This American Ride

2024 Predictions! Last Podcast of Season ONE!

George and Burt Episode 18

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Thank to everyone who has tuned in for the inaugural season of the This American Ride Podcast!  Here's to many more! - George and Burt


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In the threshold of 2024, anticipation brimmed with the promise of transformative changes across various spheres. Technological leaps stood poised to redefine our world, with artificial intelligence marching towards unprecedented capabilities. The year held promises of AI's deeper integration across industries, revolutionizing healthcare, streamlining operations, and propelling us closer to the frontiers of quantum computing.

The political landscape seemed poised for shifts, influenced by a confluence of socio-economic factors and geopolitical tensions. The world's stage awaited transformations shaped by evolving global dynamics, potentially signaling recalibrations in alliances and diplomatic strategies.

2024 loomed as a canvas of possibilities, painted by the convergence of technological prowess, environmental imperatives, socio-political shifts, and evolving societal norms. While these projections stirred excitement, the true unfolding of events remained a captivating tale, awaiting its script to be written by the unpredictable tides of time and human endeavor.

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(upbeat music)- Welcome back to this American Ride podcast where we talk about issues that affect you, the average American. What's up and welcome back to the show and welcome to the final podcast of 2023.- Yeah, happy new year.- Yeah, happy new year. Made it through Christmas, man. That was your Christmas.- Christmas was good.- Yeah?- Christmas was good for Lax, for the most part.- Hmm.- Chillin' with some family.- No complaints, kids are home, got to spend time with them. And hit both families up. Christmas Eve, Christmas day, it was good.- That's good, it's good.- No complaints.- We hosted Christmas Eve, had my cousin down first time on Christmas Eve, getting him involved with some family. He has both his parents passed away kind of early age. He's always like, he's my holiday loner, you know? So it was nice to have him down for Christmas Eve and here for Christmas morning. Had the neighbors over for Christmas Eve, cooked some short ribs. It wasn't the plan, but as the guest list started to enlarge, I needed to make sure I could cook something simple. And we went to church on Christmas Eve.- Yeah, mm-hmm.- That good times.- And it was good. It was first time that my mom was able to go to Christmas Eve to a Christmas Eve service in probably four or five years.- Oh nice.- So.- That's cool.- She was, yeah, she was happy about that.- What did she think? Did she enjoy it?- She liked it. She was a little frightened when we rolled her in and she was like, there's looks like a TV set.(laughing)- Our church takes advantage of the modern technologies and all that stuff with the music and the lighting and all that stuff.- Yeah, it was, you know, it was good though and it was, it was good to hear the pastor talk about like why, you know, a celebration on Christmas Eve service should be, should be big.- Right.- You know, and I think a lot, you know, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and I think a lot of people might look at something like that and be like, well, the service is kind of over the top, but at the end of the day, it is over the top.- Yeah, yeah.- But it's, what we're celebrating is kind of over the top two, you know, so it deserves a big celebration.- So it was kind of, it was a neat way of looking at that.- Yeah.- Different type of perspective. So, and here we are, end of the first season of this American ride.- Yeah, man.- Yeah.- Wrapping it up.- Yeah, it's fun. First season's been fun.- I don't know, I don't know. We renewed first season two or how does that work?- It's a self renewal process. So my prediction for 2024 is, yes, we will be renewed.- All right.- Magic Ape all says, you know, probability high.- I've not got my contract offer yet. We'll see how it goes.- So, speaking of predictions that we're talking about today,- That's what we're talking about.- What we think 2024 is gonna look like, not only domestically I feel like, but on an international stage, which I guess the way the world is so interconnected today, those things are kind of one and the same.- Yeah.- I originally when I planned out this podcast, I wanted it to be a, them to be kind of two separate things, but I think the more and more and more I thought about it, the more, you know, we are going to be heavily affected by what goes on in the world.- Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely.- So, probably not a good way, but.- Yeah, yeah, probably not in a good way. It's, where do you want to start?- Tell me, you got notes over there.(laughing)- I did take some notes. And I thought a good place to start this whole thing would be with the man who predicts the most futures, and that would be most, no, no stradamus.- Oh, okay.- And, what's he got to say?- So, first thing is, you know, was he right for 2023?(laughing) I mean, everything's kind of metaphorical, right? You know, everything that he does when he was predicting, you know, what years would be, and you know, there's a lot of stuff that, you know, has come true or people kind of stretch, I feel like, to make sure they kind of come through. And, for 23, he said,"So high will the bush of wheat rise that man will be eating his fellow man." So, I mean, he kind of, you know, got the inflation thing.- What was it?- Supposed to, man.- It's the cost of the bush of wheat is going up.- Okay.- And the cost of the bush of wheat, like--- I didn't eat any people this year.- Not yet, it's still time.- There's still time, but, man, wasn't on the agenda.- There's still time. So, yeah, many countries have mind-boggling inflations and other predictions that he had for 23 included a great war and worsening climate crisis and growing civil unrest. They were the, the no-strudamus. So, I know a lot of his stuff is pretty vague, but he wasn't wrong.- No, I mean, I guess.(laughing)- Keep vague enough, you're probably not going to be wrong.- I should start doing that.- I'm like a lot of the lyrical, I guess.- The Tony Rommo of predictions over there?- Oh my God, and maybe Tony, maybe Tony Rommo is no-strudamus.- You know, what you read just sounded like something he would call in a game.(laughing) Throw out about 10 possibilities. One of them happened and all of a sudden he's a genius.(laughing)- I love the Tony, I can't. The fact that I am subjected to listening to Tony Rommo, the Rommo broadcast game just pains me to no end. It really does. And maybe that's where we could segue into,- It's saying predictions.- AI is AI.- Well, I was going to say, you took us, we took us to Tony Rommo, I was going to say, first easy, we'll start off really easy.- Ooh, yes.- And it felt prediction since the Super Bowl is in 2024, who is winning the Super Bowl in 2024?- Man, oh man.- An unbiased look at this.- An unbiased look at this. A few weeks ago, you would have probably liked my answer worse because maybe two weeks ago, I might have said the Baltimore Ravens.- Okay.- But right now, I think it is probably going to be the 49ers.- To win it all.- To win it all.- Okay.- I don't see. It's hard for teams to beat teams twice in a season.- Yeah, for sure.- In this NFL, in today's NFL.- Especially a good team twice.- Especially a good team twice. And Baltimore just beat San Francisco. Now, I'm figuring that, you know, Baltimore and San Francisco are probably going to be in a Super Bowl. I think there was a good chance of that. I know it's so tough. This is one of the toughest years I can remember, which is how kind of balanced it is. There's no one really sticking out to me as like a clear,- Got to get it.- Cut favorite to win it all. I mean, I think most people are thinking of the AFC. It's Baltimore as a Baltimore hater.- Tough to swallow.- I have to admit, they're very good, very solid, very balanced team. Until he does it, I don't believe that. Lamar Jackson is a championship quarterback. I feel like he chokes in a lot of big games. I feel like when you get into the playoffs, teams figure out how to stop their run, stop him running, and when it comes to him having the past ball, he's inadequate. In my opinion, I think it's statistics, even show that this year personally. But I mean, I there are really good team, and if the defense can play the way it played against the Niners, they're gonna be hard to beat.- They're gonna be tough out.- They're gonna be really tough out considering they're gonna be home most likely.- Yeah.- As long as they're in it, that makes it harder for everybody else. Yeah, they're gonna be really tough out. But I just, until he proves he can do it in the big games that matter, I'm just not believing it. But that's also, I mean, that's a bias perspective as well too, because it's physically impossible for me to not be a bias. I'm gonna come and talk to them about the reason. So that's my best effort to not be biased. I certainly think, if you throw in the top handful of teams that have a solid shot of what in the Super Bowl, they're definitely in the conversation.- Yeah, they think.- But like you said, I think beating San Fran again, which, you know, that's if San Fran even gets there, but I feel like, you know, their quarterback had a really bad game and, you know, I don't know that he'll do that again. They have so many weapons to account for. But I mean, Baltimore did do it the other night. So who knows, I don't know. And then there's other teams that just aren't, you know, there's Detroit not getting enough, I mean, they're right there.- Detroit not getting enough respect. And I'm guilty of that too. I mean, it's, it's earned. Like they've not been consistent enough for anybody to really like believe them.- Yeah, but they did just end, I guess the flip side, but Detroit is, they're kind of, you know, that NFC North division is not as stout as it has been in the years past.- No, no, it's definitely weaker this year, but, I mean, they've won consistently across the board though, not just in their, in their division. So, you know, and you still have, you know, defending champs who look like crap right now, but they still, you know, have some players get into city, you know, you got Buffalo coming on strong, you got Miami who's offensively been dominant all year.- I don't think Kansas City makes the AFC championship game.- Gotta hope you're right, I'm sick of seeing them, but.- I mean, they haven't proven to me that they can string together enough wins to make a playoff run.- I mean, it looks like, I mean, best case scenario for them, I mean, they're gonna have to do it on the road'cause they're not gonna have that home field of energy that they've had in some of the past seasons recently. So, and of course, like you say, you still got the Eagles over there, you got Detroit Eagles and San Fran all with really good records. I don't even know who, trying to think of who the wild cards are in the NFC. You got like Tampa, if they win their division, who's playing really good right now.- Tampa is hot, but again, is he a championship quarterback? It's so tough. - I don't know.