This American Ride

Biggest Security Threats to the United States

George and Burt Episode 17

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Here are five major threats to U.S. security to watch closely in 2024. 

Expansion of Israel-Hamas war 

The fight between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has shown no sign of slowing down since the Palestinian terrorist group first attacked the country Oct. 7, triggering a brutal Israeli air and ground campaign in retaliation.  

Gaza’s health ministry estimates more than 22,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since Oct. 7 — more than two-thirds of them women and children. The human toll has enraged nearby Arab nations including Iran, Lebanon, and Houthis in Yemen — and upped pressure from the West to scale back the war. 

The conflict several times has threatened to tip into a wider war that engulfs the Middle East, most recently with an attack on a Hamas office in Lebanon that killed a senior leader of the group Tuesday.  

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati called it a “new Israeli crime that aims to drag Lebanon into a new phase in confrontations.” 

In the Red Sea, escalating Houthi attacks on cargo ships — at least 17 so far — have disrupted key global shipping routes and stoked fears that the United States could get pulled into a larger conflict.

Washington late last year assembled a multinational naval coalition to offer protection to shipping vessels traveling through the region, but President Biden has stressed he wants to avoid direct military confrontation with the Houthis. 

That changed Sunday, when U.S. Navy forces sunk three Houthi boats that attacked a container ship, killing all crew on the vessels.  

U.S. forces also continue to come under attack at outposts in Iraq and Syria, with dozens of rocket or drone attacks aimed at American troops in response to Washington’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas. 

Conflict over Taiwan  

Even after a high-profile meeting between Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping in November, tensions continue to simmer over the self-governing island of Taiwan, which China hopes to bring it under its control. 

Those tensions have spiked ahead of the Jan. 13 Taiwanese presidential and parliamentary election, which the United States is watching closely. 

While Washington ostensibly recognizes Beijing’s “One China” policy, it provides major support to Taipei and is legally bound to provide the island with weapons and equipment to defend itself. 

Under Xi, China has steadily increased pressure on Taiwan via intense war games and other military activity around the island. The U.S., in turn, has increased its naval transits through the Taiwan Strait, which China maintains that it controls. 

