren't getting it. But, but maybe, you know, as this group of people, you know, grows up and then has, has kids and moves from this election cycle to the next election cycle, like they see the impact that this administration has had on them at a critical stage in life. You know, that coupled with just the ridiculous rate of depression and suicide and anxiety and all these triggers and people at age nowadays is actually a good topic. It's probably should like dive into a little bit because it is, man, it's, and if, if I was somebody that was 21 right now, looking at my future with this kind of administration leadership, you know, in politics, I'd be depressed too. Oh, yeah. I'd be super depressed, man. But there's, there's a lot to, there's a lot to unpack there with, with just that topic of the crazy depression, suicidal rates of young people nowadays and, you know, why? Yeah. You know, there's a lot there. There's a lot, there's a lot to unpack there and it's all that, that's definitely a, an episode. It's definitely a, yeah. Mental health awareness month is coming up. So it is, it is, it will be a lot about that coming up in May. But yeah, man, good chat. Good chat. Good chat. I hope we can bore you guys and then we're all over the place. It's good though. I don't mind being all over the place. I'm not being all over the place. I hope they don't mind being all over the place. But I don't know. Let us know if you do. Yeah, we're, we're going to be, we're going to be, we're going to be, I don't know if you want to me to say this, but we're going to be like trying to do something a little different with the YouTube version of this. We've had issues with the size of, of these podcasts. We don't have a professional production equipment. So the size of these files is very difficult to get edited and put up onto YouTube. So we might be doing something a little bit different with that moving forward. We still want to get it on YouTube, but it might be in a little bit different of a breakdown. It might, it might not all be able to be in one, one video. It might be kind of broken down into one, two, three. It depends on how long these podcast runs, but whatever we can get up, but we're going to still try to get it to you guys because I know I've been getting hammered by some people about why isn't, why is there no YouTube video? Why is there no YouTube podcast? And they're up on Spotify and Apple and all that stuff, the audio, but we haven't gotten the last few up on YouTube. But we're working on it. We're trying to figure out how to do that and make that happen. It's just production issues over here on the backend. You guys don't get to see, but we're working on it. We're trying to figure it out. We're brainstorming on how to get it up. So you guys, those of you that do like to watch it on YouTube and we do want it up on YouTube. We want the YouTube channel to grow. So we're working on it. Just bear with us a little bit. Just like our inconsistency. Just bear with us. We're consistently consistent. That's right. But yeah, we're getting there.

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