- Who do you think, where you at?- I don't know. If I had to hypothetical gun to my head right now, it's a San Fran.- Yeah.- I would, but I could see it going a million different ways. It's only gonna take a player too.- Listen, they're gonna be home. They're on the West Coast. It's a tough place to go play. It's, I mean, it's not arrowhead when Kansas City's on point or anything like that, but it's for these teams that they're gonna be competing against. I mean, who's gonna be possibly playing them in the playoffs? I mean, maybe the Eagles, if the Eagles can put together, a quality, probably two quality games. If the Eagles see them, it'll be in the NFC Championship game. If to play, you know what I mean? As the bracket would sit, I feel if they would see them, it would be the NFC Championship game. So the 49ers are gonna get, I mean, they might get the, they might get the bucks.- Yeah, it's gonna be, yeah.- It's gonna be interesting who the 49ers are gonna get and where Dallas goes. Because Dallas is not gonna beat the 49ers in San Fran. They're not capable.- I mean, they're not capable doing it.- What, there's two games left. Are they within two games of The Eagles?- Dallas?- Yeah.- Yeah, so I mean, that division is still up for grabs.- It is.- That Tampa division is still, the South is still up for grabs.- Yeah, but Dallas is too tough for games. The Eagles have two easier games. They've got the Cardinals and they've got the Giants. Cardinals and Philly Giants on the road. Can they win both of those?- Yeah, they just have them on.- Yeah, schedule's kinda screwed up that way. I hate it when schedules wind up that way because I feel like you always have a chance to hit a team hot and hit a team cold. And when games are like two and three weeks apart, I feel, or three and four weeks apart, I feel like you're either gonna get the hot team or you're gonna get the cold team. I feel like the turnaround in the NFL usually isn't that. So it's always dangerous. We got a pretty decent Giants team right now.- Yeah, I don't know. I'd roll with Sam Fran. I don't wanna bore all the non-sports fans.- Non-sports people. Considering that's coming up very early in the 20, 24 year we'd go ahead and make that prediction. What else you got?- That's sports, I mean, that's it. I mean, I think, you know, 2024 Philly's man, Philly's national champs. It's their year.- I thought last year was it?- It was, but they're gonna get it this year. And they're putting a very close to the same team on the, you know, on the dodgers man.- I just wanna sign like $7 billion worth.- Two players. Was that the Dodgers?- It was the Dodgers.- I don't fall based ball like that.- Can you give me a prediction? But I will predict that the Philly's won't win.- The World Series?- Yeah, I'm going with Philly.- Shocking.- Going with Philly.- Yeah.- You know, you talk about basketball, I don't even know. Couldn't even tell you who's a good team.- Won't be the, it won't be the Detroit pistons. That's for sure. They are setting history right now. I think 29 game losing streak.- No, really?- Yeah, it's pretty bad.- Wow.- Safe bet, you can chalk them off the list. I don't think if they went out there making it.- Listen, as long as it's not, LeBron, within it, then I'm fine with whatever happens there. Hockey, it's not looking great for my penguins. They're pretty average, but you never know. They got some good players so they can get hot. I don't even know how your flyers are. I haven't really followed. I usually don't really pick up. I don't usually pick up with really paying attention to hockey until football scenes over.- Yeah, you mean it?- Yeah, 'cause then you're into the second half of the hockey season, you get into where you start to make a play off, push once, football starts. I can't even pay attention to it until football ends. So we'll see. Keith Jones used to live down a street for me.- Yeah.- Flyers and Answer, Keith Jones. He used to live down a street now. I think he's the head of operations. So he moved to Florida and then I think he moved back.- Okay.- We got a--- Sports.- No strutamas, let's go with no strutamas 24.- He has sports?- No, he doesn't. He doesn't do sports.- Well, one glass sports, though.- You got Olympics this year.- Oh God, it's a summer Olympics.- Summer Olympics.- We clean house.- You think we clean house?- We're gonna do good. We always do good in the summer Olympics.- Yeah, I don't know, man.- I hope we have a summer Olympics.- I mean.- Honestly.- It was easier to be excited about the Olympics back when, you know, the days when the people playing for the US team actually liked the US.- Well, that's another thing.- It is.- It kind of destroyed it with all their bull crap.- It is. We'll see how they go.- They'll take all the social issues that they got to bring into it.- We'll see how they go this year.- We'll see how they go. We need a little, we need a little positive leadership from those folks.- Yeah, good luck.- Yeah.- Yeah.- But I mean, I do enjoy watching a lot of the different summer Olympic, you know, events.- Yeah, I mean, we should take gold. We should take golden gymnastics this year for sure. I know we've got it.- How do you know that?- Just because you follow it.- You follow the gymnastics.- We get the news alerts from the news.- Gymnastics?- And they tell you like when they win and do well.- You know, they're like, "I'm gonna do that national news stuff, yeah?"- Oh, I don't know at all.- So I assume we'll have, you know, competitors in track and field.- We always do.- Yeah, we have fast people.- And I don't know what the swimming looks like this year.- That's a little bit of something.- The asphalt, asphalt is a human thing.- The swimming used to be one of our ringer sports.- You can just rack up gold, but I don't know. I have no idea.- Yeah.- I don't know how we're gonna start.- I don't know how we're gonna start following, you know, when we get a little closer and start hearing some of the, you know, the popular stories, but I have no idea.- Yeah.- So, no stratamis.- No stratamis.- 2024 predictions.- 2024, he predicts there will be a climate disaster that will lead to a great famine.- Hmm.- So who's this again?- Al Gore.(laughs)- Oh, no stratamis, my bad.- No stratamis. He also predicts that there will be a great naval battle with a red adversary. And this was before, you know, I mean, he's obviously, he's not around right now, so. And for 2024, he predicts there will be a shake up in the royal family. So is it possible that Prince William could take the throne, King William.- I don't know who that responded to. Neither one of us are big royals.- I can care less.- We're not into like the whole royal family thing, but-- I mean, I'm 1776, that's it. I always stop caring.(laughs)- Yeah, I don't know.- So, it doesn't even matter to the country, I mean, it does matter. The thing is, what people over there, it does matter. It's still like a thing.- Does it matter globally?- Absolutely not.- Like, no impact globally.- I mean, whatever charity they give, you know, that's it. But absolutely not.- And they're, I mean, again, like, yeah, I know like their traditionalists, their patriots, I'm sure it's like still, you know, a big deal.- That is their patriotism though.- Right, that is the word.- But they're doing the same thing as us, where they're just flooding in all these foreigners into their country, to where they're losing their sense of national pride as well.- Yeah.- You know, as a whole, just as a whole. Either still like people like us here there, you know, who care, but, yeah, we're watering it down, you know, to where you just water down and all these traditions, like, just get kind of kicked to the way some kind of muddled up. Yeah, but that is their nationalism. I mean, the world family is their nationals.- Yeah.- I mean, it's, so I can't knock it. It's just, it's not mine.- Yeah, no.- Sure.- What else? And he predicts there will be a new Pope this year, which, yeah.- Not Catholic, so I really don't follow.- So the Pope stuff very much.- The Pope.- So what does the Pope do? He decides the position of that the church takes on issues.- Hmm.- All right. So.- How's that been working out lately?- They've been getting more and more liberal over the years.- I think.- He is also the head of the Holy See, which is the Catholic Church's central government, which is another thing. Some people say that he is the closest to God, which if you look at actual Catholicism and you look at Christianity, that is a fallacy, and the Catholic Church does not claim that, because the teachings of the Catholic Church teach you that anybody can be close to God. You don't have to be. It's not because of your position. So that has always been the baseline of the teaching of the Catholic Church. Most people probably don't know that. It's an amazing thing when they elect a new Pope. They do this whole, like these bishops, and they all go in and vote, and then they have this fire that they light, and you see the smoke. And it's when the ballots are in, and they finally got one. It's in old tradition. It's probably been that way since they've been electing the Pope, and they just kept it the same way. It's pretty cool that they do that. I like to think of when you say that as the movie, I think it was Euro Trip. Did you see that? Of course not. Probably. I don't know. Euro Trip, it was one of those slapstick comedy, his teenage group of kids go on a Euro trip after high school and they're over there. And I think they were in Rome when they were voting on a whole bunch of crap happening in the movie that's completely unrelated. They end up in Rome at that building when they're voting on the next Pope, and somehow they're in the building. There's a bunch of stupid stuff goes on, but someone accidentally lights the fire. And all these hundreds of thousands of people are outside of the... They all come into the square building. Yeah. And then the one person, the one girl, she somehow gets wrapped up in a freaking... Curtains, these fancy curtains that are like... And she stumbles out onto the balcony. I think it was actually the dude. Somehow he had the hat on and everybody thought he was the new, but the hell started to cheer. It's a stupid comedy, but if you've seen Euro Trip, it was pretty funny. Did he let the smoke or something like that? Yeah, but as soon as they like the smoke and everybody comes into the square even if they feel like they can't. And that's square for days when they're doing that stuff. Interesting. The whole Catholic thing doesn't really... I have Catholic, so it doesn't... It's hard for me to care. I say I'm Catholic by default, not my fault. But my grandmother was a devout Catholic, and obviously you always had your... Palm Sunday, she always had her palms in the cross, like that would hang in the kitchen. And another thing she always has was they used to have these calendars with the Pope on it. So they'd have like all these Pope shots every month. He had a new picture of the Pope. That's weird. And yeah. That's weird. Was he in a bikini? No, he was in his... His Pope garb, you know. But she had that hanging and then she had a picture of Pope John Paul, the second, who was the Pope. Was there like... You know, from started months where he was like posing with the choir boys? And then like that? Damn. I'm scared. So it was always... Whenever you opened up