Biden on several occasions has also said that Washington would defend Taipei sh

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Welcome back to this American Ride podcast where we talk about issues that affect you, the average American. What's up and welcome back to the podcast. Welcome back to episode one, season two. I am George. Here with Bert. What's happening? What's up? This is a new year. Happy new year. This American ride, season two. Yeah, so this will be like a full season. Yeah, whatever full season is, we haven't defined it. You got one of those abbreviated Paramount Plus seasons last season. So, one of those seven episodeers. Oh no, Paymore get less. Exactly. Well, here you pay nothing to get more. Well, listen, here's the new year. Oh yeah. Cheers, Clint Clank. So we had a good new year's eve. Coming out here, had a little shindig, had some friends over. It was a good time. It was kind of funny. It turned into like four people and it wound up being like 15 or 16. Yeah, that's my bad. Yeah, good time. Good to see everybody. Just before the ball drop, Sam walked in. Yeah. It was good to see Sam. It was a good time. Yeah, it was good time. Yeah, it was good time and looking forward to 2024. We have a lot we want to talk about today and we have a lot going on to 24. So I kind of think we should start off talking about tunnel to towers real quick before we get into the meat of what we got this year on our other social baggers and brews and here on this American ride, Burton Eye are dedicating the reach of our platform to raise as much money as we can for tunnel to towers. Our current goal set is 50K. 50 large. So I'm hoping that things go well and we have to adjust that mid year. That guy's so nice. But yeah, yeah. I mean, we spent the last four years or so trying to grow that baggers and brews channel and been doing everything to that. I feel like we talked about it and I think we needed a little different purpose this year other than just worrying about our channel and ourselves. And now that we've grown in enough to where we do have some contacts and we do have some support, it was a good time to do it. So if you haven't heard about this, we are dedicating this whole year. And we're already underway. The tunnel to towers fundraising page is open. There's a link that will be in the description of this video or this audio and whatever you're listening to in the podcast link in the podcast link. You can go there at any time as many times as you want and you can donate money there. We don't do enough. Our government definitely doesn't do enough for our veterans, especially our wounded veterans and our and even our wounded first responders. So it's kind of our job as citizens of the country to kind of pick up that torch and try to do something to make their lives better, considering what they've done for us. That's going to be our purpose for this year. Like I said, we are underway. We have a huge event that we are in the process of planning for July. So if you are anywhere in the area and you want to attend July 13th at the Moose Lodge, 737 in Mount Holly, New Jersey, we will have a big event from 11 to about probably 7pm. We're going to have vendors there. We're going to have music there. We're going to have food trucks there. We'll be here there. Well, it's a biker games if you've never seen them. They are in moot. Yeah, so this came about as a biker, a bike poker run and like a bike event, but it's kind of evolved a little more than that. You don't have to be someone that rides to come to this. You can just be a patriot that wants to give back and come hang out for the day or a couple hours or whatever. We'll probably have some raffles going on, some 50/50. You can be a part of the poker run and ride if you ride. But we're not turning away anybody that wants to donate to the cause. Absolutely not. And I think we all have this perception that when our soldiers leave home to be deployed, there's especially in the last 20 years, we know that there's a chance that somebody may get hurt or somebody may not come home. But what I think a lot of people don't realize unless you have a first responder in the family or you're married to one or you're close to one, I think people don't equate that same thing to a first responder. And the fact that every time a policeman or a firefighter leaves the home to go serve the community, there's a chance they may not come home. Yeah definitely. So it happens all the time. Absolutely. And I'll be honest, I mean, I don't know like how I guess injured or wounded first responders are handled or treated. We hear so much about how poorly the vet operates and how the VA and how they handle our vets and the poor treatment that they get. You hear about that a lot, but I don't even know like how they get treated. If they're treated well, if they're taken care of or if they're not, I really don't because I don't have anybody that close to me or connected to me, that's, you know, had that kind of a, you know, had to deal with that. But they can always use more help. And tunnel towers is a really unique organization. I mean, not only do they help injured vets at first responders, not only do they help make their homes handy, accessible or accessible, more accessible to whatever injuries they may have, but they also pay off mortgages because, you know, income is an issue when you're disabled. You know, people don't realize that. Yeah, and I think they even like for actual fallen vets, you know, they'll, I think they pay off mortgages for, you know, the wife or the spouse who's left, you know, alone to handle those raising kids and paying mortgages and stuff. So really good cause, really good foundation. We're really happy that we, we chose them and yeah, let's do everything we can. You guys can help us get to our goal by going to that link, given it's little or as much as you want, every little bit helps. You know, if we can get a whole bunch of you to donate a dollar, that would be amazing, you know what I mean? But you donate what you can and, you know, we're going to do our part on this end to get as many people involved. And we've already got, you know, several good sponsors and we'll continue working on getting sponsors for this event right up until the day of. So, you know, if you're, if you're somebody that owns a business and would like to be a sponsor, you know, reach out to us. You can get us at or this American ride 1776 at Gmail, either one we'll get. And let us know if you're interested and we'll, we'll get back to it and we'll make it happen. So, yeah, and I hate to say this, but you know, you're going to hear, you're going to hear about this campaign a lot over the course of the year. A lot. We really are. We are going to be relentless about it. Yeah, we are because, I mean, the only way, you know, to get people to give back and to donate to these, you know, to this cause is just to ask and to keep asking and, you know, and that's what we're going to do. That's kind of the commitment we've made. So, we're not just going to mention it here and there. We're going to be talking about this a lot if you follow us on Instagram or Facebook or anything else. It'll be all over. So, people won't be able to say they didn't know about it. Yeah, absolutely. And that's the key. So, it's going to be fun. I'm looking forward to it. We're working on it every day, getting as many vendors and food trucks and all that stuff. George is working on the, the music portion of that and that's his thing. So we'll have bands there all day. It's going to be a great time. And I can't wait, man. I really can't. It's going to come quick. It's going to come quick. And we've got a lot of work yet to do. So before we get into the topic of today's podcast, let's hear not only from the sponsor of today's podcast, but one of the premier sponsors for the Tunnel to Towers event and then as legendary USA. What's up everybody? I just wanted to take a minute to tell you about the sponsor of today's podcast, legendary USA. Our selection of leather and denim jackets, vests, gloves, chaps and riding shirts are 100% made in the USA with a lifetime warranty. Legendary USA isn't just about style, it's about quality. With American made products and a commitment to excellence, you can trust that you're getting gear that's built to last. Legendary USA isn't just for bikers. They have a full selection of shirts, hoodies, EDC, tactical and survival gear, all made here in the USA. And here is the best part. Legendary USA is offering our listeners an exclusive deal. When you shop at legendary and use the promo code legendary pod, you'll get 15% off on your first purchase. That's legendary with a D and pod for podcast. So why settle for ordinary when you can be legendary? Click that link in the description to head on over to legendary to explore their fantastic range of products and use the promo code legendary pod to snag your 15% off discount today. Now back to the show and thank you for legendary USA for supporting this podcast. Yeah man. Love legendary USA. Chris is awesome dude man. So glad he reached out to us late last year. And we're going to be doing a lot of collaboration stuff with him this year. Yeah. And his brand and he's going to be supporting ours and it's going to be fun. Cool dude. Yeah now it's going to be a good time. It's great to have a partnership where a lot of your values align and you know Chris's values are definitely in line with not only baggers and brews but definitely this podcast as well. Yeah and it's fun to have a sponsor that's like just as excited about it as we are. So that's cool. Yeah I'm excited. So what are we talking about today? I mean you found yourself an article. This article come up and the title of it looked good and the content of it is a little questionable. Well so I read it and you'll get into it. I felt like the overall things they list aren't necessarily wrong. If you just read their reasoning for it it tends to lean a little to the left. So I have a bunch of news alert apps. I don't want to say guilty pleasure because it's not a pleasure. I like to see headlines come across. I like to know when things come across and yeah a lot of these. I've got news apps that are covered both liberal stuff and conservative stuff. I mean I like to see the headlines that you know the other side is writing as well. And headline that came across today was five major threats to the US national security in 2024 written by Ellen Mitchell. Ellen Mitchell is a senior defense reporter currently writing for the Hill. She's also written for Politico and she's been writing for about a decade. Yeah. So she's not a little rookie writer. But yeah 2024 is going to be a very interesting year for I think Homeland Security as we know it. I really feel like this is going to be a year that's really going to I want to say shape who they are but it's going to define who Homeland Security is and just how finger on the pulse these guys really are, how in touch they are. I don't have a lot of faith in them. I got to have faith. I mean nothing you got to have faith. I'm not have confidence. But you got to have faith. I don't have faith