the pantry, there was always a shrine to Pope John Paul the second, because... In the pantry. That was... That's just where he got stuck. It was... It was a pantry. Small city apartment, man. It wasn't like, you know. But yeah, that's what the Pope was. The Pope was always in the pantry. Interesting. That's funny. Yeah, man. So that's what he predicts. That's what he predicts. I mean, I don't know how much Shreddames figures out the Pope thing. He's got all his predictions laid out and he goes, "I haven't had a new Pope in a while, but a new Pope here." So who is... Who is No Stradauma? I mean, he's the guy predicted all this stuff. I don't know who's just a guy. He's just a guy. You know, I don't know. He's a philosopher. I'm going to have to look up like who was No Stradauma. So he's... So this person then, it's been... The No Stradauma thing's been going on forever, so this person's not alive. No, no, no, no. So he got all these predictions way in advance? That's the whole thing. He died in 1566. And he was a friend. He predicted all the way out to 2024? Yeah, I think he predicted way, way out. I spent a lot of time on this. Just, and he was smarter than us because we thought we'd be flying in a little fucking space craft like the Jetsons when we were in 2024. I mean... Well, I mean, you got a little tarboxes rolling down the street in their Tesla sleeping while it drives, so we're not that far. We're not that far, but No Stradauma's is a French astrologer. Apothecary physician and reputed seer, who was best known for his book, "Lay Profiteses." From the 1500s. From the 1500s. Yeah. So he was predicting stuff that was going to happen... Five. Yeah. Yeah. Like that from... Wow. Yeah. That's what... When you figure that, he's not that off. I feel like he's throwing darts. He's not that off. He had years where he was horribly wrong and other years were like, "Oh, look, genius." I mean, even a burgloc is right twice as great. Exactly. Interesting. Yeah, I don't know. Who's the naval battle with the red opponent? That's what I'm saying. Where's that stuff come from? I mean, that's his prediction and that's... You know, I don't... Yeah. I mean, I can only think of one red adversary at this moment. Well, Russia's kind of a red. I feel like Russia's red, but I mean, we always associate that with China. Yeah. So I feel like both of those are red states to my understanding. Russia doesn't have too much of an even... You can get into it with either of them. It's not just going to be a naval battle. No, it is not. No, it is not. But we do have a naval battle going on right now in the Red Sea. And that is not what the Red opponent... China's with that rank and... You just mix that up. It's the Red Sea. He's kind of got that. So... It's what I'm saying. You get vague enough, man. All this stuff is spot on. Yeah. Spot on. Yeah, that's good. Nailed it. Red Sea. Nailed it. Nailed it. Nailed it. So... Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So... So a home front. What do we think the home front is going to look like? I mean, we were all... Everybody's been screaming recessions, screaming recessions, screaming recessions. I think that's still going to get worse. Yeah. Yeah, I think the economy, especially in the early part of 24, I think it's going to get a lot worse. And I was just reading some other stuff that kind of said that same thing. With it picking up and getting better towards the end of 24. But, you know, if that's the case, why... Why would it be better at the end of the year maybe? Is something political going on? Well, obviously all things get a little bit better at the... Come election year. So I think we're in a funny spot right now, because we're in a tough spot when it just rates unemployment is kind of starting to creep up there. Inflation, although not what it was eight or nine months ago is still not what it needs to be for the average family. Yeah. In close. And, you know, the fact that it's an election year, we've got all this stuff kind of going on. Definitely throws a monkey wrench into the government's plans, I'm sure, because they needed to improve because right now they are the sitting... You know, the sitting party is in a shitstorm of shitty ratings and broke people. And, you know, you can take all the ideals you want, man. If people aren't broke, they can vote a lot of different ways. But I feel like when people are broke, man, there's no standard or personal ideal or anything that trumps the money tree and people's bank accounts in this country. You know. He said trumps it. Hot. I mean, I think if people are broke, they can throw a lot of their values out the window to not be broke when it comes to... Yeah, man, election. The wall is the most personal. It's personal. It's affecting the family, it's personal. It affects everything, it affects your way of life, your freedom, your ability to provide for people you live. Yeah, ability to live the way you want to live. It's crazy. And it's not great right now. I am hopeful we will have a soft landing to this mess that we are in. I think that's going to happen in '24. I think maybe we will see this soft landing in '24. I think a lot of it is going to boil down to where the fed sits with this first interest rate decision of the year. And to see where they are at and where they are. If they hike rates in this first quarter, they are done. I mean, it's done. But I read something that predicted that the next... There was going to be like three decreases with the fed. It was going to decrease over the next three times. It would get a little bit lower each time. I forgive the numbers were. But that was the prediction that it wasn't going to go up that it was going to go down. But I don't know what that was based on. So I read the fed release that they were going to cut interest rates. I saw that headline too. But I don't think the amounts were announced like how much they were going to cut. No, it wasn't amount. It said something to the fact that the next three meetings... I guess releases of that or whatever were going to be cuts. They would all be cuts. From what I'm a rena, it did kind of give numbers. And honestly, they can't really do that. They don't know what it's going to be. Q2, Q3, they don't know what situation is going to be. We could turn around. And inflation could be through the roof here in Q2 again. Who knows if inflation goes back up, they're not going to cut rates. And if they do, they'll let you know how things are really working. If they cut rates in the face of increasing inflation, that is just a struggle to keep power. Look all I know is everything I buy on the regular things I've been buying regularly for the last ten years are drastically up. Way up. Drastically up, man. Everything that are normal things for me to buy, whether it's from food or fun stuff, whatever. We just were at the local bar restaurant here, having lunch. And I've been going to local bars and restaurants for a long time. And the kind of craft beers that we like to drink, I've typically sat at like $657, $758 for a pint. And they're now at the point where they're $10, $11, $12 for a pint of craft beer. It's nuts, man. And even like, I told you that Sam Adams cold snap was like $758. Get out of here with these prices, man. I paid $850 for, you know, I said, I remember when going to the bar years ago, it was always cheaper to drink domestic than it was to drink imports. Remember that? What the hell is, what the hell is that? Well, craft beer happens and they don't have a category for that. It's not considered domestic or import. It's a craft beer. It's crazy. I ordered a local beer that was $3 more than a stellar 12. Yeah. Which technically is owned by a, you know, US company technically, but I mean, still. Well, I ordered a beer from a local brewery that I literally could have went down to a mile down the road to that brewery and got it for $2 less. Yeah, at least $2 less. Oh, that's a great farm truck. Yeah. Like, it's a pretty significant markup. I don't know. I just feel like $10 for a pint of beer. I don't care where it's made or what brewery is from. It's a lot. It's got to stop. And that's not even in the highest. They had a couple on there that were like 12. Yeah. Holy crap, man. You still have three beers. Yeah. Yeah. You know, but then you just look at, I mean, you know, should I even drink out like go drink, go get, bring it home and get package, get to take it home. But the craft beer four packs are 20 bucks. Getting that 20 bucks is now what I used to consider astronomical. And now that's getting more normal and it's higher 20s and you can get it, you know, almost pushing $30 for some of them. It's just crazy, you know, and, you know, obviously where's that coming from? Well, it's coming from the cost of all the product that they require for them to make it. That all goes up. The government, you know, that causes all that stuff to go up. The business has to pay for that to make it and who they pass it on to forever. Forever, that's who gets it. The consumers, the one that ends up paying these. The wages, the wages of these people minimum wage mandates. All that causes goods to go up and it's just never, never a good thing. So yeah, inflation. I think we have a soft landing. I mean, I'm praying I'm hopeful, hopeful we have some kind of a soft landing. They need to make it easier to for people and businesses to borrow money again. I think things are unfortunately things are expensive and I think we know from life experience that once prices go up, they very rarely come down. In fact. You know, so this is going to be, this is going to be our new normal until people stop doing, until people stop doing stuff. I mean, it's going to be expensive to go out to eat until people stop going out to eat. And that's, you know, we said early on this podcast when we started it, you know, things start one person at a time, things start locally, you know, movements grow. Until people stop, it's like gas. When gas gets expensive, people stop driving, the demand goes down, people gas comes down. Yeah. It is what it is. As long as people are going out and drinking and people are going out and eating, I mean, I feel bad for the small businesses, but I mean, life is what it is. If you have to make a budget cut, it is not going to be, you know, for the average for most people, it's not going to be, you know, not paying your bills or going out to eat. Like going out to eat should be getting whacked immediately if you're trying to balance a budget, right? Yeah. So I still don't get it. We're still having the issue with like, work or shortages, you know. Like, people aren't working. And I don't get it. Like, how are you not working? Yeah. You know, everywhere you go, we're short staff, we're short staffed and they're saying that's going to be a big problem moving forward in 24. But like, I just don't understand like how people are working. I know coming off of the whole COVID thing and people are, you know, not working. They were, you know, getting some help and some government money. A lot of people are using credit card, but they're saying that was another thing I read that, you know, all those people that were doing that are like reaching the end of their limit on credit. Yeah. So it's going to be a real quick kind of wake up call here coming real soon. Those people are kind of like reaching the limit of