in them. I don't have confidence. I have faith but I ain't them. Yeah I don't know man. I mean you can just start at these start every day at the airport and see how things are running. You know and I will say the airport has been funny. Somebody who flies a lot. I see different trends in security happen and you kind of know when they've gotten an alert because it was flying for a while and I was fine and all of a sudden I flew with two laptops a lot which is kind of a trigger for them. They don't like the two laptop things because I fly my personal laptop and a business laptop and I can't be the only one that does that. I'm not. I'm definitely not. I do that too when I travel. A lot of us do right so but it's something that kind of makes them uneasy and I've had my laptops swabbed more in the past six months and I don't know what they're swabbing for. But they're swabbing laptops and you know what it is. I think our biggest problem before we get into the like this whole security thing I think our biggest problem not having confidence in an organization like Homeland Security is I feel like they don't do a good job of telling us what they've caught. Like I feel like they stop a lot of stuff in the American people with no idea. So which in exchange leads to a organization or a group that is funded by the American people and this perception becomes that what do these people do like we pay for these people what do they do and the honest answer that is we don't really know what they're doing because I feel like they're not telling us well we've you know we've prevented this or we've done this you just hear of something either when it's imminent now is how they have the thing or something that's already happened. Yeah. You know. Yeah I mean I think there's a lot that goes on that we don't know about and I think that's the way it should be. I mean when it comes to Homeland Security I do sometimes feel like what are they doing but no I feel like as far as that access that's become something that's so popular and common now with media and social media and I feel the same way about war I don't feel like I don't feel like we need to begin and play by a place of war. Absolutely. You know what I mean? I think it's a big problem and I think when the people are getting that on a daily basis all these footage all these media opinions and stuff that's that like starts to dictate how a war is fought and I don't I think that's wrong I don't think the average Joe said at home should really have a say in how wars fought you know and and that's why I think you think you know we get we get too much access now with with social media and media in general nowadays and I think it can be a problem a lot of times. Yeah I mean I think I you know it wasn't Eisenhower it was Patent said you know wars are fought to be won and that is you know a lot of bad things happen in a war that's fought to be won and unfortunately I think the world is seeing a lot of bad things happening today but the flip side of all that is is instead of you getting a headline of instead of you getting a neutral media we're getting a media that's spun you know that this many people yeah well for example this many people in Gaza died it's the hot button right now yeah nobody is talking about you know the amount of rockets that are launched still from Gaza into Israel nobody wants to talk about the rockets they just want to talk about the innocent people being killed and I mean listen if they're launching rockets from the apartment building next to you wouldn't take me long to figure out that they're probably not going to be happy with that building right I mean it's not like they don't know where these things are common from so it's a tough thing and it's you know it's it is hell it is what it is but what's the other problem you get you know with today's technology to you also get all this misinformation you get all this propaganda I mean our media is so quick to quote these numbers that they're getting from essentially Hamas okay they they's called the you know the Gaza ministry of something blah blah blah it's Hamas they're coming out the numbers we just it was in this article yeah we'll talk about when we get there but I mean our media gets these bogus numbers from essentially the enemy the bad guy and they report them and then it stirs up people here in the US and we have all these protests because of it well it's crazy and you know the bullshit started when they were like was real Israel bound to hospital well it's not a day later that we realize that that's not what happened we realized that they fired rockets that is fired and they hit their own parking lot of their own hospital yeah you know what I mean so it was a promise how quick our liberal media is to just roll with it it wasn't just our world it was the world the liberal media the world is liberal right I mean it wasn't just I don't want to you know just give the US liberals credit for that I mean it was well they're the ones I want to know everyone that I'm concerned with I don't care what every the rest of the world does has the problem with you everybody's so concerned with the rest of the world does we need to worry about our own country so and so what's on so what's on this what are the so come down list the first thing that of the five major threats and I will say I will preface this what I feel is the biggest threat which we will get to is not even on this dam list all right but so the first one here is the expansion of the Israel Hamas war where she goes into you know Gaza's health ministry and more than 22,000 Palestinians have been killed and then she went on to say what two thirds of which have been women and children yeah yeah because they want because this media wants us to believe that there is you know the Israel's this military is just but your kids and women the whole spin of this media thing now with Israel is they are painting Israel out to be committing genocide against you know Palestinians that's that's the whole spin yeah it's hilarious when literally in the Hamas doctrine which if you go back we went through and we read and it says right in the Hamas doctrine that they want to wipe you know the Israel off the map that's that's genocide it says they they they weren't it down this is one of our goals that's been ongoing forever right you know so is it from the river to the sea or whatever yeah yeah yeah which basically means wiping them off the planet I mean and then this happens it's it sounds so catchy and clean and and key to you know what I mean for you know for your Palestine from the river to the sea yeah yeah well that's what what it actually means is that something very different yeah you know it's we had an incident here in Sherry Hill in the target man did you see what happened Sherry Hill in the target I just heard it from you I didn't say they basically a bunch of Palestinians came in and started the protest target because they they didn't like something target said nothing but the actual story was but they basically stood there in the lobby singing you know as you're shopping bombs are dropping and and what I they're always so catchy with their lives so catchy that's so creative and what I want to stand is that these people were surrounded by police they're on they're on private property a target is private property a target is private property why why is it even going on I don't understand how get the F out of my store how they don't remove them I don't you don't have that American people have gotten so caught up and they have all these things that they believe are rights that aren't rights you know they they just spout all these different things off that they can do you know people like this and this are right to it's not it's not a right these things aren't right you don't have a right to go and block a highway no that's not a repeat that's not peaceful protest no you know it's it's crazy to block a to put blockades on a road into an international airport and then and then freak out when you know someone drives through it yeah I'm telling you right now if I'm in one of those I'm you're getting run over if I have my family in the car you're getting run over yeah I don't think I'm stopping and I don't really care and I will face the consequences but I'm not sitting there because it's not they're never a peaceful protest no it's never a peaceful protest and I'm not sticking around for it so that kind of ties into how I feel about this expansion of the Israel Moss War but I do agree that that's that is going to be a big problem for us it's problem but it's problem because it's driving further division in this country yeah and that's that's where we're seeing and it's also just a problem because you know there's no way that we're not involved somehow whether it's financially you know whatever it's it's it's it's weakening we're just shelling out more money than them that we can't give to our military so when the time comes that we need our military we're not at you know full force it's a problem in a lot of ways it's creating ridiculous division like you said and people don't realize at the end of World War II and this is something I'd love to get into but you're really going to be like a history and not kind of enough to get into this you know at the end of World War II you know globalization expanded and you know free trade you know boomed and that's how the world economy grew and part of the reason that happened is because the U.S. Navy which was the largest Navy at the end of that war kept the seas and the trade ways safe and what we're seeing now as an expansion of the Israel Moss War is we have the Houthis that are in Yemen that are paid by Iran of course are you know sending drones at commercial ships that they claim are you know ships are Israel but the last two ships that they've attacked this week did not have Israeli flags they're both British ships one was a Dutch ship so that they have a flag they fly all these ships fly flags yeah you know so they're just attacking anything that comes through yeah obviously indiscriminately they got a little too ranbunctions we blew up a couple of their boats this week Iran's upset because you know even though they're not Iranian the Houthis I ran get upset that we kick the shit out of them and now they're Iran ascending warships to the Red Sea let's do it so this seems to be that's that seems to be the biggest escalation that we've seen so far because now we're gonna have two countries that are gonna be in or in harm's way of each other and it's it's not gonna there's no way that we're not you know heavily involved in this war pretty soon very soon you know real soon and and and I'm almost like I'm here for it because I don't the only way for that not to happen is for like Israel to back down right and I don't want Israel to back down no you know I don't think they should no because you know nobody talks about how often they're attacked it's it's not that and it's it's one of those things you know liberals can say well of Russia conquer Ukraine where next well guess what if they conquer Israel they check Israel off all the Jews are gone right who's next on the list we are next exactly probably England's next is there the closest the most convenient in the you know the biggest West right the West is next yeah and and we've you know we've let half of them in here so they have well that's problem right millions of fighting age males already here ready to go you see it now like what's the next step you know you got all these people over there out on the streets you know protesting for Palestine well when it gets real what's I do you think they're on you know and and that's what we're gonna be battling it's right here yeah in our backyard it's like it's crazy they've moved all the troops to the front line and we just are identifying those troops as you know immigrants that are here for seeking a better life or what have you but it's it's funny right because you hear all you hear you know Dan and Deyat is what a horrible country this is you know we're racist we're xenophobic we're nationalistic we're anti-Semitic we're all all these things right why does everybody want to come here so bad I don't understand we're so horrible yeah everybody's dying to get in we're so oppressive yeah I mean it's crazy expansion of the Israel Hamas war and that's number one so I think it's going to affect us but it's it's not going to affect us in in ways you know from a national security you know point as as the way she's saying here it's it's going to affect us because we have a lot of them here and we're gonna be we're gonna be this is what's gonna draw us into war with Iran and we've already funded some of Iran's war right we just we've given them a couple of tens of billions of dollars right a couple hundred billion dollars it's another thing to blow so you know we've already we've already funded all this so we're it's just it's so twisted conflict over Taiwan yeah you know number two you're more um I'm more into this more into this no just like no no I'm not into it just I don't I haven't followed it as much as what's going on over there China China's gonna take Taiwan it's only a matter of time we have moved a lot of Marines to Taiwan we have a lot of people to Taiwan for China to take Taiwan they are um they're gonna have to have an amphibious invasion so we have we have military there we have a lot of Marines there so then they serve them to take Taiwan again we're involved we're gonna be if they invade Taiwan they're gonna be fighting American troops there there's no there's no doubt um and we've also come out and said that we will defend Taiwan Taiwan makes uh make they make chips man chips they make chips all those all these chips that go in your smartphones and you can put your time up potato chips I'm like why are you bringing up some potato chips so we'll be without the potato chips the chips that go into your fobs for cars yeah I mean it losing Taiwan is is gonna be very impactful um to the US economy and those you know these chips that they make in Taiwan we don't want China to own these chips that so bad that Taiwan actually got upset with us instead of China invades mainland Taiwan we basically told Taiwan we are gonna blow up your factories because if we can't have we don't want China to have made it so it's like again you know it's what it'd been cool if we did that with all the equipment in Afghanistan no wouldn't it have been cool if we did that with that equipment in Afghanistan so by the way to get primed up for this episode I'm drinking some Elijah Craig 94 proof so I am drinking your uh I West high west oh the high west the rendezvous good stuff you're almost out I know that effect you're gonna be out sure no don't don't finish the bottle start with your mouth because I want to do this uh you know I want to do my uh my endless bond we call that but we're gonna talk about with that at some point okay anyway so um you know Z told Biden in San Francisco I'm gonna take Taiwan he told him like it's not even a it's not even like gonna be a Pearl Harbor it's gonna be some big surprise China has been asserting its authority in the South China Sea and what are considered international waters for quite some time our our navy and China's navy have been very close a number of times ships have had to divert course to avoid one another um the Philippines are also you know wound up over this they've been encouraging upon the Philippines we are now we announced last week that we will going we'll be reclaiming on a camera the name of the island right now it escapes me we're going to reclaim the air base on the island that we actually launched the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki for the air base has been dormant I believe since Levy and I'm more um but we're going to reclaim that air base because that air base is technically still a US territory nice um yeah yeah so a lot of stuff going on if you're not in touch with it there's a lot of positioning right now going on and I feel like Americans probably the average American was in the same spot you know when we bond Pearl Harbor there are probably lots of people walking around um going oh my god the Japanese attacked us how could they just do something like out of the blue it wasn't out of the blue we were sanctioning the shit out of them um we were playing cat and mouse with their navy for weeks you know if not months there was you know we were angry at them for taking other small islands you know Japan was on the move already it wasn't like it was some um you know what I mean like it was some I mean were we taking what we prepared no we were not prepared did we believe our intelligence no we didn't believe our intelligence completely yeah but it wasn't just like they just it wasn't like poof I think the people just need to learn that the world's never gonna just get along yeah it's just not gonna happen I mean you got too many you got a handful of superpowers that just some of them just can't play nice with others and it's never it's never gonna end you just you just kind of switches you know who the threat is you know and right now China and Russia are just big threats man they don't like us they are threats they don't like them will buy likes China but we don't like them so that rolls us into the next one the expansion of the Russia Ukraine war yeah that one right there like we've been talking about this for a while I'm just you know I'd love to know what's going on like is there any fight going on apparently this week there's been some fighting going on good good we've seen some stuff listen I want to return on my investment all right how many billions that we got to send for them to just hang out over there I was sending you billions of dollars you need to fight and at this point it needs to start being paper paper view or something like I need to see something for my money because you're stealing all my taxpayer dollars to send to this clown in the Ukraine and what's going on like how long is this going to drag out how many more times are you going to come over here in a sweatsuit and freaking you know suck off the Democrats and get another billion dollars how many times is going to happen like something's got to give so two things two things have got to give well I mean one I think that this is going to drag out until the Ukrainian oligards are wiped off the face of the earth that's going to drag out that January that's that's how it's going to drag out the other thing that like people are looking at is Biden just try some of this 94 proof of Elijah buddy this is good stuff Biden just he just there's no going through Congress for anything anymore yeah I mean what the F dude we're not talking about half a dozen presidents like it's like the rules have just changed and and the Constitution is just kind of like a suggestion yeah man it is it's weird it's got you know you got all these yeah it's just where the president just seemed to just do what they want now and the with these what he calls bonus checks as a litsky no the where they call them the what the president just basically executive orders yeah that's what I bring for it I mean and you know it started it started becoming some popular with bush and and whatnot but it just then it got crazy with Obama oh yeah you know and Trump did it too more than he should have Trump did it and then this guy he didn't he didn't do as many as a bomb and that's what people realize so we just weren't going nuts we just weren't the media wasn't going you know crazy about it when it was a bomb and this is the whole point though like there's no point to him like and this is why the the Constitution has it you know the rules that it has and and we'd govern the way we are because you just now it's just you know depends on who's in there like you know Trump does his executive orders but then Biden wins comes in and just executive orders them right away and then that's the same thing's gonna happen when the next you know what I mean it's like it's not meant to be the game's not meant to be played that way just a vicious it's a vicious cycle that is just a bunch of power hungry a-holes not for the betterment of the people it's it's terrible but yeah this uh it it I don't know I don't know what your thoughts are with this with this as far as as far as what she's saying and how it's gonna affect us I mean she goes into cyber security and a bunch of a bunch of other stuff I feel like you know Russia and the US are on a cyber level been battling for probably the better course of probably six or seven years pretty hardcore and I know we battle with with China pretty hardcore because I know I work for one of those medical technology companies and what does China do China loves the steel intellectual property and we are bombarded with with attacks from China we've upgraded our security a number of times Abbott has up when I was there upgraded their security a number of times yeah um if you work for a company that owns some kind of significant intellectual property believe me you were being attacked for your intellectual property and you know you're being attacked on a cyber level you just may not know about it yeah and um I mean I this is is is the Russia Ukraine war expanding a threat to our national security well I mean the only threat that I see is us becoming involved in a direct conflict with Russia and I think the first country that's going to be outside of Ukraine anyway I feel like the first country that's going to be involved in direct conflict with Russia is is probably going to be Poland yeah I mean these two are flying wingtip the wingtip down the border at this point like somebody's somebody's going to make a mistake yeah some something that something is going to have like there is going to be an incident there was just no way you've got this much firepower this close to each other and and some somebody doesn't you know make a mistake and and that's it's going to be Poland yeah well listen I was not um I wasn't alive for World War One or World War II or Vietnam or Vietnam or Korea or Korea if you're gotten war but um it wasn't it was a conflict oh I got to remember the semantics um my point being I don't I wasn't around to know how it happened like how how long it took to progress and things like