all their credit and they're going to have to start like making some money, you know, because you can't just live on credit in the government forever. Well, in recessions, and I don't care what you say, we've been in a recession now. And this is why I think we're going to have a soft 24 landing. Statistically, we have been in a recession for like over a year and a half. You know, statistically our GDP has been down and flation's been up. We have been in whether the Biden administration changed what their definition of the recession is to have him not be a recession president. But guess what? 80% maybe 85% of his first term we have been in a recession. And it's going to be remember, I mean, obviously, you know, you don't really know what these presidents are until historians kind of take a look back and see, you know, what the impact of their presidency made on the next generation or in 10 or 20 years, like what the impact of that presidency is, because there is impact of every presidency down the line. And this has been, it's been a, it's been a poor showing for the democratic. It's been, it's been a poor showing we've been in a recession. They've changed the rules. Now if we were in, if Trump got reelected and we had these problems, you damn well know that Schumer would be standing on the top of the hill, you know, with Nancy's false teeth clattering in her mouth saying this is a recession. And that is, it is what they always change the rules. Right. So now we're going to change the rules. We've been in a recession. That's kind of why I think we've been in it long enough that we should have some kind of a soft landing without going into a depression. Even though we know now that from a cost of living standpoint, the average American is living worse than the average American. And this is a whole other topic that we can cover. The average American today is living more paycheck to paycheck than the average American in the depression did. And at just like people have got a shake their head up statistically, we make less compared to what things cost. Right. We make more, but we make less compared to what things cost. Yeah. I mean the price of a car, the percentage of income that a prices of new cars are at the people's income today is three and four times of what the percentage of income to the price when new car was in the 1920s. Absolutely. The price of a home is exponentially more in a monthly income standpoint than the price of a home was in the 20s. So we are living in theory more poor than the average American was in 24. And I think when it comes to things like this, if you're not conservative, which are spending habits, and you are frivolous and living beyond your needs, those people who live beyond their means, other people who are smack the hardest when they got me it's tough. You know, it's all good. Oh no. You know, it's all good when the money's flowing and things are cheap and you've got your low interest credit card rates and you've got a job, but the minute you might lose a job, maybe not be able to replace that job and then have all this debt on top of it, you got to be smart. Yeah, and speaking of losing jobs, I think a lot of people are going to lose jobs in 24. Yeah. And I think a big reason for that is this whole surgeon AI. Ooh, I see what you did there. Yeah. I said, I said, wait for you. You did good too. I was going to get going. Yeah, I think so, man. And that's the big concern. You know, the more we use the AI to do things and do people's jobs, you know, obviously they don't have to pay AI with their paying a person, right? So I feel like somebody has to be paid somewhere. Yeah, and I think the people at the top are going to still be there making decisions. But I mean, the lower tier people that they can have technology do their job, they're not going to keep them around. No, I mean, you see it on like AI, but self checkout. You see it at stores, you know, like... Well, self checkout was the thing. We just talked about minimum wage and like the state we live in. The minutes, let me tell you, they did not waste, they wasted zero time in the fact that as soon as New Jersey mandated the minimum wage hike and the benchmarks that went around like over how long they would have to be to get to like 4.5. You don't have to be to get to like 15, 80 or whatever an hour. For minimum wage, mind you, more than I made as a nurse when I came out of nursing school. Supermarkets went to self checkout. Now we've got six registers that one person is now running. Wawa went to self checkout. And now you've got one person sitting there, you know, on one register and you've got four or five self checkouts. And people are like, "Why just won't support it?" Then don't go to Home Depot. Right? Don't go to Home Depot because Home Depot sometimes says no registers. And for real. And it's the primary reason I don't go there. But it's like then wait in line for one cash year to check out these 10 other people who don't want to use the automated checkout. You know, I mean, that's kind of... They're going to force you to support it in a state like this. Did you go to the self checkout employee, Chris Sparta, this year? No. No, I didn't go to that. You didn't see that pose. There was a meme go that was a popular meme. And someone that like took a picture of like, out of their outside Walmart or some one of the pick box stores in there said that they were there for the annual self checkout employee Christmas party. I was cracking up. I was funny. I still want myself checkout training, man. I didn't get that. Yeah. Well, it's a... Can't blame me for stealing stuff. I don't know what you're trying to do this. I'll tell you. Shoot. I can't really like it a little which I could shop with without consequence. I had a buddy who used to work with me. So he was talking about going to a Lowe's Room Depot and every time he went, he made sure that he... He got something. He just stuck out of there with something that was left in the bottom of the car. I got it. But yeah, I think this AI thing is going to... I mean, it started like becoming a big topic here in 2023. Why the Hollywood... One of the reasons Hollywood writers were striking and the personalities were striking. I think it has a real push in '24 and we start seeing a lot of problems from it. A lot of problems arising due to it. I know I was reading something about corporate attorneys having their hands full here in 2024 because there's going to be a lot of lawsuits to live. Different things arising from this that we just aren't prepared for. I mean, that being said, we just talked about Tony Ramos a little bit before. I wouldn't mind seeing Tony Ramos replaced by Lowe. I think it would be... It would probably... It wouldn't be hard to make that more exciting. You're so torn. Because you hate Tony, but you're so torn. Yes. It's tough, man. It's tough listening to NFL. They got some bad broadcasters. But I don't know. I just feel like we're in for a lot of unintended consequences with this AI stuff that people get so excited about technology, man. But so often, technology is just not a positive. Yeah. I think it's so tough because it's all changed as consequence. I mean, it is what it is. I think all technology has... Whether it's the computer or whether it's the smartphone. I think everything that we have has some kind of consequence. In one way or another, whether it's the automated checkout, which could argue was the barcode. The invention of the barcode, the negative change of the invention of the barcode and scanning was the self-checkout. And that's something that you say you never saw that. Didn't see that coming. It's like, why is everything got a barcode on it? Oh, for inventory tracking. Oh, really? Oh, for self-checkout. I got to scan now. So it's an unintended consequence of the invention of the barcode. Have you ever watched a movie about robots or AI? Were it wasn't a bad situation for the humans? It's always a shitty situation. Has it ever been a good thing other than the Jetsons? It's just the Will Smith... What was that? Will Smith one that he did with the robots. Hi, robot. Hi, robot. Yeah, yeah. I keep your impression that I knew that. That wasn't good. I didn't see it. That was a terrible scenario. I didn't see it, but I know the name. I feel like humans are hell-bent on making themselves obsolete. Everything they do is just killing jobs for humans, making life worse for humans. You got liberals talking about now how just humans breathing is bad for the environment. So I guess their next step is wanting to start off in people for the environment and for the planet. I just don't get it. It's a constant attack on humanity. It's an interesting argument because the liberal argument, climate change, for example, right? We're creating jobs into climate sector. Well, that's great if you look at that side of the headline here. You're creating jobs in the climate sector. What about all these other people over here who have been in the fossil fuel energy sector? F those people. Basically. Not only will you not get these climate sector jobs, right? You're going to be out of job with the skill that you have has been deemed done. So it's an air about to illegalize propane disposable propane tanks in the state. Illegalize disposable propane tanks? Do you know what a disposable propane tank is? No. So I just have to look at this. A disposable propane tank. A propane tank, is there like the green Coleman tanks that you took up to a stove? But there also the blue tanks that you took up to a torch. So you are not going to be able to, it'll be illegal to possess those in New Jersey. And to my understanding, they're going to make it illegal to ship them to New Jersey. They must be as deadly to the environment as grocery bags. Yes. For those of you who do not know, plastic grocery bags are no longer a thing. No grocery bag is a thing in New Jersey unless there's no grocery bag. Yeah, there's nothing. Bring your own or buy some. But they're making a whole lot more of those plastic grocery bags that you can buy. Yeah. Are they not some type of plastic? They're totally plastic. Right? Which is ironic. We can't have the plastic bags. We can't have the little plastic bags, but they're making the fancy big plastic bags. There are essentially some sort of fake material. Manmade material, synthetic crap, plastic, and they'll sell those to you for $1 or $50 or whatever. But you basically have to walk into the store with your grocery bags. And I still don't do it. I refuse to do it. Yeah, it's just. I just take them all, put them all back in the car, take it out of the car, dump it on it. I'm just not like, not walking into the grocery store with your bags. With bags. It's the dumbest thing. And yet, everything in the store is wrapped in plastic. Everything I put in that bag is plastic. Everything every jug I put in that bag is plastic. Except when I go to wagons to buy milk. It's like that. Yeah. What's... Wagons has milk that they still sell in the glass bottles and it is the most amazing milk ever. Oh boy. It's bougie milk.