that but I'm here now and I mean if if Ukraine Russia you're gonna do get let's do let's go can we can we get the show on the road do what you got to do yeah same thing with Israel and the wire why does it need to take this long it's just let's just start launching missiles until we're all out see who's got more people left and they win see who's got deeper holes dug it's just it's annoying that it's just dragon out and then it seems like it's all just about money nowadays anyway so here's the thing Ukraine sits on the one of the largest natural gas deposits in the world and um you know our you know our room of a president his son worked for one of these big Ukrainian energy companies they gave the rights to drill this thing to drill for this energy and this gas you know two sonoco in January and Russian vets in February so there are everybody's telling the world that this is all over the rest of this bullshit when really it's just over energy it's over the same thing it's not a deterritory it's not it's it's over territory that has the natural gas that we want to drill for is what it is but you know it's it's just over energy and and we are I honestly I feel like we're responsible for this I feel like I feel like the Biden administration who represents our country with we like it or not is responsible for this conflict yeah I mean I can't argue with you you know yeah I mean again we we've had four years of of peace and and then we put cowardly joke in office and we're getting wars all over the place and I'm sure they're I'm sure these two aren't the last of them that are going to come up you know unless something changes you know top so most things in this list I can see whether her reasonings are right or or not I feel like most of the topics on this list hit the you know the the are you a security in one way or another the next one the next one she's calling domestic extremist group attacks yeah and the only reason she worded it that way is because I think her credibility would have been knocked if she wrote mass shootings by white dudes yeah I don't know what else to say yeah she brings up she brings up the where was the where was the racially motivated shooting in Buffalo Buffalo that's right yeah and then then then then the the the Jewish one in Pittsburgh yeah I'm Pittsburgh yeah man these are just you know racial or anti-Semitic hate issues you know and it does I don't I mean maybe I'm short-sighted I don't see it as anything to do with national security it's just where we are in the world now there's a lot there's a lot of hate filled people that don't like other people for whatever reason and we have a lot of mentally ill people well so this stuff happens but I don't necessarily I don't think it's a national security issue I feel like we're gonna see more and more religiously and I only want to say racial racist racial racist racist racist I don't I don't even want to say racially motivated I want to say we're gonna be see more religiously motivated violence and whether that is comes in the form of a shooting or whether that becomes in the form of a Jewish family you know being confronted by Palestinian family in the Mall of America like happened just last week and you can see going down the comments of that well we're we're only seeing the side of the Palestinian's attacking we're not seeing the side you know what I mean we're not seeing the other side it's definitely you know right and the comments were we're so polarized and split and that with that's my whole thing about like the Israel Hamas were like that it's gonna be a threat to national security because what it's gonna do is you know how do you break down a society and divide it and this is this is dividing the American society on a whole other on a whole level yeah because now you're taking people you've already divided right Republicans and Democrats conservatives and liberals you know and now you're you're not you know what driving say a wedge further in you know to that wedge because you're not because there are a lot of liberals who are like you know I stand with Israel oh yeah right who yeah so so well I mean historically in this country you know the Jewish people right are liberal so so how is that so that wedge is almost like twisted it's not like you know you're just driving the same wedge in deeper to divide two groups of people you're you're you're dividing a wedge into like sub to subdivide a whole another group of people yeah you know and and that to me I mean this this kind of goes I guess a little bit with that but um yeah I mean the relate like yeah I agree with you about probably seeing more and more religious attacks because if you think about it right our country here was founded on the idea of people coming here like fleeing religious persecution wanting to be able to be whatever religion they want and that's what we've embraced always you know yeah you know religious freedom is one of our biggest freedoms in this country right but what have we been doing for the last 40 20 30 40 years we've been importing a group of people who believe not in religious freedom if you're if you're not my religion then you need to die yeah so how does how does that work and then we're simply putting it my religion should be in every home yeah I mean the big they say it because that's that's that's that's what they say right I mean that's not you know you can't now they don't say should they say will yeah be in every home in America um so how does how's that going to work because you know contrary to what the media wants you to believe there's still an awful lot of Christian Americans it's it's still kind of a majority yeah so you're gonna get clashes that just are out of control I think and maybe you know I always talk about like the pendulum and the pendulum swinging right maybe this swings the pendulum so far that people become more in touch with their Christianity and that's the good that comes out of this just just maybe I mean hopefully I can be hope for it yeah well at faith I mean as a Christian I already know how the story ends so yeah I don't know man it's uh it's crazy but I do see that um I do see that as being a huge problem for us in 2024 and moving forward yeah but I don't know how I mean I don't know if you can necessarily tie it to national security it's just more chaos more we've had a lot of that in the last three years more of people not being able to see through the weeds yeah but um again like her you can if you read the article and we're not reading the whole article for you but if you read the article you can kind of see where she's going with it but like you said it's just you know you know homegrown white male terrorists killing minorities and and you know being reshaped so kind of ridiculous but so the next the next one is a threat to national security what do you think of this though by the way it's good this is good stuff yeah well a lot of cracks always good so it's 94 proof is it's it's it's warming um the next one is is real threat to national security and it's been one of those controversy issues where people like oh that doesn't happen well I mean we we know through social media that there has been outside election interference and influence that's the next one yeah that's the next one number you on I think we're almost on the last one here yeah okay go ahead so listen other countries have too much at stake amongst upon the outcome of the U.S because the way the U.S goes you know historically and and you know historically the way the U.S goes affects the the prosperity or the disparity of a lot of different parts of the world you know I mean our friends in England always pay close attention to how the U.S goes you know it definitely it definitely affects them it's interesting and to the point where the U.S. has had so much influence and the dollar has had so much influence you know over the world that Russia and China are splitting off trying to create the brick states were currencies now backed by gold and not by the U.S dollar and that will you know in their theory devide the U.S. dollar so it's a big win for the non-brix countries this week by the way big win for who for the non-brix countries big win big win for the for the dollar countries for this week by the way if people didn't know Argentina the newly elective conservative president of Argentina who slow played the maybe we'll do the bricks thing maybe we'll do it one time is right gets in the office and he's like yeah if that like we are we are not with them that dude's cool he is cool I like that dude so I've never in my life given and given even a slightest thought of ever living outside of the U.S. you think Argentina would be the place but right now today if there was a reason I had to flee that's where I would go that dude's cool that dude's cool he is cool I love him going Argentina listen I love this I love the chimichurri and the skirt steak don't get me wrong but I don't know man listen I'm not going anywhere in Europe yeah I know I mean they have more they have more uh issues with Middle Eastern people there creating chaos than than we do I don't know I think I'm going to Poland if they don't have me and I don't know what they're talking about them being in a war with Russia I know what they're on the tour step of Russia now you want to move there you don't want anybody in there man nah I mean that guy's cool too who was that who was that that said that about immigration forget his name I don't know if you was he the president president of Poland of the private industry of Poland or whatever they have there yeah but it's like that we don't want them we don't need them and this is why we don't have these problems here's my thumb I don't I don't want to move anywhere man I would I'd have to just go down shooting yeah I don't know yeah so that was yeah so that I mean that is a big issue I mean I think it is an issue and I think with technology and I think the US I think we have you know we we don't have the voting laws that we need to have in this in this country in my opinion I'm all for voter ID I think that you know people are like oh are you being racist you need to ask your papers you know what when I get pulled over I have to show a cop my papers my license bro you got to show ID to shop at Costco you have to show your papers right to get into code your Costco papers but but it's a photo ID yeah and you know I shouldn't have to show more to get into Costco than I should have to show to get into to a place to a voting poll you know the polling booth I just I feel like I shouldn't have to do that imagine living in a country where you got to have a license to fish but you don't have to have anything license the fish license the hunt you know license to catch certain kinds of fish because just your license you know you can't go trout fish unless you got a trout stamp so mind you in the state of New Jersey you can't get a in the state of New Jersey and this is people kind of that is going to blow people's minds if you owe back child support in the state of New Jersey they will not give you a fishing license or hunting license first question they ask so but yet so your