$27.00. Well, honestly, I think it's like $6.00 a gallon. But you get a dollar back when you bring back the glass starter wagons. Oh my God. Who's got time for that? I do that. You're killing me. It's good milk, man. Well, it's hilarious. Like they joke about, you know, they ban plastic straws. Now they got paper straws wrapped in plastic. It's hilarious. Like I eat. New Jersey, they have plastic straws, but you have to ask the wait staff for them. The wait staff just can't volunteer for them to you otherwise they'll find it. They'll do that at Wawa too. How about that New Jersey tangent? Oh my gosh, dude. If the state. It's brutal. We could have done a whole podcast named "F the State" just about New Jersey. We still can. We're always time for that. We're always time for that. What else? What else do you have? For the New Year. I think, obviously there's the big political situation coming up in 2024. We have a showdown. We're going to see what these people in this country are made of. I mean, if, you know, we are going to see what this country made of coming November. And what are your predictions? I'm not even like, I'm not even on offense. It's got to be Republican. I don't know who it's going to be. I assume it's going to be Trump. I assume it's going to be Trump. I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing or bad thing, but he's got this field. I don't know how. He's got this field steam. Why would you say you don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing? Before COVID was released onto us by the Chinese and probably some of our liberal government. Oh yeah. People. How is our economy? The country was great. Every single thing was boom and everything was great. That's not why I'm saying it's fantastic. I don't think it's going to be a bad thing economically for this country. I don't think it'll be a bad thing from a world stage from this country. I just think that these liberals are going to have a fucking meltdown. I'm going to have to listen to it. And although I'd rather listen to a meltdown from a liberal then have, you know, another four years of a Democrat in all the physics. They're going to do what they do, right? Yeah. They're going to have a whole bunch from the talk about how they're going to leave the country. They're not going to go anywhere. They're still here, mind you. Yeah. So hilarious. They're straighting some of these. I've literally seen recently people who've said if he wins they will leave. And they said that in 2016. And they're saying that it's the same. That's what I'm saying. The same people, like some of the same people. You know, the shares and people like that. Like I'm leaving. And that's funny. I'm sure you might want to leave because you might be in jail. You might need to leave before that happens. But I think I honestly think it's so hard to like kind of predict this because you never know what's going to happen 3 a.m. An election night because I don't feel like the Republicans have really done much to fix that problem after 2020. But man, I don't see how I think with every one of these indictments with every one of these accusations. With this Colorado thing where they try to take him off the ballot. With every one of those, man, I think his he just wins by more. Yeah, I just I mean, there's too many people that are like on the fence that. I mean, maybe they don't like really maybe they're independent or whatever or they're a super moderate. But like when you start attacking our democracy in that, in that, you know, that way. Where you're trying to like remove your opponent from being able to compete against you. Like that's just that's some banana republic, third world country bullshit. And even the even the moderate people, you know, can see that. You know, who does that shit? You know, you know, who removes their fucking people from the ballot? Putin. Yeah. Putin's doing it right now. There was. He's in a middle of election where he's doing exactly what these people are doing right now in Russia. And as Biden tries to call Trump Putin, he does what Putin does. Yeah. And tries to, you know, remove his opponent from this is their last, this is their alamo. This removing from the ballot stuff is their alamo. And, um, I know who knows who knows what this goes. It's not constitutional. They're putting some kind of spin on it for, which is like a part of the 14th amendment, which was basically created to not let people who led insurrection or insurrectionists into office. And these people from the Confederacy were convicted of being insurrectionists. Right. And that was the whole point of doing that. The flip side, here is Trump has not been convicted of being an insurrectionist. Hasn't been charged. Hasn't been, has not been fully charged. It's not even anything to do with any of his legal battles right now. Nobody is trying, nobody over out there is trying to prove he was insurrectionist. You know, that matters like the legal people, lawyers, anything like that. No one is even going after him for that. Now, that's not even part of his legal battles. Now, do you know the one charge that's going to stick that may stick to him is going to be that obstruction charge from Arilago? That's going to be the only charge that's going to be the only charge that's going to be. And I don't honestly, that's a stretch. And of all the stuff that they have trumped up against him, the best shot they have is an obstruction charge. It's crazy. That's the best that they've got. All of these presidents have classified documents. Do you know why they all have classified documents? Because when they leave the presidential office, they are moved to where the future home of their library is going to be. Trump had documents that were not classified at the time, at one time they were classified. Because people don't understand that like when a president is going over to Iraq to see the troops, like he did on Thanksgiving Day, all of that stuff was classified until it happened. If you have a phone call with a foreign leader, it's classified until it happens. All of those documents were moved down there by the federal government, like shot the hell out, man. And these people, they just don't get it. Guess what? Biden's got, Biden's got stuff. Obama's got classified documents at Obama's house. When the Reagan's left office, all that stuff was moved to California to open up the Reagan National Library. The Clintons, all that stuff was moved to Arkansas to open up the Clinton National Library. It's the same process. I'm less concerned about the non-important, no longer classified documents that any president has at their homes. Then I am the historical items and artifacts that Hillary Clinton stole out of the White House when she left. There's that. That stuff, nobody cares about that. She just literally stole stuff out of the White House. Well, I mean, let's be honest. I mean, don't get a blow in the resolute desk. There's that. Howling disgust me. There's that. How many people knew that was going on? Certainly. Did you see that whole thing that came out just recently because I just heard about it where Bill told a friend or somebody while she was running that she had no chance in that her campaign basically had no chance because it was just horribly run. He told a friend that and ended up in some book. Really? While she was running, he was basically saying she's got no shot. And I'm just, that's wild. It's wild and it's funny just because I imagine there's not that much communication between those two. Hillary and Bill. Oh, you're saying that about Hillary's campaign. Yes. Oh, shit. Bill was telling a friend of his while he was while she was running while Hillary was running against Trump. It was basically telling a friend of his that she's got no shot to win. It's just so poorly managed in her campaign basically sucks is what he was saying. And then that all came out after the fact. But, you know, it's not the first time he betrayed her. So, man, I remember. She deserves every bit of it. She's disgusting, wild creature. She is. But, yeah, I think what they're doing, I mean Michigan. So not only Colorado, this is what people understand. The headline read, you know, Trump, you know, court, you know, removes Trump from Colorado ballot. That's what the headline, what the small print said, what was also in that judgment, is that people could, that right in votes for Donald Trump would not be accepted. Now, that's some bullshit. Well, that's an attack on the system. Well, that was, I mean, you can't. I understand how that works. If there's someone who can't run for a legitimate legal reason. Well, then you can't just have him be a right in because then that's just basically not taking them off the ballot. Man, it is taking them off the ballot. But to take someone off the ballot who's been convicted of nothing, let alone accused of nothing. Or at least what you're saying he's doing to justify taking him off the ballot. And he's nowhere been accused of that or convicted of that is like crazy. But I mean, that kind of already got shot down. You know, you know, we're always figuring out, you know, when we leave New Jersey, like where we're going. Just write Colorado right off the list. Yeah, that was never even on my list. Nope. That was nowhere near my list. Word's done. You and me are done Colorado. Snow and... Mount lions and whatever else they got there. Bears and bears. Mount lions. Spare is a lie. Michigan just rolled again that he could be on the ballot. So I think he'll get in. If he doesn't get in, there needs to be some kind of an uproar. I'm not a vound for an insurrection or anything, but there needs to be some kind of an uproar. The other question is, does it end up being Biden on the ballot against him? I don't think so. So you think in this short period of time something's going to happen? Yes. That has someone else running as the Democrat. Yes. Yeah. I mean, I feel like that's what the Democrats want, but I just don't know how they make that happen. Are they going to run Gavin Newsom? How? I think it's part... That those aren't words. How do they do a lot of shit they do? What becomes their excuse for not... The party does not have to support the incumbent. Yeah, but when does that happen? It won't. It hasn't happened, but the incumbent is also not been walking around like a frickin zombie. So then what happens? What do you think happens to that party and how does that fraction when... Or fracture when they don't have Biden run, but they don't have Kamala as the one. I don't know. I don't think she's in their playbook at all. I think she... Yeah, but what do you think that does to the party because there's a lot of minority women in that party that I feel like are going to... There's their minds if that happens. I don't know what that does. I don't know. You got the whole squad. How do you think they're going to feel about that? I understand that. I'm just saying... I think hard core... Hard core female liberals are never going to... Are never going to vote Republican. Okay. They're not a win. They're not a target audience. They're never going to vote Republican. Hard core female liberals are never going to vote Republican. That does nothing to do with what I'm saying though. They would vote for Kamala though. They would, but... I'm just saying... But I'm saying from the party standpoint, it doesn't matter. I feel like that... Even if that core base loses their mind, the party... I don't think the party cares if they lose their mind because they're not going to lose that vote. They're not. They're not. They're not going to lose that vote. No, probably not. I got 15 people that are still on my Facebook feed that I