broke is a joke and can't pay back child support so you're out fishing just try to eat no no you don't get to do that but you can vote but what chicken vote no problem no problem there so I have a real problem with it um you know I think it's uh it's a it's a real issue but I I think you know what separates this article from from being you know a relevant article is the fact that they left she she did not address the number one issue that is a threat to our national security because that they don't think it's a problem I guess 100% and that's that's the security to southern border I mean it's any border like why any border but to southern borders what people are right now I mean they are right but in the in the attempt to not discriminate against the the Mexican see the darker colored people um any border I mean if you don't have border security you don't have a nation you know what I mean and it's and I've said this a million times to you I might have said it on here but I mean every other country on the planet has border security and nobody cares but when the US and those evil racist Republicans talk about having a border security where where people just can't just walk in left and right we're all the sudden horrible people every other nation does it mind you Bill Clinton was at the state of the union address and what was he talking about his campaign trail what was Bill Clinton talking about the city union what the Obama talk about in his first campaign trail they all talked about borders and that tells you how far left they've gone that party well yeah convenient they've gone what I call conveniently left you know it's on polarizingly left it's crazy yeah the the border security is for me it's the number one issue for if you're talking national security yeah it just has so many different implications and different problems it causes you know not only from terrorists just walking in but the drug problem the sex trafficking this the sex slaves is huge man the fentanyl that's killing people left and right and there's so many so many national security issues with it and you got that clown what's her name the clown that talks to the press the minority lesbian lady yeah yeah John Clawen van Dam or whatever name is yeah I got the stuff she says about the border is it is and now that they're there the taxes week was that Texas is not cooperating with the federal government well so I know Ellen Mitchell and if this podcast finds itself to you you're kind of you written an irrelevant article in the fact that you left the border off so you had the you had the border off and you had that as something that she left off and I think you know she she talked about and we talked about the outside election interference but I think we also left off the the inside election interference also true which is huge huge huge okay not only you know from a perspective of them trying to take the the top candidate off the off the board right in states and then the the 3 a.m. spike in you know Democrat votes I mean there's there's so much interference just going on within the you know the country that we don't even need to worry about the outside interference because we're way worse and this this is all you know this is all smoke amirs right now because you know the way the 14th amendment is written and we can do we can do a whole thing in this 14th amendment the 14th amendment amendment was written by Congress because coming out of the Civil War Congress did not trust the states to have control over elections so they wrote the 14th amendment that was the whole point of it right so the states have no they they can't enact the 14th amendment it's it's not a it's not a thing it's not written for them and again like we have to we probably need to really go deeper into answer to the 14th amendment yeah George to hear that a lot I don't I don't actually it's not a kid show so there you go but I mean I mean that's the you know it's a big thing and it's it's a problem and anything that affects our elections is a threat to our national security yeah um so I think it's it's it's it's I mean to me it's a bigger concern than the outside election interference uh because because we've I've witnessed we've watched it we have and I feel like the outside election interference has been downplayed a little bit because they don't want the people to think that you know outside countries have you know in full and on you know who's gonna sit you know behind the rest of loop desk but we we know that outside countries are extremely vested why are they really people that believe because they always they're excuses always that well we you know we started counting the the mail-in ballots so there's really people that believe that when it comes to mail-in ballots they're like 99.9% Democrats that do mail-in ballots and that they counted that many ballots in two hours it's it's it's just mind blowing what people they will believe and then regurgitate you know as an excuse it's it's insane man we we have no control you know you had this last time you had like people trying to shield the the people who are supposed to be their monitoring this crap like you know closed doors counting ballots you know shelling it with the screens and stuff like that like it's supposed to be completely transparent and it's not but you know I'm and it's that's my biggest fear in life right now that's my biggest fear for 2024 I'm gonna go to bed on election night with Trump with a massive lead and I'm gonna wake up to them telling me he'd lost because oh at 3 a.m. you know all of a sudden the spike just some shot back up for whoever the Democrat candidate is because we know like you said it's probably not gonna be by we know it's not gonna be by so at this point if you believe it's if you believe that's gonna be Biden at this point like you're just a nitwit I think and and I may eat those words but they are gonna they are gonna you know you serve this guy it's they're gonna you serve this guy in a way that is just gonna be absolutely vengeful and destroy whatever he's built you know what I mean whatever he has they are just gonna flip him right outside right right outside like it's that gonna be ugly because he's not gonna beat it he's not gonna beat he's not gonna be any Republican candidate right now they have no chance you know but you say that but there's we know there's cheating involved we know there's a fair fight he's not beating a fair fight he can't be a room but he can he struggles with his diaper and a fair fight but it's it's not a fair fight we know how it works and that's the scariest part is that we've had how many times now you know that this has been an issue and it's been one of the biggest concerns of the the the Republican voter and the Republican politicians do nothing to combat this while you know before the next elections I call it just it's we just keep doing this now these fuckers are gonna run Gavin Newsom on convinced of it I mean I wouldn't be surprised how convinced of it I really would be so convinced of it because I feel like if that was them that's what I do I feel like man again I said this before I feel like it's the kind of move that they might think is good but I feel like it calls a fracture in their and their party they stick together yeah they stick together until racial stuff comes involved they stick together yeah I don't know I don't know they will no they will you got that party growing and and that's the party that doesn't want rich white man and then you pass up on the VP who is a minority woman who you know by all standards the way things usually run would be next in line right not either well of course she's not because she's a moron but I still think it's going to cause some division I mean it might not hey anywhere to the level of Republican division but they might tell a common sit down shut up and be be Gavin's VP sit down shut up and be that gap anytime can you be VP in a row how's that I assume I assume two terms but I don't know for sure yeah I don't know either it's never talked about that's a good question yeah I assume two terms interesting so but so another thing that happened the news today happened today in the news while we're while we're all heated up about liberals and conservatives um the mayor of New York announced that he is going to cut trash collection by 40 percent I don't really I don't understand what that means so that means that he's going to pick up trash as as about half as he used to half as much as he used to so a lot of people listen to this have never been in New York City or they've never lived in the city I have lived in the city I lived I live in Hoboken which is a city which is essentially they call the six burrow as will be in New York right they call it the six burrow of New York because living in Hoboken we are closer to Manhattan and a shorter commute than Manhattan than most people in Queens and Brooklyn right so I will tell you on trash day and I've been in New York on trash day trash from these restaurants is like piled high and deep like six feet high at the end of the curb and they they they take this trash and they pile it up and they pile it up at the end of the day and that's why a lot of people if you don't live in the city you don't know this I feel like they pile this trash up on the curve and it's piled high and a lot of it is piled right so and this is with normal trash pickup so they're going to tell you that we're going to say they're picking up trash I'll bet you in New York they pick up trash probably three to four times a week I would say that's a lot yeah for some of these maybe it is a lot because there's a lot of fucking trash like where are you putting it it's a lot of people so that's for like like for so for an individual if I lived in an apartment in New York they would pick up my trash three to four yeah you probably you well probably different neighborhoods different neighborhoods might be a little bit different but how does it work when you're in an apartment in the city do you do you take it somewhere in the building and then the building has some buildings have compactors yeah it's like yeah because like we're my building I take mine out to a trash can out by my garage but they don't have that obviously so where do you put it my building has has compactors I want to see um there's a there's a wild man yeah it's crazy it's wild what's going on in New York right now there's they're just I mean I don't like the city so I don't really feel sorry for them but it's crazy what's going on in the city especially New York right now so so listen to this this is interesting we live here in the sticks so I live I live in a town called shaman right shaman is 44 square miles maybe between five and six thousand people in 44 square miles when I lived in fair lawn we were right around 5,000 people per square mile all right there's people in middle America this their heads are probably exploding right now all right so we were like 5,000 people per square mile so 5,000 people in a square mile it's the average right New York City is just under 30,000 people per square mile well that's because they're literally stacked on top of each other think everybody's producing garbage yeah mine that's not something you know you think about not something you think about right they have so many garbage trucks in New York when it snows they don't have plow trucks they put plows on their garbage trucks well that makes that's not saying it doesn't make sense but that's because that's the the city's like city probably is more garbage trucks than they have any other vehicle period so I don't know I don't know so so what does it so what does that mean does that mean you're gonna end up with just garbage in the streets yes stacked up like just hanging out yeah and then by the time you do come around with the trucks you're not gonna be able to get all the garbage well I mean it's I can't make sense of it I can't make sense that's in I don't know man if you live in a city man you're crazy yeah crazy so it's not stupid it's it's it's it's absolutely nuts so with with increased trash in a city comes what disease rats rats man which fucking is rats so and people understand like before you know Giuliani I feel like when we were in college you know I would go up 10 GIT to see the boys we would you know Joel Dennis myself we would you know hop on a sketchy ass Newark subway and take that the Penn station and then go over to San Gennaro and in the city which is like the basically the Italian festival in in the you know little Italy and the rats at the Canal Street Station the 90s were so fucking big that we used to punt them onto the third rail this subway you could kick these fuckers like a soccer ball I would not go there so and it was bad then Giuliani came and Giuliani cleaned all this up I know I know Giuliani's that the America's favorite scapegoer right now but Giuliani clear clear it clear it up to keep clean up the city he cleaned up the city he cleaned up time square he made it a tourist attraction he made it you know relatively safe to go to as far as a city goes right and he cleaned he certainly cleaned up Canal Street you know and now we are going to cut back on trash and people see this headline I feel like they're going to look at this headline if you don't know better and you can be like that's not a real big deal you know so we're so we're going to forego a trash collection data house some immigrants because that's why they're doing it yeah they're doing it because they're spending so much money to be a sanctuary city that they can't afford to pay to pick up the trash listen so now it warms my heart to see these sanctuary cities crying about so now you guys city workers that be working less right to collect less trash to have more trash stack up so we can house immigrants yeah listen you get what you get so listen you put trash in office guess what you get trash on the street trash so it's just it's just it's just aggravating it's just aggravating we're kind of in a bad way right you know so it's kind of sad and I feel like if you live in this New York like you you you're paying a lot of money to live there you're paying oh my god so the highest rent the nation you're paying some of the highest taxes in the nation oh my god and you're getting nothing for it and you know it's interesting when Stacey and I live in Hoboken we did like Hoboken we like you know parts of Jersey City they're parts of it that were nice but I said at the end of the day like when we were looking at buying someplace like even just as an investment I said here we are you know we're looking to buy in something I said what do we get for our tax dollars what are we getting you're getting garbage pickup that's what you're getting like to me that was the biggest benefit of your tax dollars was then the schools right keep it well I'm not benefiting from that I don't really give a shit we're not but that's what they're taking a lot of it for they're taking a lot of it for what am I getting garbage pickup yeah I mean and I think if you and police if you look at it and then and then fire and garbage but nowadays you're not really benefiting from that because crime is rampant and police are not a doing anything so they're not protecting you right their hands are tied so you're not really getting police you're getting you know people in uniforms so I just wanted to talk about that real quick because that came up as a headline today and I just I feel like that's one of these things that people are just not they're gonna look at that and I'll be like oh you know it's a small price to pay to house the immigrants now fuck that it's a lot of goddamn trash on the streets it's gonna leave the filthy streets and it's like are you kidding me right now you know it does kind of tie in because to in my opinion cities in general are national security national security between what we what we allow in there and what typically lives there and it's yeah it's just you're not gonna hear any any real George is the one that's gonna have to hype up cities for you because I know you're from at all it's just to get in New York for the first time boggles my mind so proud to pop you been back since so proud to pop you in New York City cherry staying at small ass holiday in let's not tell at least my problem with that city only plus to that that city was I will say you know the bars know how to make a good drink yeah they have some pretty legit bartending as far as drink making you know because most you know you got you got your TGIF and you asked for some sort of drink and you're gonna get some shit you're gonna get someone who doesn't really know how to bartend but in New York City like the good bars they have legitimate bartenders that like can make a man hat and or make an old fashioned you know what I mean that old fashion we had that that that old that one little bar that was best old fashioned ever rapper still bar whatever that bill or bar was well it was that was probably one of the best drinks that curling those name and that one because she's all she talks about but they made it wicked drink but here's the thing I mean it's not the benefit of the cities right but I mean the one thing about the city I will say is that the entertainment value the convenience values high obviously but the entertainment value and which comes in a lot of different forms is at a very high level because if you are a shitty restaurant you are not going to make it whereas if you live out here in the sticks you could serve shitty pizza and you're still gonna sell for pizza I mean it's you could sell mediocre wings and you know what you're still gonna sell wings there's no such things bad pizza yeah there is except in Texas so I mean you can have you have places out here that we don't like to go to eat because they're just not that damn good but yet as not good as they are they stay in business so somebody must go there and yeah well you get out in the sticks like where I eat is less less options there's less options there's less competition so the competition drives that I feel like competition just drives exactly that is kind of funny though because considering where we live and how like small town where we are which people you know knowing that we're new jersey probably like what are you talking about any jersey but I mean we live in a very rural part in New Jersey like but a dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang but we've had friends you know motorcycle friends that have come out from the south and from other parts of the country that that came to Jersey to ride with us and they couldn't believe the area we live in how much more similar it is to where they're from than what they expected because everybody envisions you know north jerseys smoke stacks and you know factories and all that stuff but we I mean we live in the sticks but the problem we for where we live how many pizza places do we got around here a lot a lot how many of them are good and that's the thing though like they have competition why are they still not that great don't know although I don't have as I don't have as poor opinion of them as you do we're we're tiny loyalty I find like I find the pizza place down here to be very inconsistent which is what drives me nuts because the place that I like sometimes I love their pizza and other times I get it I'm like what is this crap it's like why is it so inconsistent but anyway I mean I like I like Ramon's out by you they put it out they put it at a pretty decent pie but they're the ones I'm talking about like I like it too but then sometimes I get them and I'm like would you fill in making pizza tonight red star is the most consistent and that's the thing and I feel like that's because the owners back are spending pies but yeah I don't know man and it's yeah I don't know how we ended up talking about pizza but I mean it's not the worst note to go out on oh my god welcome to 2024 bitches I think we have I think we have a lot of problems and I think I think if things don't go right later this year we're gonna we're gonna be in a world of hurt because if you look at you know how far we've fallen in just the three years of what we're what we got in office right now imagine another four on top of this scary like it's this is not gonna be this is this is exactly how Venezuela went from being you know a rich nation to a poor mess yeah it's just a disaster and it didn't happen in a long time it was a short period of time that it fell apart and this is what happens when you have communist and socialist you know in charge yep so man I hope you if you're someone who who kind of leans the way we lean which if you've listened to any of these you kind of know how that is but if you're a Republican or you're conservative or you just don't like the way things are going or your Christian or Christian or a Jew and you don't vote because and I know so many people my vote doesn't matter if you don't vote man politics doesn't affect me you are so insane if you don't vote this time around like it has to be we know what we're dealing with we know with the shenanigans we're dealing with in the late night you know stacking the the ballot right it has to be so outrageously lopsided for you know whoever the Republican candidate ends up being if it's not if it's close it's getting stolen and I mean you know people you know probably think I'm some crazy conspiracy there but I'm just going off what I've seen the last couple election cycles man I'm just going off what I've seen and and not and not just not just um you know the federal ones you know even state while in states and stuff like then the liberal states it's the same thing they do the same thing on the state level for governors and stuff man if if you just it takes it takes 20 minutes to go vote man unless you live in the city you're not waiting in any lines yeah go vote put your vote in and then you can at least say you know I tried you know like do your part your civic duty man that's what this country's founded on that people died for you to have that right exactly think of it if have no other reason have a little respect have a little respect just do it for just do it for that do it for someone who's you know fought in a war just just go do it man it takes a few minutes cash your ballot