could tell you... They could run literally anybody and they would not swap a vote. Yeah. I get that. I'm not saying it would cost them. I'm not saying that it would affect necessarily outcome of the election. I'm just saying what it does to the internal structure of that. Is it split party? No, no. They all stick together. I don't know. Yeah, I know. They do, but I mean... I know. They do until they don't. You know what I mean? It's the more and more of these... The more and more, you know, crazy like the AOCs and stuff that they have in there. And they're squatting all of them. He's not fit to be a president. Well, he wasn't fit when he was elected a lot of time. He said 12 press conferences. And his last year in office, Trump had 35. It's crazy how they've just refused to put him in front of the American people that... They supposedly voted for him. And they can't... And now let him speak ever like it's crazy. It's crazy. In this country he's not at a point where the basement... The basement's not going to work this time. Did I be able to lock this dude in the basement and run a campaign for him? Why he... You know, he sits in a basement playing with Hunter's laptop. Some conspirators... He's not. That's not even the same Joe Biden that was in... Yeah, that's a stretch. I don't know, man. I'm still... I know. Listen, I'm not in the conspiracy... I'm in the crazy hardcore stuff like that. But I still... I'm still really puzzled by the earlobe thing. Well, I will say this... He's not the same Joe Biden... That he was earlier in his career. Yeah, I don't mean it like that. You know. I don't mean he's changed. I mean... No, you mean... How do your ears change? You mean there's some men in black shit going on? I don't know, man. The earlobe thing is bizarre to me. I don't know. Does he have a body double? I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them have. But I think they use Biden's body double more often. That's a theory itself. That's a theory itself. Somebody did something to a Federman. And I like the new one better. The new Federman? He came off those... He came off those meds. They had him off. He came out of that... That whole medical thing where he was... Almost dead. And now, of a sudden, he's talking like a Republican sometimes. They should have left him in a sweatpants shuffling alone. Well, listen, I'll tell you what. And I found this out this weekend or the other day, like firsthand on a personal level. But a lot of liberal Jewish people are talking like Republicans these days. Well, I mean, you're talking about the existence of a faith. You're talking about the existence of a people. Right. Of a people, right? I mean, and to them, they are their faith. I mean, especially a lot of them. I think faith means more to the average person of Jewish descent than it does to the average person of Catholic. And maybe even the average Christian. I don't feel like... I don't feel like at any point we've been fighting for the existence of Christianity in the history of the world. We have been fighting to advance Christianity. There's been a lot of that. But we haven't been in a fight for the existence of Christianity with people who just want to destroy us. And I feel like that's what they're saying. I don't know about that. I mean, there's countries where Christianity is illegal. Well, again, but the totally... You're looking at it from a US perspective. I'm looking at it as a grand historical. Christianity has never been in a point to be... to not have a home to be completely wiped off the face of the earth. I don't think Christianity has ever been in a point where... We don't have... There's no place for Christians in this world. And I kind of feel like... And maybe I'm not articulating that in the right way. But I feel like the Jews, even since World War II, the whole point of Israel is that there was no home. There was no place for them, you know? Yeah. And I don't know. The whole thing is very puzzling to me the whole Jewish thing. And just... I don't know why it's taken them so long to come around to realize that... Republicans don't hate them. And the Republicans aren't the anti-Semitic ones. Like, I don't know why they've been so slow to learn that. Yeah. And all... And this recent thing, and this... What's going on daily now with this whole pro-Homass pro-Palestine stuff in the US? I mean, obviously it's shocking to them and really changing the way they think. But I'm just surprised it's taken them that well. This is the pendulum, right? Yeah. It's the pendulum. We talk about the pendulum so much, you know, especially when it comes to politics and beliefs. And, you know, how the pendulum, you know, with so many issues politically in this country is swung so far in one direction that, you know, you have this reaction to where people who are middle-of-the-road moderates are like, "Woo-wo-wo-wo-wo." And I think probably... Most of the Jewish people I know historically have been liberals. Yeah. But they've been middle-of-the-road liberals. Right? And the ones that I do know are conservative or no-were near middle-of-the-road conservatives. The few that I know. And I don't know many Jewish people who are conservative historically, but the ones that I do know who are liberal, a lot of them, except for a handful, are both-sally middle-of-the-road moderates. Yeah. I don't really know what that means. You can call yourself middle-of-the-road all you want, but if you continue, you have to-you have to-you have to-you have to-you have to-the-the-relection cycle, after-the-relection cycle, to vote for a liberal-democrat party who's clearly not middle-of-the-road. And you continue to-I mean, you're- I think- It's that whole, you know, I'm a moderate, but like, you're basically condoning and you're helping what's not moderate middle-of-the-road. So you're kind of just as guilty. Like, it's that fence-sitting bullshit that I don't like. I feel like a middle-of-the-road voter when it comes to general election can go either way. I think they are the swing vote. Yeah. Well, I don't think that many of them go either way. I think most of the- Yeah. Well, I mean- Jewish people have voted for the Democrats. That's an opinion. It's not an opinion. It's a fact. I have to vote numbers. I mean, I'm both numbers. I mean- I've heard- Since it's become a thing, since the October thing, like, I've heard so many interviews, and every popular Jewish person that's in the news and in that kind of meeting says like- They have no answer for why. But they're people vote Democrat. Year in and year out. Hmm. They're parents vote Democrat. Year in and year. The older Jews vote Democrat. And they don't really know why, and none of them can explain it, but that's just what they do. Hmm. Yeah, I don't know. I'd have- I don't think it's even close. I don't think it's even close. And I think this year that's going to change. But that's what happens when you threaten to try to wipe a whole group of people off the planet. And you have people that we've allowed into our country protesting basically for that, wiping off Jews off the face of the planet. And you have our government not doing anything to stop it. And like, what did Jewish people supposed to do at this point? Well, you have our government. It's not doing anything to stop anything right now. It's the most bizarre thing. Because historically, I gave them what Egypt, when they went in there and just kicked the shit out of Egypt. You know, it was the US government that said, "All right, you proved your point. Let's pump the brakes." Right? Whether you agree with it or not, it was the US government who kind of toned that down. And now, we're not supporting them, but we're not- We're the ones- the US abstained from the vote. Right? So, for support for Gaza, the US abstained from the vote. Russia abstained and we abstained. Oddly enough, I don't know what the meaning behind Russia abstaining was. But, regardless, the two countries that abstained from the vote in the UN for relief support for Gaza. So, we're not saying, you know, stop attacking. But, we're not helping them really in any way, shape or form. Yeah, I don't know, man. We are putting our troops in harm's way. It's so hard to figure out what we're doing when you have leadership in government. That doesn't know what they're doing and will tell you what they're doing and will explain what's going on and doesn't communicate and doesn't have price conferences. And if they do, it's that clown chick, whatever she is. Just telling lies in her little press conferences. Nobody wants to hear from- I don't understand. When did this become a thing where, I mean, the president doesn't- Isn't required or responsible to come address the people and we just have this clown fill in and speak on his behalf day in and day out. We never get to hear from the president. When did that start happen? Because I didn't use to happen back in the day. Well, I think we- I don't know what point they started these press conferences, but obviously they've been going on for a long time to convey stuff to the press. And honestly, I don't know how long- I think they've been going on longer than they've been televised, I feel like. But, you know- But I think that's because there's always been the need by the media for daily reports. Yeah. Right? Fine. I understand that. I don't expect the president to come out and address the media every day. But like we've now gone to the point where it's like, oh no, no, no, no, you can't talk to the man behind the curtain. You have to talk to- That's the per-over here. She'll let you know what he's thinking. Again, the president's gone so far- So it's like the other way. So I mean, like, yes, they've always had a press secretary. Yes, they've always had someone who did these daily things, but it wasn't- That wasn't our only way of hearing from the president, you know what I mean? Correct. And it's- One of those things that like we as a society don't pay attention to and they just kind of start doing it and we don't really even notice and don't fight back on it, push back. And then it's just- Now that's how it is. And you just have to accept it. He's not going to- And the only press conferences he does take are from conscripted people asking for scripted questions. And we know this- And he can't even get those right. Right, he does get the disaster. And we've seen the flashcards, we've seen- We've seen everything, it's not like it's some secret at this point, but- I don't know who it was, I called him a Roomba, but that was the funniest thing. That was- I figured what comedian that was. Oh, that was so- It's so true though. He wraps up talking and he turns around and he goes into Roomba mode and he's like- He starts to shuffle over here. He just jumps over there. Shuffle over here. He's so pathetic. It's not good. So that's why- That's why I think he doesn't run. That's why I think he is- They're just gonna embarrass him, they're gonna discard him, they're gonna throw him aside. And they're gonna put Gavin Newsom in the White House. We'll try to. I don't know man. I feel like- If you look at it from the perspective that Biden's not really in charge, and other people are making decisions and he's just a puppet, I think that the people in charge like having him there as the puppet- Do you think Gavin Newsom is not a puppet? He's completely on the string. I don't