whichever way and I look you know if you're voting for the liberal or the Democrat or Biden whoever it is fine if that's what your vote is legitimately for go cast that vote man and just take advantage of the freedoms you have here because not everybody has them in the world you know like that's what makes this made this country so beautiful and man if we don't if we don't do something soon it's not going to look like this much longer yeah that's just it's crazy and if you and god man if you have kids if you have kids and you don't take the time to go vote shame on you shame on you is right like what kind of country are you trying to leave for your kids man what kind of you have kids that are voting age and you don't you don't like make them go vote yeah my kids will both be voting this year this is the first year we're both of my kids are able to vote and they will be voting whether they have to do a mail-in because they're a college or whatever they will be voting as the first presidential election for both of them yeah coming up no I might do I might have to do an absentee ballot this year because of my travel I mean I can't plan that I'll be here on election day so really yeah it's it's a tough thing just tell your job you're not traveling that day you know so it's it's it's kind of an important thing it's an important thing I mean I'm gonna have to you know do do an absentee or something I don't know I'm so don't count those though man so stressed out about what to do I feel I know I know so this is 2024 we're gonna obviously be talking about a lot of stuff we're gonna be talking about you know we're gonna be talking about this election a lot coming up we're gonna be talking about tunneled of towers so make sure you check out those links down below if I remember I will link this article in the pot in the show notes down below and in the YouTube description down below the YouTube channel I think it's important to to look at these articles whether they are you know written from a liberal standpoint or conservative standpoint I think it's important to look at these articles and and and kind of you know analyze them you know for for your own point of view um to you know not only to understand you know your your sides version or that were you know the side that you know you stand with version but to also understand where the other side is coming from and what that narrative is because knowledge is power yeah man if I if I could have one wish come true man I think I would be you know that we could get back to the time when people could just talk about things that were politically related in a civil manner explain your opinion listen to another person's opinion and and kind of like like discuss it and like try to understand what someone is but also like listen I don't feel like anybody listens to the other person we're so we're so split and so far left and right that and I'm guilty of it like I don't want to hear because I've heard so much of it that I don't want to hear like the stu like I want you to like give me like common sense like like some sort of opinion that has some common sense to it you sound Canadian politician right now in the common sense conservatism that's the problem we've all gotten so far away from common sense like just stuff that you hear people say is this crazy and I just wish we could get back to like I wish we could get back to focusing on political issues and keep social issues out of politics yeah man I think we've got because we're know we don't do politics anymore we're not discussing like the things that matter we're discussing you know he's she he they them him you know this bull crap all that craziness like basically Hollywood is infiltrated DC and that's what like all we care about is this nonsense that when it really boils down to it is only a such a minute fraction like how many like if we did if we did the math how what's the percentage of frickin transgenders in America yeah but is that all we ever frickin talk about anymore yeah is transgender rights and and and all that like can we get back to the things that are important because you know in China their their kid the third graders are learning freaking calculus and in America they are third our seniors can't even tell you you know basic history like if you ask them who fought in the civil war they're like they start laughing and that's the thing that drives me that's you see these these things on the street where they go out and ask you know these like college kids like basic questions they they start laughing like their ignorance like they're so there's they their ignorance is the comical to them yeah like they take people they take pride in being stupid it's crazy it's uh well I mean again you know you can shit one hand and hope in the other and uh yeah I think we have a better chance of shooting it out in the streets in the next 10 years than we do I think I think people have always been ignorant and I think the amount of shitty information that people are incapable of processing as common sense or factor fiction justifies their ignorance and I don't see us moving from that direction anytime soon you know sometimes this podcast depressing I have you know again like I have relatives that I've seen post pro-Palestinian stuff and relatives and and I just I just look at it and I'm like God help you if you're in Gaza right now they would just have a grand old time raping you it's hilarious right you know what I mean so it's like you're you're you're standing up for some you know human cause that for these people that have no humanity and it's the old coexist sticker I get the love the coexist the coexist so most people don't even understand that now we we should actually talk about the coexist sticker you know on a podcast sometimes we can we can really get into that I'd love to like break it down because it is really it again the whole the whole coexist sticker is based upon hope and you can shit in one hand and hope in the other and it's hope triggers I don't know so what do you guys think I don't know if you if you're watching this I mean again I've asked you this before you know this better than me obviously your handling comments on the the podcast side of it so they can people comment they can they can leave us comments and ratings on apple and Spotify and I think some other stuff but I can haven't figured out a see the other stuff yet I can see the apple and I can see the Spotify stuff so I'm still the I'm still the youtuber guy and I know if you're watching this on YouTube man let us know what you think about our opinions you think we're stupid if you have your own opinion we always head over to youtube and leave us a comment yeah hurtful hurtful hey we are sure we'll and we're still trying to you know we got we got we got oh go on almost 18,000 subs on our baggers and brewed channel man but we only got a few hundred on the on the new this American ride channel so we need some of our our YouTube supporters to get over there and give us a sub and watch a little bit of these and help us out because we got to grow this thing man start getting more people to hear it and get more people involved you know and the more people here are podcasts the more people are going to know about our our cause this year for tunnel of towers and raising money for vets so we need to get that word out and again if you're listening and you made it this far and you want to support the vets and you have you know you don't already do it on a regular basis man hit that link that's down in the description go to our fundraising page and uh and make a donation whatever number you want is not too small we will be extremely appreciative of whatever it is whatever you can do um to help out yeah and i mean that's uh that that's that that's our goal for 24 is to raise as much money as we can again we set that goal at 50k um if we wanted it to be easy we would have set it at 10 yeah and uh we want to know challenge challenge challenge ourselves and challenge you know the people who follow us and do something that makes a difference because uh we got a lot of stuff going on this country and if we can make a positive difference in a small way yeah yeah we know the uh that's a beautiful thing we know the motorcycle community that we're involved in over on the banners and Bruce channel uh our huge charity people and especially when it comes to vets we know they're going to contribute so we're hoping we can get the non-motorcycle riders that are that are patriots and care about american care about our vets over here that are listening to the podcast you to do their part and uh and help out yeah absolutely i'm excited man this is the first one um i know you know we we we've said that uh these aren't all going to be politics and they're not we'll have some other stuff to talk about but uh if you're somebody that gets sick of hearing about the politics and would like us to talk about something else yeah feel free let us know suggestions the suggestion box is wide open this american ride 1776 at gmail send us a message an email on there tell us something that you think you know we should talk about give our opinions on you know i mean we might not have thought of the topic but i'm sure we'll have an opinion when you tell us about it so uh we're full of opinions over here so um yeah do that and uh or just send us a message to tell us whatever you think criticism constructive or just that you think we suck whatever uh send us a message you know opinions are like assholes everybody's got one yeah and and we never feel truly successful anyway until we get some hate mail so we've not had any podcast hate mail we get plenty of it over on the bag as a Bruce channel so uh yeah send us you know if you think we suck send us some hate mail whatever we don't care man just they're like you know everybody needs to you know voice their opinion every now and then and feel heard so yeah listen thanks to an in we're around in the uh how and a half mark we had a lot of passionate stuff come up in this one and um it was um again an article that you know wouldn't have been an article you might have thought about but it was a great topic to talk about yeah no very interesting and it was kind of a kind of a last minute when you shot that over me today yeah okay it's good when we're talking about me that's a good one to talk about i was thinking you know of nothing else we were going to be talking about New Year's resolutions but maybe we'll it will circle back to that circle back okay pepper and a pack circle back all right just get just getting that now listen man thanks for listening i hope you guys enjoyed this first episode of this season season two man we're on season two and we're going to try to give you more than than seven episodes like an hb of series you know well uh this is not yellow stone we'll try to give you your money's worth on this one and uh yeah looking forward to it looking forward to coming up with some new exciting things to talk about or just some interesting things to talk about and uh yeah i'm excited sweet sweet later see you guys

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