know. He's completely on the string. Well, you know what he said though? I mean, I still think he maybe thinks from himself he freaking came out and said that he's not okay with taking Trump off the ballot in California. Yeah. Why should he need you? Why should that even matter? I mean, it depends on how you get it. I mean, yeah, I guess it's a noble thing for him to say, but it's not like it- Murphy coming out and saying, oh, that's good. Leave Trump on the ballot in New Jersey. Literally, he's never going to win the state. He's never getting those electoral votes. I think he's got better chance of winning a frigging California than New Jersey. No way. There's a lot of Republicans. They suffer from the same problem as us. There's a lot of Republicans in California. A lot. There are. But you got those handful of big cities that just negate that because they ship in all these foreigners and they become liberal voters. Yeah. I don't know. I think someone like- definitely, I personally believe someone like Biden is 100% more easy to just control and manipulate because all he really wants at this stage of his life is to be thought of as being the president and being in control. He's about done with his days here, right? And he just wants to go out on top being the president. I don't know. I feel like somebody like New Som's got bigger aspirations. Or do they bounce Kamala off the ballot, put Newtom in as president and then- Would that be president? And then and then enact- I don't know what the- have we ever been in a situation with a sitting president? Is not been fit to run for office again? Well, it depends on who, yes. They said Trump wasn't fit. So they argued that- And they argued that Nancy Reagan ran the last two years of the Reagan administration. That's crazy. That's crazy. But here listen, this is how on the string this guy is. And I wanted to pull this up because I wanted to get this right. Newtom is the second cousin of musician Joanna Newtom. Newtom's aunt was married to Ron Pelosi, the brother-in-law of the speaker of the United States of the House of Representatives and Nancy Pelosi. She's not the speaker anymore. Yeah. Related to that. But that's the entire Democrat party. Related. Every single person in the Democrat party is related to either someone else in the party or someone else running a giant corporation somewhere. They're all related. They think he's their next Obama. I'm telling you, they're going to run this guy. Well, you can't be their next Obama because they still have Obama. True story. Seriously. Yeah. Like, you can't be their next Obama because Obama is still involved and still- More involvement. Pulling strings. So that's kind of what I mean by that. Like, for Obama, does he want this young guy coming in here who might make waves and not do what he's told or did he just want to run with the skin suit that will just keep doing whatever he said. Who else could they run? I don't see them. I don't think they have a lot of options. And I think unless something really extreme happens, I still see it being- They could run Michelle Obama. Yeah, I don't see it happen. Holy shit, huh? They could try that, but- They could run Michelle Obama for a vice president. I think she has less of a chance than Hillary had.- I think that-- - 'Cause you'll see, I think the way 20, 20 went, they all have a chance. It was hard enough, it was hard enough for these old rich Democrats, which I know we all love to talk about, the Republican Party, it's just a party of old rich white men, but these old rich white men Democrats, it was hard enough for them to vote for a woman in Hillary Clinton. And they did a lot of them, but it's even harder than to do, vote for a African American woman.- Yeah. - 'Cause we all know how racist they are, despite trying to flip it and make it out to be the other way around. They're extremely racist, they're extremely anti-Semitic, all those things that they accuse Republicans of being. I don't see, I don't see Michelle having a shot, but hey, I've been wrong before. I didn't think Biden had a shot, and I honestly--- I don't see him, I just, I just, I see, I see, you know, and getting back to 2024 predictions, I see a huge shakeup on this ballot. I don't think, I don't think as it sits now, I don't think they can run him. I just don't think they can run him.- I like a Trump, what's the name of Vivek? Vivek? Vivek? Vivek? What's his name?- Vivek, Ramashwamy.- Vivek? - Yeah.- V-I-V-E-K, right? - Yeah.- I think him, as the vice would be pretty cool.- As the VP?- I don't know how those guys are, and if they would ever do something like that, but I'll tell you what, no one out on the trail, actually running, has back-Trump as much as he has.- Well, listen, Vivek's a smart dude, man, he knows how to separate himself from the crowd, and Chris Christie's of the world.- He knows, right, he knows, he did not get places in life by being the, by being the status quo, and he knows how to do two things. He knows how to separate himself from the crowd, and he knows how to put his opponents on defense. And he did that in Colorado, where he was like, if Trump is now allowed to run, I will withdraw my name from the ballot, and I challenge. He said, I challenge my opponents to do the same thing.- Right.- So that is, I mean, that's brilliant.- Yeah.- Really key, smart, and listen, it's politics. They can all just be saying what they think they need to say, to win.- I keep saying that.- He's a dirty businessman, but I think they will all understand.- Yeah, I don't know. I don't know anything about him as far as his business. All I know is the topics he's discussed on different platforms that I've heard him on, and there's not been really anything he said that I didn't agree with.- Yeah.- So, but again, it's for politics, man. And that's why I like Trump because, with all his skeletons in his closet,- He's relatable.- He's not a politician. He's not a politician.- Yeah.- He doesn't think like a politician.- Yeah, and it's--- And I think that's part of why he struggled and he had so many people against him. But you can't argue. If he was a typical politician, the go-along to get along, they would not be doing everything they're doing to try to not even allow him to run because that's how scared of him they are.- Yeah, they got no stops left. After this ballot--- They're so afraid of him.- After the ballot ship, they've got no more rabbits in the hat. I mean, there's only, the only thing left to do is assassinate the guy. I mean, literally, that's the only other way to keep him out of office.- Listen.- And, you know--- Don't speak that in defraudation because they're that unhinged that, you know, that's the kind of stuff that they would do.- 100%. Yeah, man.- But, you know, that being said, I wouldn't mind see, my ticket would be Trump and Candace, but Candace isn't ready.- Yeah, no, she's young.- I would take a Trump Candace, I wouldn't stick it.- Look, I like Candace, I wouldn't.- Yeah. She's also young, though.- But, I mean, she just had a baby, like--- She did.- You really want to be going on the campaign trail with one year old at home.- JFK did.- Yeah, JFK wasn't the mom.- Mm-hmm.- Not true.- Huge factor, different era. He had a-- You know, the wife was there to handle that stuff.- Yeah, I mean, true.- That's a big difference, and that's a whole-- You can't, I mean, that's apples in the one. That's such a different era.- So tough, so tough. But--- No, I do, I like her. There's a lot of people I like that. I hopefully, you know, in the coming, as we move along, there's a lot of young people out there that I do like that are like kind of like her that are like--- In the party.- You know, in the party--- I don't even like what's a face.- I didn't like him initially, but I have come to like him too. Who is the, he's a podcast. The kid who does all the react videos. Oh, what is his name?- Yeah.- Conservative. Oh my God, I can see an actual politician.- Ah, and he's Jewish too.- Oh, Ben Shapiro?- Ben Shapiro.- Yeah, I don't know if he like--- I know, I know. It's hard to--- I know those are like political pun-- like those are those of political, pun to analysts people, but you don't know if they really have any desire to be the president.- Right.- No idea, he's smart as can be.- I mean, Reagan was a Hollywood actor and Trump was a real state mobile.- Yeah, so.(laughing)- Yeah, I understand that.- What they are now is, you know.- Yeah, well, I mean, Minnesota voter for Jesse the body.- True story.- And California voter for a body builder action star.- True story.- That's not really the point.- I just don't know. Like, yeah, would he make a great president maybe?- Who knows?- But again, like, is that even on his--- How much from a Christian?- How much from a Christian?- You listen, I love Christian.- He's like, listen.(laughing)- Christian, I mean, one of the few states that remained free and open during that whole, does that, the buckle of COVID so--- They have freedom in South Dakota.- She's never said anything I didn't like or agree with. She, I think, is a true old-fashioned conservative American who believes in freedom and government to stay in a small and out of people's business is possible. So I can always get behind that.- Yeah.- But, you know, how that goes, man. Someone like her runs, you know. She throws her hat in the ring and now, you know, here comes the left with all their, you know, assassination, you know, character assassination stuff.- Yeah.- There's some there.- You know, like they did with What's Her Face from Alaska, you know.- They made her out to be a fool and she's, again, not a dumb woman, but.- So this goes to show you how sad, like people are and the stuff that they believe, you know, that Saturday night, oh, I've does a skit and makes up some stuff and does a skit and then, having the country really believes that she said that what was said on the skit, you know what I mean? Like, they really actually believe that, like she was dumb and said this.- Yeah.- Just because Saturday night live, like made fun of her and attempted, she said that.- It became the tagline of the whole campaign.- It's like, are you kidding? Like, that's how dumb we are.- Yeah.- It's crazy, it's scary. I don't know, I think he wins. And I think the harder over the next couple months that the left presses and does everything they can to allow him to run and to continue to try to, you know, destroy, you know, him as a whole. Like, I just think the stronger he gets, with every freaking indictment, I think his numbers got better and better and like, he's just, I mean, and you got, you're at the point now, or, you know, liberal polls have him way ahead.- Yeah, I mean, the ones that normally skew crap.- America loves an underdog. I think that's the thing that they've, they've found the calculate and, you know, we love an underdog and they have, they have made him, they have, they've just tried to put sure him as an underdog, you know.- I think America doesn't, America doesn't like people being treated unfairly and unjustly and attacked for things.- Oh, true.- You know what I mean?- True.- And that goes hand in hand with the underdog.- Yeah, true.- But like, it just, you know, you only watch somebody get beat on for so long before you, you know, come to their defense, you know, it's crazy.- It's like the media said that he had nuclear codes in Marilago and he didn't.- No, it's just, it's just, it's like they just needed to enhance their service.- They said Israel blew up a hospital too, right? They said that like immediately. Like the media did say is, we don't just, we're just, we're just, also did not happen.- Man, we wouldn't have half the problems we have in the world right now with like, we didn't have media.- Or if we, or if we had media, didn't have an agenda.- Well, yeah, you know, the olden days where they just reported the local news or what happened. We had media, so speaking of media, world news, now that we've talked election 2024, which I am sure we will be talking more of in 2024 as the time gets close.- Can we get, can we get Trump coming on?- We might.- My guess.- Oh yeah, maybe I could try. I would love that. I don't even know what I would say. I don't even know what I would say. I would definitely sit there in the chair with the Trump power move though. I would definitely be first to the ring with that. And then when he did it, probably just sit back and my chair would be done.(laughing) But a world stage, man, I feel like, and you know, it's fine, my mom and I, we were watching the news the night and she says, you know, the world in my entire life, I've never seen what we have going on now, even before Vietnam, it wasn't like this. And as far as, as far as like what we're seeing, take place between these countries and this conflict. And you're looking at somebody who's 78 years old, who's, you know, doesn't obviously remember what we're two, but has been through, you know, the Vietnam loss friends from high school, you know, her age group was the Vietnam, you know, draft age. And, you know, through Korea, you know, through all that. And has never seen like what we're going through now. And I think the last time there was this much conflict, was before World War II.- Yeah.- So, I mean, you can argue, I'm a butt kicked off World War II was the invasion of Poland. I mean, it was like, you know, they invaded Poland and it was like, oh, and then they invaded France and the world was like, oh, shit, we have a problem. So, it's, I feel like, I feel like we're not gonna get through 24 without some serious assemblance of whatever World War III is going to be, because I kind of feel like we're already in it. Yeah. So, I was gonna ask you, like, if you thought we got through 24 without actually having bodies involved in this conflict.- We're definitely gonna have bodies involved before they get to 24.- You think?- There's no, I don't see, and I mean, bodies involved in boots and the ground are two different things, right? I mean, we all know the consequence right now, our generation of, like, literal boots on the ground. And in theory, I think that whole segue into that is gonna be very different because we have boots on the ground in Iraq right now that are surrounded. The Iraqis aren't happy about it anymore, right? They don't want us there. They just condemned our response to, you know, them firing drones at us. We attacked the drone factory in Iraq and Iraq was like, oh, we don't want you to do that. Like, if you fucking kid me right now. So, Iran is setting up stuff in Iraq. Iran and Iraq have come a long way in their relationship. All right, to unite against the West. That is gonna be very, very different. I feel like Iran has a very sneaky way of doing things to not be directly involved, but, you know, be so indirectly involved, they are involved. I mean, they are funding, you know, they are funding the Suthi group in Yemen. We know that. Iran helped organize and fund the Hamas attack into Israel. No better kickoff to a world conflict than have us be balls deep in supporting Ukraine and financially and weapons to Ukraine than to start this bullshit now.- Yeah.- You know what I mean? There is no, the timing for them could not and will not be better. So this is gonna get much worse before it gets better. I think the question is how fast does it get worse? I'm kind of surprised that it was not worse over the Christmas holiday. I really expected more shit to happen over and Christmas holiday isn't over yet. So I expected more stuff to go down before then, but, you know, I mean, we live near military base. I had six or seven planes fly over this house today. Never happens. I'm not in a normal flight path. So, you know, when you live near military base, you always hear the uptick.- Yeah.- If you're in country lakes like right now on the other side that's closer to the Air Force base, constant traffic.- Yeah.- Constant traffic. So it's like, you know, the uptick has taken place. You can feel it. There's no way. There's just no way.- Yeah, I don't know, man. It's gonna be, it's gonna be crazy. It's always a crazy year-winter election year, you know, this China is gonna take Taiwan before this election. There's so much crap going on, man.- China, he sat down and told Biden, I'm gonna take Taiwan just at this last world summit.- Yeah.- He told Biden we're gonna take Taiwan. I don't know what, what Nimmeron's response was. But what are we like?- Probably told him he liked ice cream.- He probably did.- I like ice cream.- I gotta get that sound bite too. We're gonna, I'm gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna raise the bar here going into 2024 on the American Ride Podcast. But I don't know, man. There's a lot going on. There's so many moving pieces. And the US is gonna be so caught up in, the political campaign, the 2024 election campaign cycle. The planets are getting aligned, man.- Everybody's gonna be caught up in that. Like, I mean, not that Biden's running anything now, but he certainly, if he continues to be on the ticket and is running, like he's not gonna be running anything, like he's gonna be worrying about getting reelected, it's just, I mean, that or they're just, you know, creating all their ballots to stuff the box. I don't know.- The only thing, it's the mail and ballot thing is just my bubbling to me.- I struggle with that. The only thing that I hope here is that if we have to send, you know, if we have to send Americans, you know, into fight and, you know, I hope that we don't, you know, have to send another, you know. Have to go happen what we have happened in the last, you know, 20 years and wind up in another Afghanistan or in another Iraq, I really, I pray that that doesn't happen.- I don't feel like there's any of us who are left as conflicts, those battles. No, I don't feel like any of them that go on over there are ever short. And we don't ever get in and get out.- You know, my only hope is that we have the leadership that doesn't handcuff these guys. I mean, let our war fighters be war fighters and let these guys go do the job that they have to do.- I think what you'll find is that if the right person gets elected this year coming up, you know, things will change. I really believe that. I feel like if he was the president this last four years, none of this would be, I think we all know none of this would be going on.- Yeah.- Man, they were all so quiet. None of them had the balls to do anything while he was the president, man.(laughing)- No, no, no.- I don't understand why people can't just appreciate that and give him the credit for that, you know what I mean? Like, they were all quiet. There was peace deals going on in the Middle East that had never happened before, you know? Nobody was saying boo, until we got this freaking skin suit in there that freaking is afraid of his own shadow and falls down stairs. Like, yep.(laughing) Am I bothering? I don't know, man. It's gonna be interesting. It's really hard to make predictions on things like this. I'm not, you know, I'm not most anonymous, but it's gonna be interesting. It's gonna, it's kind of scary.- Yeah.- Yeah. I mean, I think both sides, both sides of the aisle will agree that this is, you know, and they say this every time around, but this is the biggest election ever, like for the future, you know?- Every election is the biggest election ever, I feel like.- It 'cause it just keeps getting worse, worse, worse, worse.- Spiral like out of control, man. I don't know. So I don't know. But, hey, we'll be back for 2024.- Hell yeah, the end of season one here on this American Ride podcast brought to you by legendary USA, YB Ordinary, when you can be legendary, check out the link in description for legendaries, American made leather products and EDC gear. So, what, that's it, man. It's the end of the end of '23.- Yeah, I'm looking forward to '24, man. We got a lot going on.- We have a ton going on.- We have a ton going on with, you know, getting this thing off the ground, you know, still, we still got the baggers and brews, YouTube channel going on. If you're not following that, go check that out on YouTube. We got a big year of charity fundraising that we've already kicked off.- And we're definitely gonna talk about that early in January and really get that rolling.- But you can find the link in like all our videos, all our podcast descriptions for our fundraising page, to raise money for the tunnel to towers foundation. That whole project is gonna be going on for the entire year of 2024. So feel free to click on that link whenever you want, as many times as you want and donate to that, we have a very lofty goal of $50,000 that we're trying to raise in 2024.- FDK for veterans and first responders who help us out every day.- Yeah, and I think I'm pretty confident that we will get there with everybody's support, you know? You kind of see people's true patriotism come out when it comes to supporting the vets, and the first responders. So looking forward to 2024, looking forward to making a lot of new connections in this whole project of the charity. You know, fundraising and we've already met a lot of new people that have already jumped into help out. And I'm sure we're gonna meet more and excited about that, excited for the podcast, excited for the Bagger's and Bruce channel to keep growing. And you know, whatever else, I know we got a lot of things growing that we haven't even talked about yet, but excited for 24, man. Yeah, I can't wait.- Big possibilities.- I can't wait, it's coming with you, what do you want it to or not, man? It's coming.- No crap.- It's on the way.- And we're gonna kick it off. New Year's Eve here at your crib. With some friends, have some food, and some drinks, and celebrate.- Turned into a money python skit.- Yeah.(laughing)- You know, you know.- So, it's gonna be a good time. We're gonna hang out here. Hope you guys all have an amazing New Year's Eve, New Year's Day. Whatever it is that you guys do for your New Year's traditions, but we have recent years of just gotten together and hung out at somebody's house and socialized and had a good time, and then I'm looking forward to that.- A New Year's Day, I had to do my worst pork and sour crowd because that is a pork and sour crowd.- It's a tradition.- I will be watching some football New Year's Day this year. It's some good college games on. I'll be hanging out doing that, and dreading going back to work on Tuesday.- Nice.(clicking)(laughing)- Oh, nice. All right, well listen, thank you for listening. Subscribe if you've not already subscribed to this American ride on YouTube, and listen to it wherever you find your podcasts.- Sir.- And I'm George. This is Bert, good luck in 2024, later.

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